Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 18

The beginning of tour
3rd Person’s POV
it had been 3 months since Lauren and Kevin had finished writing the song. All album productions for Fantasy’s self titled album had been stopped while Fantasy, joined by the Jonas Brothers, recorded their new song, To much in love. The song was put onto the album just hours after being recorded so that the album could be put on sale 2 days later.

Fantasy’s album had reached number 1 in the Billboard charts, beating All Time Low to the stop spot. Nothing could stop the three girls now, with non stop interviews after they were publicly known as the band and continuous followings.

Now, at the beginning of tour, the girls were ready to rock the stage to warm up the amazing crowds that had shown to see the Jonas Brothers play but got the added bonus of seeing Fantasy on their first ever tour.

With the shows being sold out every night, the girls were shocked during their first show. After 3 hours of trying to get used to standing on the spinning round stage for an hour at a time, the girls were overwhelmed to realise how close the fans would actually be to them as the ran around the stage, singing and performing at their best.

Lauren had done one tour as a solo artist but nothing like now. Her stages were always sturdy stages that she would move around on and not have to worry about it moving as well. The fans were always that little bit away from her, and although she would jump off stage to go and sing to a few up-close, she was never in touching distance continuously which worried her.

After 4 hit shows, Lauren, Claire and Jordan made a video and put it on YouTube to tell the fans how much they had loved performing with them watching.

“So, thanks everyone for coming to our first ever shows as a group.” Claire smiled.

“Yeah, this has been something to remember thanks to all you awesome people.” Jordan added.

“Its kind of daunting the first time you step out on that stage with all you amazing guys waiting for us to begin, its actually nothing like when I done my first shows, but trust me, its worth all the shakes from your nerves.” Lauren smiled into the camera.

“Now, because you guys have been awesome, we’re going to show you around the tour bus that we share with the most awesome band next to us of course.” Jordan grinned.

“As you all know, we also go out with these guys, so if you see anything nasty, think about how we feel.” Lauren laughed.

“The Jonas Brothers.” Claire grinned as they began touring around the bus.

The girls showed the fans the practice room, the bunk area where Nick was busy reading in his bunk, the kitchen area where Kevin was making him self a strong coffee, the bathroom, the living area of the bus where Joe was flicking through the channels and then finally the front of the bus where Tom, the bus’ driver, was singing along to the radio while he drove.

“So, that was our home for the next 5 months. I hope you like it.” Lauren smiled.

“We like it, it’s a lot more homely than it looks. And it’s so much bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.” Jordan smiled.

“It’s like the Tardis.” Lauren laughed.

“Sorry about that, that was just Lauren showing how she’s a complete dork and watches Dr Who.” Claire laughed as well.

“Hey, it’s a family thing.” Lauren protested.

“Ok, Lauren.” Claire smiled.

“Well, we’ve gotta go now because we’re just about to get to tonight’s Venue. We hope to see you all soon. Yours truly, Fantasy.” Jordan said.

“Bye.” Claire and Lauren waved as Jordan stopped the camera from filming.

The girls quickly added the video to the groups YouTube account before grabbing their things and running over to the Venue where they had to do sound check and then get ready for that evening’s show which was just an hour after they were finished with sound check and getting ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
From now on the chapters are pretty short, well up until chapter 21 anyways.
Sorry about that, I just wanna get this done and if I changed it and made the chapters longer I wouldnt have as many and it wouldnt look right together.
From tomorrow im not gunna post for a fews days because im out tomorrow and then Tuesday im enrolling at college so im gunna leave posting til maybe Thursday, that way I can get more written as well.
Im getting closer and closer to the promise I made Claire & Jordan.
What do you think?
Lauren x