Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 23

“Why did you just go out this morning?” Claire said, sitting down on one of the beds.

“I didn’t wanna hang around just in case Kevin got mad at me.” I shrugged, placing the bags on the floor.

“He’s not going to get mad at you. Not after he saw you sleeping last night.” Jordan smiled.

“What do you mean?”

“He came back to the bus last night shouting and then when he saw you asleep, he just kind of let it drop. He’s been really worried all day.” Claire said, clearing up my confusion.

“Oh right. I think I might need to talk to him then.” I sighed.

“You probably do.” Claire said gently.

“Ok. Ill talk to him in a bit. I need to go for a walk.” I said, standing up.

“You’ve only just got back.” Jordan said.

“I know. Im just gunna go for a walk around the hotel. Apparently there’s a garden roof that only a few people are allowed on. I might go and see if im allowed up there.” I said.

“Ok, take your phone and we’ll ring you half an hour before we’re leaving for dinner.” Claire smiled.

“I got it. Ill be back in a bit.” I said leaving the hotel room.

I wandered around the hotel for a bit before going to the manager’s office and asking if I could go onto the roof. He gave me permission and a little key card so that I could open the door. Getting up to the roof, I opened the doors and took in the air. The roof garden was miraculous. The garden path made of pebbles with grass on either side looked beautiful as the sun began to set.

I sat on the floor next to the edge of the roof, looking back towards the doors I had just walked through. The silence made me feel at home, the one time I had felt like that for a while now.

As the doors to the roof flew open, I sighed, my peace being ruined.

That’s when I saw the familiar head of brown curls, the newly cut sideburns and familiar boots. Kevin smiled as he walked onto the roof and caught a glimpse of me before walking over and sitting on the floor to my left.

“You’ve been avoiding me.” Kevin said gently.

“Ive been avoiding everyone.” I replied quietly.


“Because I needed time to myself. I needed to be alone today.”

“Im sorry for being mad at you last night.”

“Don’t worry about it, I was asleep so I didn’t see you mad at me. I only know because of Claire and Jordan.”

“Are you mad at me?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, why would I be mad at you?”

“Because…. I don’t know.”

“Well then. Don’t you need to get ready for your live chat?”

“Yeah, I can’t be bothered tonight though.” Kevin said gently.

“Go on. You have to keep your fans happy. Ive gotta get ready for dinner with the girls now anyway. We’ll go back together.”

“Ok.” Kevin said, standing up and putting his hand out for me to take.

I grabbed his hand and then stood up. Kevin laced our fingers as we walked off of the garden roof, making sure to take our key cards with us. When we left the roof garden, closing the door behind us, I looked up at Kevin to see him smiling down at me. Stopping, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his nose before whispering im sorry and walking again.

As we reached the hall outside of our rooms, Kevin wrapped his arms around my waist and burried his head in my hair, my own head burried in his chest.

“Im so sorry Lauren. I don’t want to loose you.” Kevin said gently.

“Don’t be sorry. Its fine, you aren’t going to loose me. You’re stuck with me now.” I grinned before kissing him quickly and leaving him in the hall.

I walked into the room, smiling broadly. Claire and Jordan knew instantly that everything was sorted between Kevin and me now. And all because ive been friends with them way too long.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Claire :]
What do you think?
Lauren . x