I Wanna Save Your Heart.

Chapter 5

When Gerard and I drove up to the address Jaeda had given us, Gerard halted the car and stared out the window.

"There's no way this is her boyfriend's house..." He said, gaping. I scoffed and smacked him on the shoulder.

"Come on idiot, park so we can get this over with."

"Whatever yo," Gerard said, voice still low with awe as he pulled over in the front yard.

Or whatever you want to call it. I have to say though; this George character must be loaded. Jaeda never really told me what it was that George actually did; but it must've paid well. No wonder Jaeda was marrying him.

I bet Lauren would've married him.
He had security, unlike me.

I sighed as Gerard stopped the car and turned it off, and I stepped out. It was a little cold out, so I zipped up the hoodie I was wearing underneath my jacket. Gerard and I hurried towards the huge French front doors, both white with a gold finish. Gerard 'oohed' and 'ahhed' at them as he slowly opened it and stepped inside, so I followed and I closed the door behind me.

Directly in front of us was a huge grand staircase, leading to the second floor. It had a wooden railing, which curled from the second floor down to the ground floor and end of the stairs. The floor was a sparkling marble white, showing my reflection as I glanced down.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets.
Now I felt uncomfortable.

This guy's house was impressive, and way too expensive for my tastes. I felt widely out of place, feeling lower than ever just being inside this place.

"God damn," Gerard said, his eyes scanning the room. The guests walking in and out of the foyer glanced at us, so I stood awkwardly beside him, keeping my head down. "This place is fucking amazing!"

"Thanks Gerard," I mumbled. "Just in case I didn't see it for myself, since I'm standing right here."

"No problem," Gerard said absentmindedly, still gazing around the room.

"Can we just be in and out?" I asked quietly. "I really don't wanna be here long."

"Sure man," Gerard said, finally tearing his gaze away from the interior of the house. "I'll just grab some chick and we'll be out. Do I look all right?"

I raised my eyes to scan over Gerard. He was wearing dark jeans and Converse. Up top he had on a black long-sleeved shirt with a red tie, and a formal jacket over that. He hadn't really combed his hair, so it still looked wet and crazy lookin'. And he had experimented with some freaky vampire looking makeup, which made his skin look more pasty and white than ever.

My eyes landed on his hands, where he wore his black leather gloves. I scrunched up my face in disgust and said, "Take those off. You look like pedophile."

"Sexy," Gerard said, peeling the gloves off and stuffing them in his back pocket so that they hung out a little.

I shrugged and walked away from the door a little, glancing in both of the rooms on either side of me. The one on the left looked to be a piano room, with a guitar and piano set up, along with a bookshelf. That didn't have that many people in it, just some guys with beers. In the room on my right, I saw more people hanging out in what looked like the living room.

And then I saw Jaeda.

She was standing next to some guy, talking animatedly, with another standing behind her talking to a woman. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as the guy replied; crushing the material her black dress was made out of. It was a halter-top dress, stopping just before the middle of her thighs; the bottom was made out of some ruffled material with a light pink shade.

"There's Jaeda," I said to Gerard, still not taking my eyes off of her as we approached the living room and walked inside.

As soon as Jaeda's eyes landed on Gerard and I, she lit up and said, "Hey you guys!"

"Hey," I said quietly, as Gerard went straight into his horny telemarketer voice and said, "Sup?"

"Joey," she said to the guy in front of her, turning him to face us, "This is Frank and Gerard. Guys, this is Joey."

As we shook hands with 'Joey', she turned to the guy behind her, dressed in a dark green shirt with a white blazer over that, with white pants to match, "And this is my fiancée, George."

So this was George. George gave off the impression that he came right outta Miami Vice. Green and white? I mean come on; he looked like a tree in the winter! With his chiseled face, and what most girls would call 'good looks', he could pass as Ken's brother.

I stuck out my hand for him to shake, which he took gladly and I said, "Hey, congratulations man."

"Thanks," he said, smiling. Ugh, this guy even had perfect teeth!

"Frank Iero," Joey said and I turned to him.


"Yo I heard what happened to you, man," he said and I froze, the color draining from my face.

Please no...

"That sucks what happened at your wedding," Joey went on to say. "You must've felt like shit."

