Funny How I Fell in Love With You


(Draco's Point of View)
I ran quickly to the deck, and found that Harry, Fred, George, Neville, Ron, dad, and Tessie's dad were all wondering what the hell had happened. "I guess all the women aboard ship sent you to go check to see if the coast was clear, eh?" muttered the captain.

I grabbed the captain by the scruff of his collar. "How dare you scare my wife! You are lucky I am reformed, otherwise I would Avada Kedavra your fat ass..."

"Avada who?" asked the captain.

"Oh, muggle," I said. "Very well, what is going on with this ship? We all felt it shake..."

"We are sinking... we hit some coral reef, which put some decent sized holes in the bottom of the ship..." said the captain.

"Should we repair it?" asked Ron as he whipped out his wand.

"RON!!!!! We can't do magic in front of muggles!" said Neville. "Not even to save our asses..."

"How much time before the ship sinks?" I asked the captain.

"It's only a matter of an hour or two before all of this sinks to the bottom," said the captain.

"Please tell me you are semi-sane," said Tessie's dad, Joe. "Please tell me you have life boats and life rafts..."

"Hahaha..." laughed the captain insanely as he walked away.

"Well, I'll take that as a no," said dad sadly. "What are we gonna do?"

"Well, we can't apparate!" said Harry. "The kids can't do it, and there would be too many people to take. And it would take too long to do it individually..."

"So we are just going to die?" said Ron as he ran his fingers through his red hair. "Hang on, isn't there a loophole or something Harry? Like you can use magic in front of muggles if it is in defense or to save them or something?"

"Ron makes a good point for once," said Fred. "Well, is there?"

We all looked at Harry. "I guess we could conjure up some life boats and life belts if you haven't a problem with it, Mr. Smith..." said Harry.

"If it's going to save us all, I won't object to magic," said Joe.

"But what about Doreen, won't she have any objection?" I asked.

"My wife won't object to anything. She is more lenient than I am," said Joe.

"Okay, so let's have dad do the lifebelts with mum, Harry, Ron, and Hermione work on the lifeboats, and the rest of us getting the others ready to evacuate the boat," I said.

Everyone went to work, and I ran back to my bedroom to alert Tessie.
(Tessie's Point of View)
"TESSIE!!!!!!!!" shouted Draco as he burst through the door. "The ship... it's sinking..."

"Oh my God! Everyone is alerted about it right?" I asked as I got up from the bed.

"Yes, everyone is getting ready and everyone is alerted. We have got to move, the bloody captain has no life belts or life boats whatsoever, so I got Harry, Ron, Hermione, and dad working on all of that while we all pack and get ready to meet them on deck. We have got to hurry..."

I quickly got dressed as fast as I could, and packed everything in my small, magical bag.

"Seems to be everything," I said. "I hope everyone is okay..."

As we headed towards the deck, we saw that Lucious had conjured several lifeboats up, and he did a really good job on them. As usual, Ron's life belts looked a bit iffy, but Harry's and Hermione's looked decent enough to wear.

"Everyone put these on!" shouted Hermione over the oncoming stormy weather. She handed everyone a life belt, and we quickly evacuated the boat.

"Shouldn't we save the captain too?" I asked.

"Nah, he's too crazy, and anyways, he didn't want to be saved," said Ginny.

We rowed the life boats away, and watched as the ship sank before our eyes. "Well, isn't this just peachy keen jelly bean," said Michaela.

"Michaela, shut-the-hell-up!" I cried. "Quit making this all about you. We all know that we are stuck in the middle of the Goddamned ocean with no way to get back to shore! So quit complaining or I swear to God, I will hex you!"

"Theresa, you have got to calm down... you are scaring everyone," said mum.

"I am supposed to be this way!" i shouted. "I'm bloody pregnant! And it's all Draco's fault. Blame him for me being this way, not me!" Everyone busted out laughing, even Michaela. Draco put his arms around me, and held me close.

"Well, I'm sorry Tessie, I thought I gave you what you wanted..." said Draco.

"Well, apparently, you gave me more than I bargained for," I said, placing his hand on my medium sized stomach.

"I can't help it if I got the power behind the motion," said Draco, flashing me that famous Malfoy smirk.

"Lord, you can reform him all you want, but you can never take away Draco's Godforsaken smirk," I said as everyone was sent into loud fits of laughter. I began to lighten up a bit. I can't get stressed, even if I am a few months pregnant. I have to remain calm, or else I might hurt or lose the baby. We all rowed the boat in a random direction. We all had no idea how far away we were from the shore or anything. We were lost.

