Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 20

3rd Person’s POV
After that night, Lauren and Kevin took comfort in falling to sleep on the sofa together each night before finally being told to go to bed by one of the others.

With the final week of tour finally greeting the two bands, their happiness turned to sadness. Lauren, Claire and Jordan were returning home to England for nearly a month once tour was over to spend time with family and friends and do interviews for magazines, TV programmes and film a video for their first ever released single.

During the last days together, the 3 couples spent as much time together as they could because they would be separated for a month, the longest time they had been apart since they got together nearly a year ago.

As Nick planned Jordan’s surprise for when he returned, Joe took Claire out as much as he could and told her he loved her 100 times a day. Kevin and Lauren spent as much time as they could together as well, falling asleep each night on the sofa and being the first up to watch morning cartoons before messing about in the venues during the day time when they weren’t rehearsing for that evening’s show.

Lauren’s POV
I ran over the stage, taking a short cut as I ran from Kevin after painting his nails pink while he caught up on the sleep he had missed the night before.

“Lauren, I am going to so make you pay!” Kevin yelled as I laughed hysterically.

“No you aren’t cos you gotta catch me first.” I giggled as I ran into the girl’s dressing room and hid behind our bodyguard, Tom.

“What’s going on?” Tom asked confused as Kevin ran in the room.

“Don’t let him near me Tom, he’s going to hurt me.” I laughed.

“Come on Kevin, leave the girl alone.” Tom smirked, taking Kevin out of the room as I poked my tongue out at him.

“Ill still get you Lauren.” Kevin smirked.

I smiled at him as I closed the door. I was soon ushered into the hair and makeup room where the women there quickly got to work on perfecting my hair and make up. Before long, I was done and pulling on my outfit for that evening’s show. An identical dress top and leggings to Claire’s and Jordan’s. I wore white with black leggings while Claire wore teal with white leggings and Jordan wore black with white leggings. We all wore shoes matching the colour of our dress tops.

As I walked out of the dressing room, all of my wires done for the show and completely ready, Kevin grabbed my waist and pulled me to one side, the nail varnish now completely gone.

“You saw Maggie then.” I smirked.

“If Maggie is the woman who does your hair and make up, then yes, I saw her.” Kevin said, pinning me against the wall.

“That’s the one.” I laughed.

“If you weren’t going on stage in less than 5 minutes I would so get you back right now.” Kevin said pressing his head against mine.

“Never mind, maybe next time.” I grinned evilly at him.

“Remember we share a tour bus.” Kevin reminded me.

“Yeah but you love me to much to hurt me.” I said kissing him quickly and then ducking under his arm before running on stage behind Claire and Jordan.

We sang, danced and messed about on stage during our hour set of performing before the guys came on to sing the ending song together. As we sang together, I kept to the opposite side of the stage to Kevin, every once and a while smirking at him.

Once the song had ended, I decided to tell the crowd of my little bit of fun a few hours previously.

“So guys, I thought id share a pretty funny little story with you all before I left the stage tonight. earlier today, while Kevin was having a nap, I was bored because the others were all out doing their own thing. So I sat down with my make up bag and went through everything in their because I was planning on doing my nails. So, when I was sat there, deciding between which colours I should wear, bright pink or orange, I looked over at Kevin to see him sound asleep still. I jumped up, grabbed his hand and up until an hour ago, Kevin had one had covered in bright pink nail varnish.” I giggled.

“Ignore Lauren, she drank a little bit too much Red Bull this afternoon.” Kevin said, giving me an evil look.

“Thanks for opening the show tonight girls.” Joe said as we waved and ran off stage.

“Kevin’s gunna be mad at me.” I said as I walked onto the bus and went to change into my pyjamas.

“I know.” Claire said, copying my actions.

Once I was changed into my pyjamas, I crawled under my covers in my bunk and closed the curtain before putting my headphones in so that I wouldn’t have to speak to Kevin when he got in, I didn’t want to argue.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again more shortness but its all explained during the last chapter.
You should really find the one shot called Here to Eternity. Its a Joe Jonas one but its so sweet. Kinda sad too LOL.
Anyway, Claire told me to post this so I did.
None for a few days again though, sorry :|
What do you think?
Lauren x