Funny How I Fell in Love With You


(Scorpius' Point of View)
Mother always knows how to get me caught in my own trap. Like in Hamlet, "Springes to catch woodcocks..." I should have been a bit wiser to know this, but then again, that is why I am not a Ravenclaw...

I still wonder how my dear sister got into Ravenclaw. I mean, dad is a pureblooded Slytherin for Merlin's sake! Guess it is from mum's Ravenclaw ancestry, and the fact that Rosaline is a genius... Me, I am happy to be in Slytherin. I WANTED to be here, so here I am!

Anyway, I walked back up to my dorm after mother punished us all. Dad came to my room a few minutes later. "Son, I want to talk to you about something..."

'Oh great, here it goes... Birds and the bees. I know everything I need to know already. Hell, I practically wrote the book...'

"Hugh told me that you started to choke him, and said that you 'knew of his intentions, and wanted him to keep himself in his pants...'"

"Come on dad," I said, sighing. "I mean, who knows better than you and I what boys are like at this age! Rosaline is very beautiful, and I was just trying to protect her from that scuzzball!"

"Did you even give Hugh or Hugo a chance?" asked dad.

"Well, no... I don't need to," I said defiantly. "We both know what boys like that have on their minds... banging the girl, and then moving on to the next one. I don't want Rosaline to get hurt!"

"Hugh is a very nice boy," said dad as I made a face. "He is not interested in Rosaline that way. They are just friends! Now, will you promise me that you will not hurt Hugh or Hugo?"

"Yes, father," I said.


SUCKER! I had crossies! I'm gonna get that Hugh if it is the last thing I do for ratting to father!
(Rosaline's Point of View)
Well, trying to avoid Hugh at all costs was as hard as could be, seeing that I had class with him every day! And to top it all off, whenever I went to hang with Lily and Rose, there he was, trying to get my attention with his father's latest fireworks. This went on for months, and I stood my ground, and refused to talk to him or even see him. This made Scorpius very happy in the long run.

But the funny thing is, when I wasn't in class or hanging with Rose or Lily, all I could think about was Hugh. At night I would dream about him, holding me... kissing me... But I don't think he would want to go out... Hell, Scorpius would never let me go out with Hugh.

Am I better off alone, without Hugh in my life? I dunno. It just seems more sad and painful without him in my life...
(Tessie's Point of View)
Teaching the students was fun and interesting. When I taught the first years, I saw how Rosaline was staring off at Hugh. When he would try to catch her eye, she would always look away, and bury her head in the textbook.

I needed a way for them to get together. I mean, I know the two of them have a little thing going on, so why not just reinforce it? So I thought to myself... What could I possibly do to have them get together...

And then, it came to me! We would all spend Christmas at our house! We could have a huge bash, and invite the gang and their children over! There were plenty of rooms for everyone to sleep comfortably in, and it would help Scorpius make a new friend with one of the other kids.

Oh! I can't wait to invite all the kids and gang over to the house!
(Rosaline's Point of View)
After Charms class, mum pulled me aside. "Rosaline, you know, Christmas is coming up soon," said mum. "I have invited all of your friends over to the house for Christmas. Please give them the invitations. I will work on the staff..."

I looked at the invitations. Albus, Lily, James, Zathura, Rose, Hubert, and...

"MUM! You can't do this to me!" I said, holding up Hugh and Hugo's invitation. "This is wrong! I mean, it is only gonna end in someone getting hurt or almost killed!"

"Oh, come on darling, you know you like Hugh," said mum giving me a wink. "You two need to hang out, you know, get closer. I will handle Scorpius myself if he gives you two any grief..." Well, I can't lie, I am pretty excited that Hugh's going to be over for Christmas. Now the question is, what to get him for Christmas...

I walked up to Hugh after class, and found him talking to Hugo, working on their next prank. I cleared my throat, and plucked up all of my courage.

"Here you go!" I said, handing them the invitations before running away.

"Wait, come back!" cried Hugh, chasing after me. I slowed down, and looked at him. God was he gorgeous... "What is this?"

"Mum has gone mad, and invited everyone to our mansion for Christmas," I said quietly.

"WICKED!" said the twins at the same time, making me giggle.

"You live in a mansion?" asked Hugo.

"Malfoy's are a rich family mate," said Hugh. "I guess you don't pay much attention to dad's ramblings..."

"You got dad started when you begged him to tell you everything about Rosaline and her family!" said Hugo as Hugh turned bright red.


"No, it's okay," I said, smiling. "I think that is so... sweet of you to want to know more about me like that."

"See, now she didn't go all banshee screaming at you like you thought!" said Hugo. "Can't wait for the shindig at your mansion. I know it will be a lot of fun..."

"Anywhere will be fun as long as you are there," said Hugh to me.

I blushed, and then began to walk slowly away.