Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 24

After going out to eat, we went back to the hotel room for an early night seeming as tomorrow we would have to get back on the bus before doing 3 interviews and the last show of tour.

Waking up in the morning, I rolled off of my bed with a loud thud waking Claire and Jordan up. When they saw me led on the floor, they both fell into hysterics before falling off of their beds making me laugh.

“What’s going on in here?” Joe said, running into the room.

“How did you get in here?” I demanded

“I have a room key.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Ok then.” I said, shaking my head.

“But anyway…. What’s going on in here?”

“I fell off the bed and woke them up. They both got hysterical and fell off of their beds and I laughed.” I said standing up.

“Wait what?”

“Don’t worry.” Claire said, hugging Joe.

“I don’t think I want to. We’re leaving in about an hour; can you get ready in that time?”

“Joe, we may be girls but we get ready faster than you. And that’s put together.” Jordan smirked as she grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom.

I sat down and began doing my hair and make up and once Jordan came out of the bathroom moments later, I went in, carrying my clothes I had led out the night before. 5 minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom, my pyjamas in my hand. Joe stood still in shock as Claire walked into the bathroom and got dressed. Her hair in a ponytail so she didn’t have to straighten it and her make up done.

5 minutes later, Claire walked out of the bathroom and threw her pyjamas in her small bag she had brought. Within half an hour, we were all ready for the day, our bags packed as well.

“Aren’t you gunna get ready?” Claire giggled.

“How did you get ready so quick?” Joe said, still in shock.

“Well we just get ready quick. When you live on a tour bus with three boys, you learn to dress quick.” Jordan shrugged her shoulders.

“Are we having breakfast on the bus?” I asked in amusement.

“What? Oh yeah, breakfast on the bus.” Joe smiled before leaving the room.

We all burst into laughter as the door closed. Joe’s face had been a picture; I just wish I had taken a picture of it before he left.

Before long, Kevin and Nick had come to the room to find out what had happened to Joe. After explaining it, we grabbed our things and made our way down to the bus, telling the boys we would meet them there 5 minutes.

“I hate these bunks.” I said, sitting down in mine.

“Why, its so tour.” Jordan laughed, climbing into hers.

“Because they are so uncomfortable. I prefer to sleep on the sofa.” I smiled remembering how many times ive slept on the sofa next to Kevin.

“Ha, we sound so English. Sofa, bottle.” Jordan laughed while Claire looked at her in confusion having just walked into the bunk area.

“What have I missed?”

“I said about how I hate the bunks and would rather sleep on the sofa and Jordan said we sound so English and then went off saying English things.” I smiled.

“Ok.” Claire said, raising her eyebrows and sitting on her bunk.

“Guess what.” I said.

“What?” Claire and Jordan said in unison.

“Tonight’s our last show and we’re going home tomorrow.” I said in one breath.

“Oh yeah!” Jordan yelled.

“I don’t want it to end.” Claire said glumly.

“I know. But I wanna go home so much.” I said, falling back onto my bunk.

“I know what you mean. But I don’t want this whole experience to end.” Claire smiled, sitting up.

“Yeah. We have to make sure we can do another tour soon.” Jordan grinned.

“We do.” I yelled jumping out of my bunk just as the boys came in.

“What’s going on now?” Joe yelled running back to the bunks.

“Nothing, chill Joe.” I laughed, skipping past him and into the practice room.

Sitting down on the stool in front of the piano, I began playing different keys. I can’t play any instrument to save my life but ive always wanted to play so sitting down and pressing the keys made me smile.

Remembering school, I smiled. The one song I knew was hot cross buns so I went about playing it and singing along to the words. Kevin walked in as I finished the song, smiling at me.

“What, it’s the only thing I can play.” I smiled.

Kevin sat down next to me on the stool, not saying anything. Before I knew it, he was playing the piano. I smiled at him; he really should play the piano more often.

“You can teach me to play the piano when I get home from England.” I grinned.

“Can I?” Kevin smirked.

“Yes you can. Otherwise you don’t loves me and that would hurt.” I giggled.

“Maybe I don’t, loves you.” Kevin said, air quoting loves you.

“Then im going.” I said, standing up and trying to storm out of the practice room.

Kevin wrapped his arms around me though and stopped me. Bringing me down onto his lap, he kissed my cheek.

“I do loves you though.” He whispered.
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Sorry I havent updated in a few days :| Ive had college and stuff
What do you think?