Funny How I Fell in Love With You


"Been out for weeks! Pansy, you could have killed her!"

"Oh quit your jabbering on! Have you grown as soft as you dick now Gregory? Grow a pair, and do as I say! You are to watch her in this room while I consult my magical orb."

"Yes Pansy..." I felt a presence by me, and knew that it was Goyle. I pretended to be fast asleep, but I couldn't pretend for long... Goyle began to sob, and I slowly, so as not to frighten him, began to wake. I slowly put a hand on his shoulder, and he turned quickly to look at me.

"Tessie! I-I was just-"

"I'm not going to tell anyone what just happened Goyle," I said quietly. "What's wrong? Why am I here?"

"I can't tell you," said Goyle as he stood up suddenly and began to pace the room. "Already the plan is falling apart..."

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's awful... I-I can't do this. I'm supposed to kill you..."

I gasped, and got up, and moved away from Goyle. "You are going to kill me?"

"Was going to kill you, but I-I can't do it!" cried Goyle. "You are so beautiful... so sweet and kind... I can't kill you!"

"Well, that's good to know..." I said hesitantly. "Have I really been out for weeks?"

"Yes, you have been," said Goyle quietly. "She almost killed you with that transportation spell... If I didn't heal you like I did, you'd be dead."

"Why would you want to save me? Aren't you on Pansy's side?" I whispered.

"I love Pansy, but the thing is, she has gotten out of control..." said Goyle. "She wants what she can't have, and she's determined to do whatever it takes to get it."

"But wouldn't she be upset that I'm alive?" I asked.

"No, she is planning to dangle you in front of Malfoy like bait. She is going to give him an ultimatum: be with her, or you die."

"Great, she knows he obviously doesn't want to be with her! So, I guess I am just going to die then..." I said sadly. "Not like I haven't died before..."

"This time will be different Tessie," said Goyle. "You won't be able to come back like you did last time. You can only use the ressurection spell once."

"Oh God, Draco would end up really killing me!" I cried. "Please, you have got to do something! I'm gonna die either way!"

"There is nothing I can do; this is out of my hands!" said Goyle. "I never wanted this to happen. All I wanted was some happiness, and I couldn't even get that! I didn't want another war! I lost two of my best friends during the Dark Lord's reign! I lost my friendship with Malfoy, and my best friend Crabbe was killed! But somehow, my suffering continues as Pansy berates me every chance she gets..."

"Goyle, forgiveness is the first step in the right direction," I said, looking into his hazel eyes. "I'm positive if Draco knew how truly sorry you are, you would be forgiven..."

"You can't undo all that I have done," said Goyle. "Crabbe and I ratted you out in fifth year, or do you so easily forget?"

I flashed back to when the DA was found in the Room of Requirement:

CRASH! In walked Professor Umbridge and several of her mini inquisitor cronies.

"I knew you all were in on a secret plan to try to take me down," said Umbridge with a deadly smile. "You have Vincent and Gregory to thank for exposing you. They have been watching you via invisibility cloak the whole time..."

"Crabbe? Goyle? How could you do this to me?" cried Draco as the mini inquisitors started to restrain the group. "I thought we were friends! What's going on here?"

"You see, Malfoy, we were tired of having you tell us what to do," said Crabbe. "We were happy when you left us for the girl. Since then, we have been waiting for the opportune moment to strike back at you, and well..."

"You sicken me!" cried Draco. "You rush off to Umbridge's side even though you and I know truly well that the two of you are in fact Death Eaters who were there the night HE came back!"

"Draco, you must be delusional," said Goyle with an evil smirk. "Turning to Potter's lunatic state aren't you?"

"Well... Draco has come a long way since then... I remember how rude, chav, and insolent he used to be, but now he is a good man. And if he finds out how you tried to save me, even if it was in vain, he would be the better person, and forgive you."

"Thanks Tessie," said Goyle as he walked over to me. I looked up at him, and suddenly Goyle moved his face near mine, and his lips were against mine. 'Whoah!' I thought to myself. 'Draco is going to kill us both! Lord help me!'

His kiss was sweet, innocent, and gentle, and he pulled away slowly to look into my eyes. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that. It's just that... you are the first person to not berate me..."

I sat there, unable to speak or move.BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

"What was that?" I asked, shaking a bit in fear.

"I-I dunno," said Goyle. "Pansy said she wasn't going to get Draco until tomorrow..."

BANG! The door opened to reveal someone who I was very glad to see indeed...