Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 14

Claire jumped up from the seat she had just sat in and ran to the door to open it. Jordan followed after her while I got rid of the cardboard boxes that the cans of coke had been in. as I chucked them into the small black box on the balcony of our apartment, two hands covered my eyes.

“Guess who?”

“Cj Baran. Oh I hope it is.” I laughed.

“I can’t believe that Lauren, im hurt.”

“Sorry.” I said, turning around to hug Kevin.

“You best be. What were you doing out here?”

“Putting the card out. Come on.” I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him inside.

“What card?”

“None of your business nosey.” I laughed as I sat down, pulling Kevin with me.

Claire was perched on Joe’s lap on the opposite end of the sofa while Nick and Jordan were sat on the small sofa next to the window.

“Someone put the DVD on.” I said.

“I can’t.” Claire smiled.


“Because Joe won’t let me go.” She laughed.

“Joe let her go so she can put the DVD on. She’s done nothing since we got back from the recording studio because she was on the phone to you.”

“Fine.” Joe said reluctantly while Claire jumped up and put the DVD on.

“What is it?” Jordan asked me.

“I don’t know, Claire picked it up earlier when we went into grab water and stuff.”

“Claire, what is it?”

“Ps I love you.” Claire smiled in triumph.

“I have that upstairs.” I reminded Claire.

“Well I wasn’t going to get it but I did in the end.” Claire laughed.

“Ps I love you is a girls film right?” Kevin asked me.

“It is in deed. And Claire cry’s when she watches it.” I laughed.

“Thanks for bringing that up. I was just gunna walk out of the room when I started to cry.” Claire said, sitting back with Joe.

“Never mind.” I laughed as the opening credits for the film began.

“Tell me if your gunna cry ok Claire?” Joe whispered.

“Ok.” Claire whispered back as the film started.

We watched the film in silence for the first twenty minutes. After twenty minutes the food was delivered and all hell broke loose. Everyone was talking while the boys tried to force pizza at Claire, Jordan and me even though we didn’t want anymore food than what we had had and Claire doesn’t like pizza.

“Why don’t you like pizza?” Joe whined for the tenth time since the pizza arrived.

“Because I don’t like cheese and I just don’t like pizza.” Claire said mimicking Joe’s tone.

“Oh im bored with this.” I muttered as I grabbed the empty boxes and went into the kitchen.

As I leant against the side, sipping on a can of coke I had gotten from the fridge, Kevin walked out and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“What’s the matter?” He asked me quietly.

“Nothing, I just didn’t want to sit in the living room while they were being annoying. It gets boring, that’s all.” I said, placing my can down and putting my arms around Kevin’s neck.

“Do you wanna sit on the balcony for a bit?”

“Yeah ok then.” I said as we walked out onto the balcony.

We sat down on the plastic garden chairs, looking out on to the night sky. The cold air cooled me as I thought about how things had changed so quickly. In the space of a month I had moved to LA, formed a band and was now dating Kevin Jonas. I wasn’t complaining but things had suddenly caught up with me and I longed to go home to England, sleep in my old bed and wake up in the morning to my sisters arguing and my mum running around making sure everything was ready for the day. I also longed for sitting in the front room and arguing with my dad over what to watch even though he would always win, it was fun.

“What are you thinking about?” Kevin asked me.

“Just… you know what, forget it.” I said standing up.

“No tell me.” Kevin said grabbing my hand.

“I was thinking about home. About how things have changed way to fast for me.” I said gently.

“I used to think the same thing, but trust me, it all gets easier.” Kevin whispered, wrapping his arms around me again.

“Let’s go back in before Claire and Jordan start getting ideas.” I laughed as I dragged Kevin in with me again.

1 month later, Jordan’s Birthday
“I can’t believe Simon’s making us record on Jordan’s birthday.” I muttered as I climbed into the driver’s seat of our joint car having passed my test just 2 weeks previously.

“I know, he’s so heartless sometimes.” Claire added on.

“Girls, forget it, im spending this afternoon with you two and then tonight with Nick so im fine.” Jordan said, getting into the back seat.

“No Jordan, Simon’s heartless. We have another 4 months until this flaming album comes out. Cant we have just 1 day off?” I said as I started the car and slid on my sunglasses.

“No we can’t.” Claire muttered, copying my actions.

The rest of the drive to the studio was in silence on mine and Claire’s parts while Jordan spoke to family and friends on the phone. As I pulled the car to a stop outside of the recording studio, Jordan put her phone down and chucked it into her bag as we all climbed out.

Paparazzi waited at the gates, trying to snap a picture of the almost formed new girl band Fantasy who are rumoured to be touring with the Jonas Brothers in just 4 months time, blah, blah, blah. The constant press annoys me.

The time at the studio seemed to go quicker than usual. We spent three hours perfecting the final songs, pleasing Simon greatly. Before we left he told us he may be able to bring the album’s release date forward making it so we could join the boys from the beginning of their tour and not 2 months in to it.

As we left, I said a final goodbye to Mark, the man who helped us record, seeming as it would be the last time we saw him now seeming as the album had been completed earlier than expected.

“Thank god its finished.” I said as I sat down, turning on the ignition.

“I second that.” Claire laughed while Jordan nodded in agreement.

“So, Jordan, where are we going for your birthday meal?”

“We’re going for a birthday meal?” Jordan quizzed.

“Yup and it’s my treat so don’t complain.”

“And we can go anywhere?”


“McDonalds drive thru and then back home to watch some DVD’s.” Jordan smiled.

“It’s your birthday so the McDonalds drive thru it is.” I laughed as I drove to the nearest McDonalds.

As we went through the drive thru, ordering our specific meals, paparazzi snapped our pictures, making me laugh that they would follow me to a McDonalds drive thru just to get a picture to say something’s wrong with me.

“I can see the headlines tomorrow Lauren.” Claire laughed.

“So can me.” Jordan laughed.

“Lauren Friend and her soon to be band members, Claire and Jordan, comforting eating after splits from superstar boyfriends the Jo’bros?” Claire giggled.

“Yeah, that or, Lauren Friend and soon to be band members Claire and Jordan agreeing with Demi in the fact they aren’t super models and still eat McDonalds.” Jordan laughed making us all laugh uncontrollably just as I pulled over to the next window to get our food.

We took the food and then drove back to our apartment where we put on a DVD and ate our food. Once we’d eaten, Claire and I ran into the kitchen to get the cake we had brought Jordan the night before while she was out with Nick. Laughing, we lit the candles and walked out of the kitchen singing happy birthday to you.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think?
There might not be anymore updates until Saturday because I have to write some more and tomorrow im out shopping and then maybe round my friends.
Lauren x