"No, actually," I said, anger boiling up inside of me. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? "It felt really really good. I loved it! My parents also died when I was 15, do you wanna talk about that too?"

"No, why would I wanna talk about that?" Joey said, his face scrunching up in confusion.

"I don't know," I said, gritting my teeth.

"Hey, I think you guys need a drink," George said as he interrupted us, holding up the Heineken in his hand.

"No, Frank can't drink tonight," Jaeda said, giving me a forced smile.

"Yeah," I said, remembering my previous week of drinking all day and night. "I'm not a big drinker anymore."

"Well I am," George grinned, and turned to Joey. "How about an Alabama slammer?"

"Sounds like a plan," Joey replied.

"Great, meet me at the bar in 5 - I gotta go take care of something," George said and walked in between us and away, Joey going in the opposite direction. I put up my middle finger to his back.


"Sorry," I muttered sheepishly.

Jaeda shook her head and said it was okay.

"Thanks for inviting us, by the way," I told her and she cracked a smile, her vibrant eyes lighting up.

"No problem, I'm just glad you guys stopped in. We see each other a lot at work and never really got the chance to talk and like hang out, so..."

"Yeah," Gerard said, his voice going back to the thing he does. "We should make time to talk, y'know? Get closer."

I glared at Gerard and then looked back Jaeda, "Don't you notice the thing he does?"

"What thing?" She asked innocently.

"Yeah Frank, what thing?" Gerard added, squinting his eyes at me angrily. I knew I was gonna be in for it later, but it was seriously starting to bother me...

"The voice," I said, still looking at Gerard. I turned back to Jaeda. "His voice gets unusually horny and gross, which means he wants in your pants. He doesn't always talk like this, y'know."


"That's not true," Gerard defended.

"Yeah it is," I exclaimed. "Remember, you thought she was interested in you and so we walked over so you could hit on her?"

"Nope, we decided to say hi cause she was new, remember Frankie?"

"Nuh-uh, you wanted to get in her pants cause you thought she was looking at yours," I said, pressing more of Gerard's buttons. "Mikey obviously saw this and called you over before you could start."

"Fuck you," Gerard growled, his face turning increasingly red.

"What Gerard, now you don't wanna get in my pants anymore?" Jaeda said, getting in on the joke. I smiled at her.

"No it's not that, it's just-"

"Don't hide it Gerard, didn't you know she was engaged?"

"Fuck you, ass," Gerard snapped and stomped off.

"You wanna do what to my ass?" I said loudly, people turning around and staring at Gerard and us. He gave me the finger and he sauntered away angrily.

Jaeda continued laughing and I joined in, until our eyes met and we slowly stopped laughing.

She coughed slightly and looked away before glancing up at me again and saying, "So how have you been Frank?"

"Good, considering..."

"Yeah," she said, her eyes softening automatically.

I decided to change the subject and asked, "So how are you and George doing with the wedding plans and shit?"

"Oh boy," she said, giving me a frustrated sigh. "Horrible. He dumped everything on me, telling me to take care of it for him. I understand that he's busy..."

"What does he do, anyway?"

"He works in Wall Street," she said, rolling her eyes. "With the stocks and bonds, I don't know...He barely ever has time to rest or sleep, let alone plan a wedding but..."

"Well that's still not right," I said, scrunching my face up in disgust. "Planning a wedding is supposed to be for the groom...and the bride."

"Yeah well, George doesn't want this wedding anyway. We finally set a date, for the 5th of October, but he wanted to actually run away this weekend instead of this party, and get married in New York."

"That's crazy!"

"I know," she said sadly, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "But whatever, doesn't matter now. Now I have to take care of this stuff all by myself..."

"No one should have to do this alone," I said, an idea popping into my head quick. "Why don't I help you?"

"Oh no," Jaeda exclaimed. "I don't want to impose. I mean, this isn't your problem..."

"No," I said, shrugging off the bad feeling growing on me. "I just planned mine, right? I can just help with minor stuff or whatever. Whatever advice you need, just to take the load off of you, y'know?"

"But Frank...you still aren't okay with like, weddings and stuff. I don't wanna do this to you right now..."

"No Jaeda, I insist."
♠ ♠ ♠
So this isn't EXACTLY how it goes in the movie but then again, I said this wouldn't be the EXACT thing, right? Just based on it. ;D