Funny How I Fell in Love With You


I opened the doors to the school, and walked up the path to the Black Lake. I thought long and hard about how I could get Harry to believe me. I picked up a few stones, and started to skip them along the lake. Who else would believe me? All of the others would just laugh at me and call me crazy if I told them what happened in my dream. What to do?

My head began to throb, and I closed my eyes for a second as I rubbed my forehead.

'Ha ha! My plans are falling into place now! Tessie wessy has lost her child with Draco, and soon, little miss precious will never be able to bear his children ever again...'

'Duh... Pansy? Whatcha going to do about Draco? Won't he be awfully mad if he knows that you are going to hurt his wife?'

'Shut up Gregory! I know what I am doing! Now... it seems to me that Potter doesn't believe Tessie. Aw, too fucking bad you little skank. Go cry to your mommy... All we have to do is slowly gain up our alliance, and then... attack!'

'Duh, who are we going to start with?'

'You buffoon! Who better to start with than DRACO'S PARENTS? I mean, once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater...'

'Well Pansy, they are kinda reformed Death Eaters...'

'GREGORY FELICIANO GOYLE, do not THINK because it does not become you! I am the brains of this operation, ME! So sit back, shut up, and enjoy the fun that I have in store for Tessie...'

"Whoah!" I cried, finally coming to my senses. "I gotta move and think fast..."

'Think... who is a huge influence in Harry's life? THAT'S IT! Someone with a huge influence in Harry's life! Rubeus Hagrid!!!!!!'

"But how can I get in contact with him?" I asked myself out loud. "OH MY GOD! AM I STUPID?! Of course! By owl!!!"

I ran towards the owlery as fast as I could, and beckoned a Hogwarts owl to come over. "Please, come here... Here, have a bit of toast," I said as one of the owls flew over to me. "That's it... good owl."

I quickly got out a spare bit of parchment and a quill, and wrote:

Dear Hagrid,
It pains me to write this, but Hogwarts is, once again, no longer safe for students. The real problem is that I have the knowledge of the oncoming danger, and no one but Draco and Fred seem to believe me! Please come back to school and help me.
Eternally grateful,

"Please fly and deliver this as fast as you can," I said to the owl as I tied the letter around one of its legs. It nodded, and flew off in the distance.

A sharp pain hit me once more in my head, and I leaned against the wall to regain my balance.

'Pansy, why don't you love me?'

'Ugh! You knew that my heart would always belong to Draco when you took me to be your wife! Why are you complaining? I should be the one complaining! I married a brainless, fat tub of lard!'

'Pansy please do not call me names... I love you. Why can't you love me?'

'Why can't I love you? Because unlike you, you pathetic excuse of a man, Draco is better looking, smarter, and ten MILLION times better in the bedroom than you!'

'Pansy, if only you'd let me, I would make you happy...'

'Gregory, no matter what you say or do, my heart will always be with Draco. You Gregory, are just a big FAILURE! Why, you couldn't even MAKE LOVE to me properly! You couldn't even give me a child! Why I still let you live is beyond my comprehension...'

'It's cause you need me to help you get rid of Tessie...'

'Oh yeah, I remember now. Well, I guess you aren't completely brainless after all... Come Gregory, we have work to do...'

I shook my head to clear my mind. Pansy's evil plot could all be foiled! All I have to do is trick Goyle into turning to the light, and Pansy wouldn't be a threat anymore... But how could I possibly get Goyle alone?

"Ouch!" I cried as the owl I had sent to Hagrid nipped my hand. "That hurt!" The bird extended its leg for me, and I took out the roll of parchment and read:

Dear Tessie,
I was once in your shoes, and I understand where you are coming from. Sixty years ago, I was accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets, and killing a muggle born girl. I lost my wand, and never completed my education because I was framed for something I didn't do. No one believed me but Dumbledore. Of course I will be on my way to the school as soon as possible. I am biking my way over there as you read this. See you soon.


"Well that's good isn’t it?" I said out loud. "Wait, there has to be something wrong here. Hagrid is coming to talk some sense into Harry, I know how to bring Pansy down through Goyle... There has to be something that is going to be something bad about to happen!" And although I didn't know it at the time, I was right...

Hagrid landed his motorcycle by his old hut, and parked it under a nearby tree. "Right, now Tessie, please tell me what the bloody hell are you goin' on abou'?" asked Hagrid.

"Remember that Pansy girl thirteen years ago?" I asked. "The ugly, sour-faced Slytherin..."

"Oh right! I know who yer talkin' 'bout now!" said Hagrid. "I remember 'er! Beastly girl, she was... Wha's she got on you?"

"Well, she can't get over her obsession with Draco," I said as the two of us walked up to the castle. "She's loved him since her first year probably, or more! And she is plotting to do something Hagrid! I just know it!"

"How do you know?" asked Hagrid.

I told him about how beautiful, sweet Rosie, and how she was lost at sea. I then told him how she came to me in a dream, and then told him how I have now been hearing Pansy's and Goyle's voices in my head.

"Now you have a legitimate case here," said Hagrid. "Harry can't object to you hearing their voices in your head!" I flung open the door, and walked into the Great Hall with Hagrid.

"HAGRID!!!!" shouted the gang.

My mother and father cowered with my sister in fear at the awesome size of Hagrid. "That-is-the-HUGEST-man-I-have-EVER-seen," said my dad.

The gang gave him a huge hug, and I went over to my family to reassure them. "Please mum, dad, Michaela. He is completely harmless!"

"A great big giant like that!! Harmless?!?!?!" shrieked my sister.

"Well, he isn't full giant, only part," I said in a hushed voice. "Please be nice to him, he is my friend. He used to work in the school, but he retired several years ago..."

"Harry..." said Hagrid as he took him in for a bone breaking hug.

"Erm... you are suffocating me," said Harry.

"Oh! Sorry..." said Hagrid. "Come boy, we need to talk... Tessie, Fred, Draco? Can you come with me to Harry's office?" I walked with the guys to Harry's office, and sat down next to Draco once we entered the room.

"Now, Tessie has told me everything... Why is it that you Harry, the man who has been through the exact same thing, ignore her warnings?" asked Hagrid.

"It's ludicrous! All of it!" shouted Harry. "How do we know she isn't telling the tru-"


The potion bottle flew into my hand, and I drained some of the contents. "Pansy is plotting against me!! The dream was a real warning! I can hear her and her husband Goyle in my head now!!!!"

"Holy shit, she's right..." said Harry. "We've got to act, and soon..."

"Thank you!" I groaned as my head began to pound. "Ugh, my head... what's happening to me?" I looked down at myself, and noticed that my skin was becoming transparent, and slowly starting to fade. My eyes widened, and I began to scream. "DRACO!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!"

Fred and Draco tried to grab me, but all that they grabbed was the air. "TESSIE!!!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!" The last thing I saw was Draco hugging Fred, and sobbing into his shoulder...