Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 10

As I walked into the hotel room my phone started buzzing in my pocket. Pulling it out, I opened it and saw a new message. Opening it, I smiled as I saw Kevin’s name.

“Nice try Lauren, but the money’s in your pocket. Enjoy. Kevin.” The text read.

“How did you do that?” I text him back quickly.

“Magic. Nah, I just slipped it in when I gave you a hug.” Kevin’s reply said causing me to re think what had happened.

Of course, id given him a quick hug before jumping out of the car, he could have easily put the money into my pocket then.

“Sneaky Jonas is your new name now. Why I hear you ask. Because you’re sneaky.” I text back laughing before chucking my phone onto the bed and going out onto the balcony.

3rd Person’s POV
As Lauren sat on the balcony of her hotel room looking up at the sky as it slowly turned to night outside, Kevin sat at home in his car on his driveway, looking up at the same night sky. Both young stars were thinking the same thing, when were they going to get the courage to find out if the other liked them.

While this was taking place, claire and joe sat on a swing at the local park talking about anything and everything, about their childhoods and dreams and how they both loved to spend time with their friends, even though Joe couldn’t do it as much as Claire could at the moment.

During this time, Jordan and Nick sat across from each other on the other side of the park on an old wooden bench. Instead of going to a fancy restaurant for their first date of many, Nick had taken Jordan to a local McDonalds which she said she wanted to go to more than a restaurant. After getting McDonalds they had sought refuge in a local park, the same on where claire and joe had gone to, to eat and talk.

Lauren’s POV
The next morning
groaning, I moved around the hotel room as quietly as I could while I got myself ready for an early morning interview and performance that would be filmed by E! News at a park. I had told claire and Jordan that they could sleep in and then I would get my driver to come back to the hotel to get them after the interview because they didn’t get in until late.

Quickly, I showered and dressed after drying my hair. pulling on a purple summer dress and tights, I sighed. It was too early in the morning to be doing interviews and performances for my liking but it had to be done because the show was going live at 7 in the morning which is when I would be giving my interview so I had to get to the park turned venue by half 6 to practice first. After putting my hair into a ponytail, I yanked on my black cardigan and slid my feet into the matching black pumps before grabbing my bag and things and leaving to meet Tj down at the car.

“Ready?” Tj quizzed as I walked over to him.

“Yup, remind me to ring the girls after ive done the interview please?”

“Sure. Here’s the car.” Tj said as a big black hummer pulled up to the road.

“Could you get any more conspicuous?” I laughed as I climbed in.

“Yeah, we could have gotten a limo.” Tj smirked as we began to drive to the park turned venue.

Half an hour later, we arrived at the park. People were running around making sure barriers were put up between the stage and where the fans would stand. I wasn’t the only person to be performing today. Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Jesse McCartney and a surprise act would also be performing along side myself.

“Lauren, this way please.” A lady said the second I had climbed out of the car.

I followed the women, Tj following behind me as I were taken to the back of the stage, given our passes and then sent to a room where I would have all of my wire sorted and my microphone would be checked.

“Tom, can you sort out Lauren’s wires please while I go make sure Selena and Demi are here. if they’re here ill bring them down so that you can sort out htier wires too. Remember lauren’s is the most important because she’s got an interview with E! News in less than half an hour.” The woman said to a boy about 19.

“Sure Suzzy.” Tom replied gesturing for me to go to him.

I walked over to him and he instantly began sorting out all of my wires and making sure the ear pieces were working.

“Thanks.” I said once I was done.

“No worries. Take a seat over there, you’ll be called out to do your interview in a bit.” Tom smiled as Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato walked in talking.

While Tom wired Selena up, Demi came over and sat next to me, instantly starting up a conversation.

“Hi im Demi, you’re Lauren right?” She said, shaking my hand.

“Hi. Yeah im Lauren.” I smiled.

“Do you know who the surprise act are today?” Selena asked across the room.

“Nope. I tried asking my manager but he told me he didn’t know either.” I shrugged.

“Oh we wanted to know so bad. They don’t show up until their due to go on stage though. Their wires get done down the road so no one but the help know.” Demi informed me.

“I wanna know too. It sucks that we cant know and then it just be a surprise for the audience.” I sighed.

“Lauren, you need to come with me to do oyur interview now.” The lady from before said.

“Ok.” I said standing up and following her out, Tj following just behind me.

“Hello Lauren, im Giuliana Rancic from E! News.” The woman I was about to be interviewed by smiled..

“Hi.” I smiled back politely.

“Now, we’re just going to ask you a few questions about how you and your friends have been seen hanging around with the jonas brothers, how your careers going and what made you decide on forming a band iwht your friends. Is that ok?” Giuliana said in one breath.

“Yeah that’s fine.” I smiled.

“Cool thanks. So we’re going live in a few mintues so lets just get comfy a minute and then Roger in the corner with wave his hand when we’re on air.” She smiled.

I smiled back before sitting down next to her on the stage, my legs dangling over the edge casually as I held the microphone ready to speak when I needed to. The man who Giuliana had said would wave his hand, Roger, did suddenly.

“Hi guys, im Guiliana Rancic and im here with British star Lauren Friend.” She smiled into the camera while I waved slightly.

“So Lauren, we here you’re out here with the girls, your best friends, who will be in your soon to be band with you.”

“Yeah that’s right. To start off with it was just kind of bringing them out here to keep my company and stuff but now its more business related for them aswell.” I said.

“Sounds fun. So are the rumours that you and your friends are dating the Jonas Brothers. Last night Nick was seen out with a tall dark haired girl while Joe was seen out with a shorter brunette girl. At the same time you were also seen out with Kevin Jonas.”

“No, the rumours aren’t true. The girl that was seen out with Nick last night was my friend Jordan and the girl seen with Joe was my other friend Claire. Nick and Joe took claire and Jordan out last night to kind of get to know them better because we are all pretty close after meeting not even a week ago. Uhm, then Kevin took me out for ice cream last night because we were both kind of bummed out sitting at like our homes, well I was at the hotel but yeah, he took me out so we wouldn’t be stuck in on our own.” I said sheepishly.

“So with that one settled, why the sudden idea to form a band when your at the peak of your career so far?”

“Well, its more fun being with your friends and people you care about so when I was given the idea by one of the fans that commented on our little video on YouTube I just kind of thought, yeah that’s a great idea. I told my friends and they agreed so we went to Hollywood Records and they agreed as well. It’s more fun being with people you’re friends with than being stuck on your own all of the time. Like when I was recording the album, it was kind of stuck in a studio all day, every day for about 2 months on my own.”

“I guess you’ve got a good reason then. Well thanks for talking with us today Lauren. we hope to speak to you once you’re part of your band called Fantasy.”

“That’s ok, thanks for having me and im sure we’ll speak to you soon.” I smiled as the camera light went off and we were allowed to move around again.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think?
Im kind of starting to like writing this now.
Some pretty cool stuff is gunna happen I think.
Lauren x