Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 12

I began singing the opening lyrics when I was told too as Nick and Kevin walked to either side of the stage while playing their guitars and Joe stood centre stage with me, waiting until he had to begin singing.

Looking to the side of the stage I saw Claire and Jordan began to slowly blush at seeing their almost boyfriends perform while being so close to them.

As we reached the chorus, I was stood by Kevin, one of my hands on his shoulder while Nick and Joe stood on the opposite side of the stage closest to Jordan and Claire. As I sang with Joe and Nick, Kevin played his best. Reaching the end of the chorus, Kevin leant up against me as he played his guitar. While I tried not to laugh at him, Joe took the lead and began moving back to the centre of the stage. I followed his actions and finished the song standing next to him while Kevin and Nick stood either side of us smiling.

“Hey guys.” Joe shouted into his mic.

“Thank you for coming out today. Our awesome friends are back stage right now after singing some amazing songs for you all.” Nick added on.

“It’s been a pleasure singing with the newest member of the Hollywood Records family, Lauren.” Kevin smiled.

“And it’s been a pleasure singing with some great guys who ive listened to for years.” I grinned before taking my bow and leaving the stage for the guys to play their set of 6 songs. The guys had been allowed to sing 1 more song than everyone else because they were the surprise act who everyone had came for really.

Claire, Jordan and I watched from the side of the stage as the boys played their 5 chosen songs, A Little Bit Longer, Much Better, Fly With Me, Black Keys, Turn Right and Hello Beautiful. Each song being one of my favourites.

By the time they came off stage, all the other acts from the day had came out to watch as the Jonas Brothers owned the stage better than the rest of us had put together. When they came off stage, Joe and Nick walked straight over to Claire and Jordan and gave them hugs. I smiled as my best friends blushed uncontrollably.

“Guess who?” Kevin sang behind my ear.

“Santa Clause.” I laughed as I turned to face him.

“Thanks for singing with us, we weren’t sure if you would seeming as you weren’t told.” Kevin admitted.

“I nearly didn’t.” I smiled as I followed the others back to the lounge area.

“Well im glad you did.” Kevin smiled as we all sat down.

After sitting around for fifteen minutes, we went outside to talk with some of the people who had hung around for autographs. Walking outside, I smiled as I saw a group of kids, a mix of ages and boys and girls, all holding signs with my name on.

“Hey.” I said as I walked over to meet them.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you actually came over. Normally you all stay over there.” One of the girls said pointing to the door.

“What’s it going to matter if I come say hi to the people who had made banners with my name on?” I laughed.

“Thanks for coming over, can we have your autograph?” Another girl asked.

“That’s ok and of course you can.” I smiled as I began signing bits of paper for each of the kids. Before long I had signed so many autographs I had lost track and the majority of the people left were waiting to speak to the others. Smiling I went back inside to meet Claire and Jordan where I had left them in the lounge area.

“Im thinking about going in a minute. Ive just gotta pack of my things back up.” I said to Claire and Jordan as I walked into the room.

“Ok, we could go get something to eat and go out somewhere for a bit.” Jordan smiled.

“Sure.” I smiled.

“Where shall we go to eat and stuff?” Claire asked.

“Uhm, we’ll go to wherever you to want to go. I don’t mind really.” I smiled as I finished sorting my things out.

“Let’s go to a little café or something then.” Claire smiled.

“Yeah and then go into town to look around the shops afterwards.” Jordan smiled.

“Alright. So a little café for dinner and then a bit of window shopping afterwards.” I smiled as we walked out of the room just in time to see Jesse come back in followed by the Jonas Brothers.

“Are you off now Lauren?” Jesse asked as we walked towards the exit.

“Yeah, we’re gunna go get some food and spend some time together because we’ve not really spent time together.”

“Ok, have fun. Ill talk to you soon.”

“Ok thanks Jesse, talk to you soon.” I smiled as we walked out of the doors.

As we began our walk back to the security tent, being followed by one of the big guys hired for today, to meet Tj, I heard our names being called. Turning around, I smiled as I saw the Jonas boys running up to us with Big Rob on their tail.

“What are you doing?”

“We came to say bye. Plus we’re leaving now.” Joe smirked, his eyes fixated on Claire.

“Yeah.” Nick added in as he smiled at Jordan.

“Oh will you two just ask them out already.” I laughed.

“What are you chatting about?” Joe asked blushing.

“You four are obviously all loved up but you’re too shy to ask them out. Who’d think the Jonas boys were too shy?” I smiled.

“We’re not shy.” Nick defended himself and Joe.

“Ask them out then.” I smirked as I walked away, leaving Joe, Claire, Jordan, Nick and Kevin looking at me in shock.

Kevin soon followed after me, leaving the others to talk.

“You’d think they would have at least tried to ask them already.” I said to Kevin as we sat on the wall outside of the security tent.

“Yeah I know.”

“Hopefully the girls will come running over in a minute, blushing because they now go out with them.” I laughed.

“Hopefully. Lauren, can I ask you something?” Kevin sounded wary.

“Sure.” I said, turning to face him.

“Would you, like, uhm… go out with me?” Kevin stuttered.

Blushing, I looked down at my hands and then over at my friends before finally turning back to Kevin.

“Sure.” I smiled.

“Cool, shall I come and pick you up so we can go out somewhere tonight?”

“Uhm, yeah ok then. Come about 8 is that alright?”

“That’s perfect.” Kevin smiled as Tj walked out of the tent.

“There you are. We’ve gotta leave now so you girls can stop by the office to speak to Simon about something. He’s just been ranting down the phone to me.”

“I swear he only knows how to rant at people.” I muttered as I jumped off of the wall.

Claire and Jordan skipped over to us then, smiling broadly. I knew instantly what they were smiling at, their moods would soon be lost when they found out we had to go and see Simon before we could spend the afternoon together.

“Time to go and see our favourite person in the world before we can go get some food.” I muttered, Claire's and Jordan’s smiles instantly leaving their faces.