Funny How I Fell in Love With You


I woke in a cold sweat. I noticed I was not in St. Mungo's anymore. Draco must have transported me back to the school's Hospital Wing, because the curtain was drawn around my bed, and there was a shadow of a person sleeping in a chair next to my bed.

'"His parents will be the first to go?" Well, that does make sense... It took them forever to accept me as a part of the family,' I thought to myself.

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks: I had lost the baby. And it was all Pansy's fault. If she would just let go of the past, and get a life, none of this would have happened. God, the baby that had cause so much controversy. I mean, I first thought it was Draco's, but then Ron and I accidentally slept together, and then I didn't know who the father was! But this baby was Draco's child, there was no mistaking the soft blonde curls on the baby's head...

I groaned and stretched, and I saw the person in the chair behind the curtains stir. "Draco?" I whispered, throwing back the curtains a bit. Draco looked as if he had been through hell and back again. His face was blotchy from crying, and he looked careworn and miserable. "Darling, how did you sleep?" asked Draco as he sat on my bed.

"I had a dream... Rosie came to me in a dream!" I said. "She said she would take care of our daughter in heaven... and that there is going to be one last war. Guess who we will be fighting against and guess who will turn traitors?"

"Oh come on Tessie! Dreams are dreams! They don't mean anything!"

"Michaela came to me saying she had a dream that someone was going to die!" I shouted. "And guess what Draco? Our baby died! So yes, all dreams serve a purpose! And anyway, I never dream of Rosie... She is too busy being in Fred's dreams to come visit me..."

Draco laughed a bit. "That's true. Okay, so she warned you that my parents are going to betray us to Pansy. Anything else?"

"She told me that she would watch over and take care of our dead baby," I said, taking Draco's hand in mine.

"That is so sweet," said Draco. "And so like Rosie..."

Draco led me down to the Great Hall for some breakfast, and I saw that everyone was downstairs eating too. I sat down next to Draco and Fred, and began to force down a bit of toast. I really wasn't all that hungry, but I had to eat something because today was the first day of school.

"Tessie, are you alright?" asked Harry as he walked over to me. "You seemed very upset last night. Could you tell me what happened?"

"Well, since Harry brought it up, I might as well tell the rest of you," I sighed, looking at the others. "Last night I lost the baby. I went into labor last night, and Draco took me to St. Mungo's, but there was nothing they could do to save it..."

A hush fell around the room, and Fred gave me a hug, and my mother and Narcissa started to cry. "I would have had a baby girl," I said softly. "And she had beautiful blonde, curly hair... But she is now with Rosie, and I know she is going to be well taken care of..." Fred nodded, and patted my back. I turned to look at Rosaline and Scorpius, and they looked sad at the prospect of losing their baby sister. Hugh was holding Rosaline as she cried on his shoulder, and Scorpius was hugging Rose for support.

Mum and Narcissa hugged each other, and bawled their eyes out. My father started to tear up, but focused on his unfinished porridge. Lucious was looking down at the floor, trying to hide his sadness and disappointment. The others were just as sad as the rest. "Harry, there is more to it than that," I whispered, grabbing him by his cloak and pulling him aside. "I was attacked by Pansy last night! And I am sure that she caused me to lose my baby!"

"Whoa, what?" cried Harry. "How? Why?" I told him what happened, and Harry's eyes widened. "Holy fucking shit! And you think that the dream you had last night about Rosie is a warning? Because if it is all a joke, there will be serious consequences..."

"Harry, why would I joke about this?" I asked. "Harry, haven't we all suffered enough? We fought Voldemort, dealt with way too many deaths, and witnessed the return of a Death Eater to power. And now Pansy is going to have her reign of terror. Why would I joke about this? My baby is dead because of her!"

"Tessie, this dream could be just a figment of your imagination you know," said Harry softly. "Maybe it is just your unconscious mind saying that Pansy is going to strike and take over again. I can't prepare for war right now, I have a school to manage..."

"Rosie was wrong," I said as tears fell down the sides of my face. "You would be the first to betray me... Of all the fucking people in this world, of everyone in this castle, I thought you would understand, but I was wrong... You are nothing but an ignorant POTHEAD!"

I walked out of the great hall, fuming with anger. Draco believed me, but not Harry?!?!?!What the hell is wrong with him? Of all the people to not believe me, I would never expect him after what he has gone through!

"Tess, wait!" cried a voice from behind me. I groaned and turned around to see Fred.

"Fred?" I asked. "Why are you chasing after me?"

"I used extendable ears," said Fred, holding the ears in his hand. "I heard every word you said, and I for one believe you. I mean, you of all people here have that gift of foresight and legilimency and parseltongue! Why should we all be forced to believe that this dream means nothing when it does mean something?!"

"Thanks Fred, but having you and Draco on my side won't help the task at hand..." I sighed. "Draco has to be on my side because he is my husband, and you are only on my side because I am helping you raise your kids... and you do owe me for that one time when you and George nearly killed me..."

"What? When did we do that?" asked Fred.

"Do you so easily forget my fourth year, your fifth year of school? The year of the Triwizard Tournament?" I asked...

"What happened during the rest of the First Task?" I asked, looking at Harry. He had some scratches on his face and his arms, but he looked a hell of a lot better than me.

"Well, everyone got their egg. You are in first place because you got your egg faster than the others... I'm in second, Krum's in third, and Fleur is in last place..."

"That's nice," I said, smiling a bit. I began to play with my hair, and then I noticed something funny.

"WHY IS MY HAIR BLUE!?!" I shrieked.

I heard a roar of laughter come from behind the door of the Hospital Wing. I whipped out my wand. "BOMBARDA!" I shouted, opening the door.

Fred and George were on the floor laughing. They came to my bedside, tears in their eyes from laughing so hard. "We couldn't resist mate... It was too easy..."

"Well, let me set you boys straight," I said, turning my wand on each of them. "You pull any more pranks on me, and I will pull one on you. And I don't think you will like it when you wake up the next morning, and you look down at yourself and can't find your-"

"Alright, alright, we will stop!" cried Fred. "We are sorry. It was a bit harsh to do that to you. NORMALIS!"

My hair turned back to normal, and I fell back against my pillows, panting as if I had run a race. My skin turned a shade of white, and my brown eyes became clear and pale.

"What's happening to her?" asked Ron, slowly but surely getting scared.

"SOMEBODY HELP!!!! WE NEED HELP!" shouted Hermione as I began to choke and gasp for air.

"Oh my goodness! Here, drink this girl," said Madame Pomfrey, forcing a horrible tasting liquid down my throat. "You cannot lift a spell on someone who has lost a lot of blood! You could have killed her! Now, everyone must leave the room since I cannot trust you for one minute to behave!"

"Oh! Now I remember!" said Fred as he turned red with embarrassment. "Oh well, the past is in the past. You'll get through this Tess, you'll see... Harry will come around..."