Funny How I Fell in Love With You


"Tessie... Do you know what has become of me since we have left Hogwarts?" asked Pansy as ropes shot out of her wand, and began to bind me. "I bet you don't..."

"Hm... maybe it's because I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" I screamed.

"Well, my hopes of finally being with my beloved Draco were killed because of you," said Pansy as she slapped me across the face. "You had his children, and married him! It should have been ME!!!"

"Still on about that little school girl crush you had for Draco?" I sneered. "When are you going to learn to GROW UP? Get over yourself Pansy, he will never love you..."

"That's where you are wrong, Tessie. DEAD wrong..." smirked Pansy evilly.

"What are you up to?" I asked nervously. "What are you planning on doing to me?"

"Oh... not much," said Pansy as she pulled my head back by my hair. She took out a small blade, and cut off a bit of my hair.

"You can't possibly be serious!" I cried as I tried to find my wand in my pocket.

"Oh, but I am..." said Pansy. "You shall be locked in this room until I unlock it myself. I have enough polyjuice potion to last me the whole night, and believe me, I can and will go all night with Draco... Maybe we might even make a beautiful child together like it was supposed to be!"

"YOU EVIL MONSTER!" I screamed. "Why are you doing this? You don't realize by now that nothing has changed in 16-17 years?!?!"

"No... what I did realize was that YOU died, and was resurrected back from the dead. And to do that, you needed my blood... Oh, it was sooooo lovely to have my blood forcibly taken by Draco. No matter, I will get my revenge tonight."

"What did Draco do that was so bad? He just took your blood!" I shouted.

"Your husband stunned me, and left me!" Pansy screamed. "Luckily, my husband Gregory Goyle came home from work to fix me back.

"You married Goyle?" I snorted. "That's the best you could have done? Lord, nothing ever changes with you. I swear, you are just as ugly and evil, if not more now than you were then..."

Pansy laughed maniacally, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. She took out a steaming goblet, presumably polyjuice potion, and added my hair, and drank. I watched in horror as he face began to bubble like wax, and her ugly features melted away, and morphed into my soft, feminine features.

"Oh, and Tessie? I didn't want to leave you all alone in the room, so I am leaving you with an old... friend you can say," said Pansy/me as she flicked her wand.

Almost instantly, the room became dark and cold. The room was slowly being sucked of all warmth, joy, and happiness, and I knew at once what she had brought to spend some quality time with me... a DEMENTOR!

I tried to wriggle my wand out, but it was no use. Pansy left me to be with the dementor, and it was slowly making its way over towards me, sucking all of the happiness out of me.

'Think... Think happy thoughts...'

But no matter how hard I tried, images of Rosie being swept off the boat, our yacht sinking, Pansy about to sleep with Draco... It was so hard to think of good thoughts when there was so many bad thoughts in my head.

"DRACO!!!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!! DON'T SLEEP WITH ME! IT ISN'T ME!!! DON'T DO IT!!!" I screamed.
(Draco's Point of View)
As soon as I got to Tessie's room, the door opened, and there stood Tessie. "Tessie, are you okay?" I asked, running up to her. Immediately, she kissed me, and for some strange reason, I felt cold, dead air when I kissed her.

"Tessie, are you okay?" I asked, pulling away from her kiss.

"Yes, I'm fine. Nothing happened to me. I'd feel a lot better if I went back to your room..." said Tessie. I heard screams from behind Tessie's old dorm room, and turned.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Oh, probably Mrs. Norris. You know how she likes to yowl..." said Tessie.

"Tess, Mrs. Norris and Filch have been gone for several years now," I said. "It can't possibly be that dreadful cat. I'm going inside..."

I ran to the door, but couldn't open it at all.

"ALOHOMORA!" I shouted, and the door didn't open.

"Tessie, why won't the door open?" I asked, looking at her strangely. "BOMBARDA!" Still, the door wouldn't budge. "Open the door Tessie..."

"Come on Dray. Forget about what lies behind the damn door. Let's have make up sex..."

"Tessie, what has gotten into you? Open the door right now!" I ordered.

"Sh... calm down," said Tessie as she put a finger to my lips. "I'm fine, and whatever made that noise is stuck in there, and can't get out, so it is best we leave it in there... Come on baby, you know you want to make love to me right... now," said Tessie. I sighed, and kissed her, feeling that same dead, cold feeling once again.


I broke apart, and got out my wand, and pressed it against Tessie's throat. "I'm sorry I have to do this Tess, but open that door, or I will have to hurt you..."

Tessie whimpered, and looked into my eyes. "There is nothing there. I swear! Please can we just go back to the room and make love, and forget this whole mess ever happened?"

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I screamed. She took out her wand, and flicked it at the door. The door opened to reveal a very pale Tessie and a dementor that was getting ready to perform the Dementor's kiss.

"NO!!!!!!!!" I cried. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!!!!!!!"
(Tessie's Point of View)
The dementor was nearing me, and began to suck the life out of me. I screamed, and the door burst open just in time.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!!!!!!!" shouted Draco. A male pug burst out of his wand, and charged at the dementor. The dementor flew off, and Draco ran over to me and began to untie me.

"Someone explain to me what the hell is going on right now!" cried Draco.

"That FAKE Tessie is Pansy," I cried. "She is trying to kill me and our baby!!"

Draco walked over to Pansy/Tessie, and grabbed her by the throat, and jabbed her with his wand. Instantly, the polyjuice potion wore off, and revealed a very nervous looking Pansy Parkinson-Goyle.

"You fucking whore!!!!!!" screamed Draco as his grip tightened on Pansy's neck.

Pain shot through my abdomen, and I looked down at myself. To my horror, my legs were covered in blood. I was about to have the baby right now.

"DRACO!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. "Help me!!!!"

Draco stopped choking Pansy, and ran to my side. I saw the blood drain from his face as he noticed my bloody legs, and knew. He carried me out of the room, and took me back to the bedroom. He took some Floo Powder out, and threw it into the fireplace in our bedroom. "St. Mungo's!" he cried.

We immediately entered the hospital, and a doctor came over to us. "What's the matter with her?" asked the doctor.

"She is pregnant, and we think she is about to have the baby!" cried Draco.

The doctor looked at my bloody legs, and knew that I was about to go into labor. "How far along is she?"

"About three months sir," said Draco as he placed me down on a stretcher.

"Dear, we have to prep you for labor. You are going to have to have your baby now or else you will die..." said the doctor as he wheeled me into an empty room.

"Please, there must be another way! I'll lose the baby!" I sobbed.

"There is a slight chance that the baby will survive," said the doctor. "You have to do this now, or both you and the baby will die..."

I was prepped for labor, and began to push. After several minutes, the baby was born. I laid back on the stretcher, worn, sore, and exhausted. The only sounds I heard was my own sobbing and panting.

"Doctor... why is it quiet? Why isn't the baby crying?!?!" I shrieked.