Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 13

3rd Person’s POV
as the three friends got into the car, all complaining about their afternoon being shortened, their thoughts were in other places. Each girl had been asked out by one of the Jonas’ before Tj had told them they had to go to Simon’s office. Each girl was going out that evening with their new boyfriends and would be leaving at the same time, 8 o’clock.

3 weeks later
The dates went well, Kevin took Lauren to a park for their first date as a couple while Joe took Claire to the restaurant they first met, the Village Idiot and Nick took Jordan to a small intimate restaurant.

The couples had now been together for 3 weeks. Lauren, Jordan and Claire had been moved out to LA 2 weeks previously so that they would be able to record where Simon could stand on watch. They were staying in a small apartment 5 minutes down the road from the Jonas boy’s home.

The girl’s first tour had been arranged, they would be the opening act for the Jonas Brothers and would be sharing a bus because of a sudden cut in the money for the tour. This didn’t bother the girls though because they would be with their boyfriends.

Lauren, Claire and Jordan were learning to drive so when they were in America they would be able to drive themselves around instead of having to ring one of the guys, a taxi or get a driver from Hollywood Records to take them places. So far, Claire had passed her test while Lauren was due to take hers in a week’s time and Jordan was busy taking hers that day.

Even though the girls were only young, Claire 18, Lauren just turned 18 and Jordan still 17, they were fine living on their own. Going out to eat twice a week while they cooked the other 5 days during the week. They had even cooked for the boys one night. Things were going great for the girls.

Claire and Jordan got jobs a week in to staying in LA so that they wouldn’t be in while Lauren was out doing interviews or performances. All three girls were saving up so that they could have plenty of money. Lauren had already placed a deposit for the house that they wanted to buy just down the road from the apartment they were staying in while Claire and Jordan saved up some money to put towards the house even though Lauren had told them not to worry for now and that they could always pay her back by painting the house, much to their dismay.

Lauren’s POV
“Girls, hurry up, we need to get to the recording studio.” I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

“Coming.” Claire yelled as she ran down the stairs, Jordan following close behind.

“Finally. Claire have you got the keys to the car?” I quizzed as we left the apartment.

“Yup.” Claire said, swinging the keys around her finger.

“Lauren, you’re the only one without a drivers licence now.” Jordan laughed.

“Don’t rub it in. I wanted to do my test yesterday with you but I couldn’t be I had to do an interview.” I said as I got into the car.

Claire quickly drove to the recording studio where Simon was already waiting for us outside. We hurried inside and dumped our stuff on the sofa before going into the booth. Putting on the headphones, we listened as the music began to play, waiting for the right time to start singing. When the time came, we all broke into song, singing the correct words at the correct time without even having to think about the information that was on the piece of paper in front of us.

After 4 hours of singing, we had finished 2 song recordings and were listening to them while Simon told us what he thought of each song and whether he thought it should go onto the album or not.

Another 3 hours passed as we recorded one more song and had a quick break. Finally, after nearly 8 hours at the studio, we left to go home and order food in with the boys. They were coming round tonight to watch films with us and we were planning on cooking but because of Simon’s persistence to redo songs and talk about each one before we went onto the next one, we had been out for most of the day and not managed to get any food in so ordering take out was the easiest thing for us to do.

“Ive rang the pizza place.” Jordan yelled.

“What did you order?” I asked as I put loads of cans of coke and bottles of water into the fridge.

“2 large cheese and tomato pizzas, a small cheese and tomato pizza and a plain burger with nothing on for Claire.” Jordan said as she sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen.

“Ok, how long will it be?”

“Half an hour. That gives the guys time to get here and Claire time to finish her phone call with Joe even though he’s going to be round soon.” Jordan laughed.

“They seriously aren’t still talking on the phone. It’s been like nearly an hour already.” I laughed.

“Yup. Talk about loved up.” Jordan smirked.

“You can’t say anything, you were on the phone to Nick for nearly an hour last night.”

“Yeah, but not right before I saw him.” Jordan pointed out.

Claire walked into the kitchen then, her phone in her hand as she was hanging up.

“They’ll be here in 5 minutes.” She said causing Jordan and me to laugh.

“What?” Claire asked.

“Nothing.” I said just as the door was knocked.
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So its only short and ive skipped a few weeks but im trying to get to the point where they're on tour and stuff.
But what do you think?
Feedbacks always a good way to get me to write more than what ive done up there^