"Erm... can we do any sort of magic?" I asked. "I mean, if no one objects?" I aimed a look at my parents and sister.

"Whatever," said Michaela as my parents nodded their approval.

I took out my wand, and laid it flat in the palm of my hand. "Point me," I whispered. The wand spun around several times, and then stopped, pointing to my right. "North... but does that necessarily mean land?"

"What's wrong?" asked Hermione as she slid next to me.

"The wand pointed that way, but does it necessarily mean land?" I asked. Hermione closed her eyes for several minutes and thought to herself.

"It just might work," said Hermione. "I've read about it working for sailors stranded on floating wreckage, and finding land by following the direction of the wand. What do we have to lose anyway? And even if we do not find land, some boat will come past us and save us!" So, everyone began to row to the north. We rowed for hours and hours, tired, hungry, worn, and thirsty.

"Let's take a break," I sighed, wiping the sweat from my brow. I got out my small purse, and took out large jugs of water and some sandwiches for everyone.

"What would we do without you Tess?" asked a very weary Fred.

"We wouldn't be in this mess, were it not for me," I said, looking down at my lap sadly.

"It's not your fault the boat sank," said Lucious as he patted me on the back reassuringly. "The captain must have not seen it. Tessie, we are all fine, that is the main point. And you are doing more than your fair share. You shouldn't even be rowing! You are pregnant!"

"I am not going to play damsel in distress here," I said as I passed out sandwiches. "I am just as strong as any of you, and I'll be damned if any of you tell me not to row anymore."

We all ate hungrily, and drank the water I had given out. "We all need to keep up our strength," I said. "Ooof!"

"Wha-what's wrong?" cried Draco, putting his arm around me as I held my stomach.

"Nothing... nothing I'm fine," I said. "I'm just a bit sore from all of that rowing. I mean, aren't we all?!" I faked a smile as the pain went shooting through me once more. "Erm... how are the ladies gonna go to the loo?" I asked with a red face.

"Tap your foot on this door twice to enter, knock once to exit," said Lucious as he pointed to the trap door under the boat. I tapped my foot twice against it, and lo and behold! It popped open, leading me to a bathroom. I climbed down the ladder, and opened the stall and sat down. Why was I feeling this way? Was I about to lose the baby?

I covered my face, and started to sob. I wanted this baby... Draco wanted this baby. And after all of the pain and heartache we have been through, there was to be more? I heard the trapdoor tremble, and the ladder squeak as someone climbed down it.

"Theresa? Are you okay?" asked Narcissa.

"I-I said I was f-fine," I said, trying to stop crying.

"Well, I know fine when I see it, and you are not fine," said Narcissa from behind the stall door. "Tell me what's the matter, maybe I could help you..."

'Ah, so that's where Draco gets his kindness from... dear old mum,' I thought to myself.

"I... I have these cramps... in my stomach," I said. "I think I might be losing the baby..."

"Oh no silly!" cried Narcissa. "You are only in your first trimester! It's perfectly normal to get cramps. You are not losing the baby! Only if you are bleeding heavily, do we have to start to worry..."

I looked down at my underwear, and noticed that I was not bleeding at all. I fixed myself right, and opened the stall. "How do you know so much?"

"Believe me, I am a mother like yourself," said Narcissa. "Well, I was once young and beautiful like yourself, and I went through the same thing when I had Draco..."

"Thank you for inquiring about me, I said, hugging her. "This might be a bit personal but, did you want Draco to be an only child?"

Narcissa sighed, and looked into my eyes. I saw her concern for me, and I also saw her tears. "But if it is too difficult for you to talk about, you don't need to tell me..." I said quickly. "I don't mean to pry..."

"No, it's okay," said Narcissa as she wiped her tears away. "Draco doesn't know... only Lucious and I do. We had Draco, and as he grew up, I wanted another bundle of joy. Lucious agreed, and we tried and tried to have another child. Once we finally conceived, I miscarried the baby. We stopped trying after a while, and then we picked it up once more when Draco was 8 years old. God did we try, and it took. I was never happier as I blossomed with child. It was a normal pregnancy, and I did everything that I was supposed to do, and when I finished up my nine months, I was sent to St. Mungo's to have the baby. The pain was unbearable, but I pushed through it..."

"Seeing your baby... seeing the product of you and your love for someone dead... it is the worst feeling in the entire world," said Narcissa as she started to sob. "I still do not know how it happened. All I know is that Draco would have had a little sister to watch over and take care of if she would have survived... I would have named her Aphrodite..."

"I-I'm so sorry, Narcissa," I said as I gave her a hug.