Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 1

Lauren’s POV
“Lauren, hurry up, you’re going to miss your flight.” Simon, my manager, yelled as I dragged my heavy suitcase down the stairs.

“Well, if you helped me I would be quicker.” I muttered to myself as Claire and Jordan giggled from the bottom of the stairs.

“What was that?” Simon said, turning his attention from his blackberry to me for a brief second.

“Nothing.” I smiled sweetly as I reached the bottom stair.

“Girls, have you got your luggage?” Simon muttered his back to Claire and Jordan.

They both nodded in response.

“Ill take that as a yes. Lets get going then.” Simon said, walking out of the house.

I said a quick goodbye to my parents and younger sisters and brother as well as a goodbye to Claire’s and Jordan’s family. Both girls doing the same thing.

We walked out of my home and towards the big black car parked in my driveway waiting for us. My body guard for the trip, Tj, got out of the car and took our things, quickly loading them into the car as we piled in as well.

“Are you ready for this?” I asked the girls who were both fidgeting next to me, all 3 of us having one head phone in each.

“Yup.” Jordan grinned while Claire shook her head in agreement.

This was the first time that they would be flying out to La with me. It just happened that they would also be meeting the Jonas Brothers with me the next day as well.

“Good, because im not.” I laughed.

“You’re not what?” Simon asked as he slid into the passenger seat.

“Nothing.” I smiled innocently once again.

“Lauren, I can’t believe you’re going to meet the Jonas Brothers and we’re coming too.” Claire smiled broadly.

“Im only meeting them because you two put that video of me singing on you tube.” I laughed remembering when I found out that they had done so.

“It had to be done.” Jordan giggled.

“Well, it didn’t, but im glad you did.” I smiled, playing with the green bracelet that we each wore.

“Remember Lauren, you can’t wear that bracelet on the show tomorrow morning.” Simon muttered from the front.

“Im wearing it Simon. It’s kind of like my good luck charm these days, not just a friendship bracelet.” I grinned looking at Claire and Jordan who were now both playing with their bracelets.

“How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn’t wear it?” Simon grumbled.

“And how many times do I have to tell you that I don’t care, its important to me. Ill wear a hoodie so no one sees it.”

“It’s going to be hot.”

“Fine then, ill wear a cardigan, I have plenty of them packed.” I said causing Claire, Jordan and Tj to all burst into laughter.

After that, Simon kept quite, only occasionally reminding me of things I had to do and the rules that the 3 of us had to obey while we were in LA and at the airport. The most vital piece of information we were given, which Simon stressed about, was Jordan and Claire having to wear sunglasses and having to keep their heads down to shield their identities while at the airport.

When we finally arrived at the airport, I was tired and annoyed at having been stuck in the back of a quite small car even though it looked big on the outside for nearly 2 hours because of traffic. I jumped out, stretching my legs as I did so. Simon was next out, then Tj and then finally Claire and Jordan, both wearing sunglasses as instructed.

“Ha, you too look so strange wearing sunglasses when it’s like, almost raining.” I giggled, taking in their appearances.

“I don’t understand why we have to wear them, we’ve been seen out with you before.” Claire muttered, giving Simon an evil look.

“Because Simon’s a know-it-all.” I giggled.

“What?” Simon demanded his blackberry still in his hands.

“Nothing.” I said, smiling sweetly for the 3rd time that day.

“Ok, come on then.” Simon said as we were handed our things.

We followed behind Simon, walking through the airport and to the checking desk. When we got to the desk, Simon handed over the boarding passes before we were led through a door by a woman and shown along a long hall towards the private plane that would be taking us to LA.

Giving our luggage to a man, we took our on flight bags and got onto the plane. We took our seats, Claire and Jordan sitting on one side of the plane while I sat on the other side, in an arm chair that moved.

“This is probably the worst part about being famous.” I muttered, strapping myself in.

“Why?” Jordan quizzed as she and Claire watched me strap in.

“I hate taking off.” I laughed.

“So do I.” Claire laughed.

“Yeah I know. You’d think I was used to it now though, seeming as I do it so much.” I smiled as the pilot came out to speak to us before take off.

“So girls, once we’ve taken off you can move around the plane and sit on the sofa in the corner. Ill tell you when you can.” He said.

“Thank you.” I replied smiling.

“That’s ok Lauren. Im glad to see you back on the plane.”

“Id love to say im glad to be back, but right now, I cant.”

“I know, but you’ll be safe. How many times have I flown you places?” Tom, the pilot, questioned.

“Good point.” I smiled.

“Well ive gotta go back to the front and strap in, make sure you’re ready for take off in 2 minutes.” He nodded before going back to the front.

Before long, we had taken off, Simon sitting in his usual seat with Tj next to him near the pilot’s cabin. After 5 minutes, Tom made an announcement that Claire, Jordan and I could move to the sofa which we did instantly.

I stood up, grabbing my laptop as I went. Sitting on the sofa, Claire and Jordan sat either side of me as we signed onto the internet connection on the plane. While we were sat on the plane, we messed about, taking pictures using the webcam I had attached to my laptop and even making a film of us singing, much to Simon’s distaste.

After making the film, I quickly put it onto my, you tube account where I posted all of my music videos and videos that I made when I got bored or needed to tell people something.

“Hey, look at this, we’ve got like loads of views and comments on us singing already.” I said, pointing to my laptop screen as Jordan and Claire played snap on the table in front of the sofa.

Both of them moved over to where I was sat, taking their previous seats.

“Oh my god, look at that one.” Jordan said pointing to a comment.

“You girls should become a group. Lauren you’re amazing on your own but together you 3 are even better. I would defiantly buy your album.” Claire read.

After reading through the comments, I started to think about how we could be an amazing group seeming as we work so well together. By the time we were told to move back to our seats for the plane to land, I had made my mind up about asking the girls if they would want to become a band together.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was originally an one shot and then turned into a 2 shot and now im thinking 3 chapters.
It depends on what the I get done in the next chapter.
What do you think though?
Lauren x