Funny How I Fell in Love With You


(Rosaline's Point of View)
I can't believe Hugh had the balls to give me a necklace, say it had meaning to it, and then just shit right all over everything he had said and done! I guess Scorpius was right, maybe he did want to just get into my pants...

Once he had left the room, I cried into my pillow. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry no more. By that time, I had fallen asleep.

It was then time to go back to school, and I was dreading going back. I didn't want to see Hugh's face in that school ever again.

"Mum, can I go to another school?" I asked politely.

"Why dear, is there anything the matter?" asked mum.

I pulled her off to the side, away from everyone. "It's Hugh..."

"Oh, something happened between you and him and you do not want to see him in school... But you know your father and I would rather you face your battles, rather than run from them."

"But mum! Isn't Beaubatons Academy still open? Why can't I go there?"

"Hogwarts is much better than private school," said mum. "You have the finest headmaster in the world, Harry Potter. He is the most powerful wizard of his age, and he defeated the Dark Lord when he was only 17 years of age! I should know, I was there with him when it happened! If you are doubting Harry's ability, you are seriously mistaken..."

"No, it's just... Hugh gave me this."

I showed her the necklace, and she sighed. "Isn't that precious?"

"It gets worse, he told me last night that I was in his heart and he hoped that he was in mine. And then he took it all back! He said he hated me and never wanted to see me again!"

"Hmmm. Maybe he is going through a difficult stage in his life Rosaline. You know, boys are very different than girls..."

"Mum, please not the speech about male and female anatomy," I said as I made a face.

"Take your brother for example," said mum. "He was a very precious baby and toddler, but as he got older, he just became more bitter. It's a stage that takes some time to grow out of..."

"But now I can't even be friends with him as he wants nothing to do with me!" I cried.

"Just give him time, he'll get over it..." We all boarded the train with heavy hearts as we chugged up back to the castle. I chose not to sit with everyone, and sat in an empty compartment, and locked it so no one can get in. I sat there, reading my book, until mum knocked on the door and told me that we were at school. I got up, and walked all the way back up to my dorm, and hung out by the fireplace. A portrait hung over it, and the person in it began to beckon to me.

"Rosaline Malfoy, please come here..." I looked up, and saw the portrait of a man with a long gray beard that was almost down to the floor. He had blue eyes, hidden behind thin glasses, and he was smiling back at me.

"Who are you?" I asked politely.

"I was the old headmaster at this school, Professor Albus Dumbledore," said the portrait. "It seems that you are having trouble with the Weasley boy?"

"How did you-"

"I was a very wise wizard in my day, so it rubs off in my picture. All I have to say to you is, things are not what they seem..."

"'Things are not what they seem?'" I asked. "But, can't you tell me more? I mean, why is he acting so strangely? Please, help me!" The portrait of Professor Dumbledore disappeared, and I was left wondering what the hell he meant by 'things are not as they seem.'

There was a knock on my dorm door. In walked mum, who had an arm around Hugh. Hugh looked as if he had been upset for days. I didn't dare look at him. If I did, all of the tears would come back, and I couldn't let that happen, not in front of him at least... "Rosaline, Hugh has something to say," said mum. "It's really hard for him to say this, so please-"

"I don't need to hear anything he has to say!" I cried. "He knows what he did was wrong, and he can't take it back! Just leave me alone! You wanted to be away from me, now you got your wish Hugh. JUST GO!"

"Rosaline, I-"

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed.

"QUIETUS!" My mother had cast the silencing charm on me! My own mother!

"Now, you are going to listen to what the boy has to say whether you like it or not, go on Hugh..."

"I didn't say those things to you..."

'Like hell you didn't! If you didn't, then who did? Merlin?'

"I was imperiused by your brother!"

I gasped. The imperius curse is a very very bad curse that can get you a one way ticket to Azkaban! But I knew Scorpius couldn't have possibly done it, he wouldn't know the incantation!

"I dunno where he learned it from, but he did it..."

"See here, Rosaline. He didn't do it. Now, both of you are not going to say a word to anyone about this. Pretend that event never happened, and ACT NORMALLY. I am going to get to the bottom of this mess before more people get hurt..."