Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 28

Paparazzi’s POV
Snapping pictures of Lauren and Kevin coming out of the airport together, hand in hand while they each kept one hand on the trolley holding their luggage, I smiled. These pictures would get me some money, they would also prove the suspicions that Kevin had gone out to England to spend time with Lauren.

“Lauren, Kevin, over here! How was England?” I shouted.

“Hi, England was good thank you.” Lauren smiled over at us as Kevin opened the door for Lauren to get into the black limousine.

“What about you Kevin?”

“It was fun.” Kevin stated before climbing into the limo after Lauren.

Snapping a few more pictures of Lauren and Kevin through the open window, I smiled in satisfaction. Lauren and Kevin were one of the hottest couples in LA right now, alongside Claire and Joe and Jordan and Nick. All three couples had been given their celebrity couple name, Kauren, Jlaire and Nordan.

3rd Person’s POV
As Lauren and Kevin were driven to first Lauren’s apartment and then Kevin being taken back to his and his brother’s apartment, they chatted mindlessly about their visit to England.

Once Lauren was in, she collapsed onto the sofa. The apartment was empty, the girls obviously being out with the boys. Sitting on the sofa, she smiled; she was back home even though her home would always be in England.

Before long, Lauren got up and went into her room to sort out her suitcase. Putting the worn clothes into the washing basket, she placed the clean stuff on the end of her bed before taking her wash things into the bathroom and putting her make up bag back on the side in her room. Once all of that was done, she put her suitcase back under her bed and then put her clean clothes away again.

After an hour of sorting her suitcase, Lauren climbed into her pyjamas and grabbed a blanket from the cupboard before going downstairs and curling into a ball on the sofa, Claire and Jordan still not being home.

Watching re runs of the Hills, Lauren’s eyes began to droop. She had slept for a mere half an hour on the plane back to LA before she was awake again and had slept for only a few hours the night before. So now, at 6 in the evening, she was drifting off to sleep. Having tried to stay awake for as long as she could to see Claire and Jordan, Lauren finally fell to sleep 3 hours after getting back to the apartment.

While Lauren slept, Kevin sat in the practice room in his home, playing his guitar gently as he hummed along to the words of Lauren’s first ever hit song, a re make of I will. Nearly 3 hours after getting back from England and there was still no sign to the whereabouts of Joe and Nick.

Pulling his phone out of his jeans pockets, Kevin dialled Joe’s number quickly. After 5 rings and no answer, Kevin tried Nick’s phone. Just like Joe’s there was no answer. Annoyed at his brother’s disappearance, Kevin put his guitar away and wandered into the large living room, taking a seat on the big, plush, black leather sofa.

Another 2 hours passed before Kevin finally got hold of Nick and Joe. He had tried their phones numerous times before giving up for nearly an hour and then trying again. After getting no answer for the first few tries on Joe’s phone, Kevin rang Nick who answered straight away to tell his brother some great news. News that could split the family up or just bring them that little bit closer.
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3rd Chapter today.... 2/3 more until Claire will stop pestering me because its getting to the point she wants LOL.
I shall update again tomorrow.
Comments because you love me?
Lauren xo