Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 17

When I woke up in the morning, there was a yellow post-it note stuck to my mirror at the end of my bed. Moving slightly, I crawled from under the covers and pulled the note off of the mirror. It was from Kevin.

The note read: “Hey Lauren, you feel asleep pretty quickly so I thought id write you this note before we left. I thought id tell you to sleep well and ill ring you tomorrow before we go to our interview. I love you. Kevin x”

I smiled before sticking the note back on the mirror and grabbing my hoodie, pulling it on and going downstairs. I was the first awake, so I sat down on the sofa, a bottle of water in my hands while I watched Spongebob Squarepants, which made me think of when I was back at school.

Before the episode I was watching ended, Jordan walked down stairs, still smiling from the night before.

“Morning, Smiley.” I laughed as she sat next to me.

“Oh shush, you would be all smiley if Kevin had taken you out to the beach for a picnic.” Jordan smiled going into a dream world.

“Earth to Jordan.” I said, waving my hand in front of her as I laughed.

“Oh, sorry.” She said.

“No worries my dear. Im gunna go grab some cereal, you want some?”

“Nah, im good thanks.”

“Ok.” I smiled before going into the kitchen and grabbing some breakfast.

Instead of making myself cereal like I had said, I grabbed a breakfast bar and sat on the side, looking out of the window and going into my own little dream world.

Claire came downstairs not long after and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water, she mumbled a morning to me before going back into the living room where she promptly curled into a ball on the chair and began drifting back to sleep again.

As I went back into the living room, my phone started ringing on the coffee table where I had put it when I got up. I picked it up before answering quickly.


“Lauren, its Kevin.”

“Hey, sleep well?”

“Yeah thanks, you?”

“Best sleep ive had in a long time.”


“I got your note by the way. Thank you.”

“That’s ok, I wanted you to know I was thinking about you.”

“You’re too nice.” I smiled, sitting down.

“I know. So I was thinking, do you want me to come over so I can help you with that song later on?”

“Sure. Don’t you have an interview today though?”

“Yeah, we’re going in, in like 5 minutes. I could come over in a couple of hours though?”

“Ok, Claire and Jordan are going shopping so ill be here.”

“Alright then, ill see you in a few hours. Bye.”

“Bye.” I said before hanging up.

Curling my legs under me, Claire and Jordan looked at me.


“Who was that?” Claire demanded.

“Who do you think?”

“It was obviously Kevin.” Jordan smirked.

“Jordan got it right in one.” I smiled.

“What we’re you on about then?” Claire said, crossing her arms across her chest.

“Kevin’s gunna come over and help me work on that song I started but ive not been able to finish for nearly a week.” I admitted, absentmindedly turning to E! News.

“Why?” Jordan sang.

“Because he said he’d help me and he is going to help me.”

“Why when we’re out?” Claire said.

“They’re only just going into their interview now so they won’t be done for a couple of hours and that will be when you two have gone shopping.” I shrugged before turning my attention to the TV again.

“Well if we go shopping now, Joe and Nick can come over too.” Claire suggested.

“Im ok with that.” Jordan smiled.

“Alright, ill text Kevin in a minute to tell him the others should come too.” I smiled grabbing my phone.

I quickly text Kevin to tell him to bring the others with him when he came over while Claire and Jordan went to get ready to go out shopping. Deciding on going with them, I got myself ready and then went downstairs. Claire and Jordan were waiting in the living room for me.

We left the apartment, going down to the car before the paparazzi could take pictures of us. I got into the drivers seat while Jordan sat in the passenger’s seat and Claire got in the back. I drove to the local food store so that we could get some food in the house and parked.

Jumping out, I slid on my sunglasses before locking the car and grabbing a trolley. We walked around the store, filling the trolley with different items we would need or wanted. Once we were done, we paid and then left.

As we filled the car, paparazzi got numerous pictures of us.

“Ha, I can see the titles tomorrow, Lauren.” Jordan laughed.

“What?” Claire smiled.

“Lauren and Fantasy band mates go grocery shopping while staying down to earth.” Jordan snickered while closing the boot.

“Probably. Come on, the guys will probably be round soon.” I said, jumping into the driver’s seat while Claire got into the passengers and Jordan got in the back.

We drove home listening to the radio, singing along to the songs we knew and pretending to know the words for the songs we didn’t know even though we only ended up in fits of laughter.

When I pulled the car up outside of our apartment, paparazzi jumped out of their cars and started snapping pictures as we each grabbed a few bags of shopping and took them in, locking the car as we went.

I put the bags I was holding down in the kitchen before gradually unpacking them and putting the contents away in the fridge, freezer and cupboards. Claire and Jordan helped but were soon only getting in my way as they tried to fit everything in the wrong cupboards. I ended up sending them into the living room after Claire ran up to turn my computer on so that I could check up on my Myspace and Twitter accounts before Kevin, Joe and Nick arrived.

“Lauren, they’re here.” Claire called up the stairs.

“Alright, im staying here.” I said, twirling in my computer chair to change the song playing through my ipod speakers.

“We’ll send Kevin up.” Jordan called.

“Thank you.” I said, going back to typing an email.

Moments later, Kevin walked into my room smiling.

“Hey.” I grinned.

“Hey.” He said, coming over and kissing my cheek.

“Ill be two minutes, ive just got to send this email.” I said, finishing typing.

“Sure. Who’s the email too?” Kevin said, sitting on my bed.

“A fan called Lucy. She emailed me asking where she could get tickets for our first show as a band, when the album’s coming out and to congratulate us on our newly formed band seeming as of tomorrow we are a band. Oh and asking how we’re doing.” I smiled.

“That’s nice. So you’ve told her all of the details and everything.”

“Yup, she knows where the tickets are sold to, I sent her the link, when the album comes out and I thanked her for congratulating me and the girls. Oh and I said that we’re doing fine and asked her how she is.” I smiled again.

“Cool. We had a few fans asked us about our girlfriends.” Kevin said, air quoting the girlfriends part.

“Yeah, what did you say?”

“We told them who you all are, how long we’ve been together and that we’re going on tour with you so they should defiantly come see us to check you girls out.”

After that, Kevin helped me finish the song, Claire, Jordan, Joe and Nick soon joined us in my room. After not much discussion at all, we decided we would sing together, two bands collaboration, during the shows so that way Nick Kevin and Joe could play guitars, piano and tambourine to make the song that much better while we all took it in turns to sing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im thinking about putting this on a short Hiatus while I just finish aload of the chapters because I start college on the 7th so im not really going to have time to write much for it so if I get loads done now and not post for maybe a week or something I might be able to work everything out and still write this during college because im finding it hard to write atm because I write it on my own.
Anyway, what do you think?
Lauren x