Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 3

After eating, we grabbed our things and checked our make up one final time before leaving behind Simon with Tj hot on our tails. Simon was still adamantly talking to the chief of Hollywood Records who would be fore seeing the band become, but for now was making me work extra hard by the sounds of things.

“Lauren! Lauren! Where are you off to today?” I heard one man shout at me as he snapped pictures.

“Lauren! There’s a rumour you and the eldest Jonas may become an item after today’s meeting, is that true?” Another shouted.

I smiled courteously for their pictures, waving to a few faces I had seen on numerous occasions over the past year or so.

“Im going to do a show and then, like you said it’s off to meet the Jonas Brothers. Nothing’s going to come out of it apart from maybe singing a song together in the future. As for now it’s basically a meeting because they like my music and I like theirs.” I said, keeping my smile firmly in place even though the constant flashes were beginning to give me a headache.

Grabbing my sunglasses out of my bag, I slid them into position before climbing into limo waiting for us after Claire and Jordan. Simon and Tj getting in after myself.

“What’s the matter?” Claire quizzed me, realising something was wrong after I placed a hand to my forehead.

“The flashes give me a headache.” I mumbled.

“Here, take 1 tablet and drink plenty of water.” Tj said, handing me the items out of his back pack.

“Thanks.” I said, smiling gratefully.

“That’s ok, im your body guard, im supposed to make sure your ok.” He smiled back.

Tj really reminded me of my brother, always making sure you were ok before himself.

Simon finally got off of the phone moments after I took the tablet.

“You have a meeting booked for tomorrow afternoon. All three of you need to perform for Mr Lucas to prove your good enough to become a band. You need to have a name for the band and ideas for songs as well.” He said, punching the information into his blackberry.

“Ok, well be ready. Even if we have to stay up late sorting it all out.” I said.

“Yeah, we want this to work.” Claire grinned.

“So were gunna make this work.” Jordan added.

Not long after we pulled up at the Mall. We climbed out, smiling for the numerous cameras and answering the continous questions. Before we went inside I spoke to a few of the people waiting outside, and also giving each person who asked for an autograph one.

Once inside I was ushered off to hair and makeup. Dragging Claire and Jordan with me, I was made to sit down while one woman started on my hair and the other made sure my make up was ok. Once the make up lady was happy that my make up, having done it myself, was good, she left, leaving me to have my hair quickly brushed and, as the woman put it, ‘volumized’.

“I really cant be bothered with having to get all the wires attached today.” I mumbled to claire and Jordan as we walked to the side of the stage.

“I don’t blame you, it takes ages.” Claire said, obviously remembering the last time she had been with me when I had a performance.

“Don’t remind me.” I sighed as I began having the numerous wires attached to myself.

Within half an hour I had been all wired up and my microphone, Jordan having made sure by screaming into it.

“You’re on in 5 Lauren.” A man reminded me.

“Ok, thanks.” I said, taking a deep breath.

“Lauren dear, there you are. You haven’t warmed your voice have you?” A large woman said running over to me.

“Uhm, yeah, I done it when I was getting hair and make up done.”

“Well, do it again quickly.” The woman said quickly.

I did as told, making sure I done the vocal cords more than 3 times. All the while claire and Jordan giggling. Once the woman left, I turned my attention to my friends.

“Oi, you two, this’ll be you too soon.” I said, causing them to laugh more.

Before I could speak again, I was ushered onto the stage.

After half an hour of non stop moving and singing, I thanked my audience and ran off stage, feeling more alive than before hand. I quickly went into the room that had been locked for the use of hair and make up to change into a new top practically identical to the one I was wearing before, claire and Jordan guarding the door.

“Time to meet the Jonas Brothers.” I squealed as I emerged from the room.

“YAY!” Claire and Jordan yelled together making me laugh.

Going to meet the Jonas brothers didn’t feel any different to when I was going to meet my friends now thanks to the numerous times I had met different celebrities. As we got back into the limo that was driving us to a little restaurant I couldn’t remember the name of to meet the Jonas Brothers, claire and Jordan were like two chickens on drugs with their non stop wriggling with excitement.

Simon complained on numerous occasions about their behaviour which only made them worse, making Tj and me laugh before I had a go at Simon for being mean about my best friends.

When we arrived at the restaurant, I smiled at my friends, each of us placing our sunglasses on. Tj climbed out of the limo with us and escorted us to the door before leaving again.

“Hi, we’re here to meet the Jonas Brothers. My names Lauren Friend.” I smiled at the girl who looked not much older than me.

She smiled and nodded her head before leading us to where the Jonas Brothers were sat in the far corner of the restaurant away from any windows where paparazzi could take their pictures.

“Hi, im Lauren.” I said, capturing the boys attention, “And these are my friends, Claire and Jordan.” I went on, pointing to claire and Jordan in turn.

“Hi, im Joe.” Joe smiled, standing up and shaking our hands. His grip seeming to last longer with Claire who blushed in return.

“Im Nick.” He grinned, shaking our hands just like his brother had. He seemed to capture Jordan’s gaze which made her blush and her eyes twinkle.

“And obviously im the most handsome one who goes by the name Kevin.” Kevin smirked, shaking our hands quickly.

“Its nice to meet you.” I smiled, taking a seat, claire and Jordan following my lead.

“Its nice to meet you too. We love your music.” Kevin said politely.

“Thanks, your music’s not that bad either.” I grinned.

“Thank you.” Nick smiled, taking his eyes off of Jordan briefly.

“How are you finding LA?” Joe quizzed me, every now and then his eyes flicking over to Claire.

“Its better than the last time I was here.” I smiled.

“So this isn’t your first time of being here?” Kevin asked.

“Nope, I was here at Christmas when there was quite a lot of snow. I tripped over and really hurt my bum.” I laughed, going red with the memory.

“Joe’s done that loads of times.” Nick snickered.

“Thanks for that Nick, I thought you’d promise not to bring that sort of thing up today?” Joe said, his eyes boring holes into the side of Nick’s head.

After that the conversation flowed easily, claire and Joe hitting it off instantly and talking non stop while Jordan and Nick also hit it off easily and spoke to each other for the majority of the time. That left Kevin and myself to talk. After nearly an hour of speaking and eating, I decided to go to the bathroom so that I could calm down from the excitement I of becoming friends so quickly with the Jonas Brothers. Of course, claire and Jordan came as well.

Making our excuses, we put our things down, claire leaving her phone on the table as we left. When we got into the bathroom we checked our hair and make up.

“Oh my god, I cant believe ive been sitting so close to Nick Jonas.” Jordan squealed.

“I know, did you see how me and Joe were sat talking.” Claire gushed.

“Calm down.” I laughed, pulling myself to sit on the side.

“Says little miss im going to be calm here but im dying to scream.” Jordan laughed while claire stifled a giggled.

“Shut up.” I said quickly jumping off of the side and leaving the bathroom.

Claire and Jordan followed me but were soon walking in front of me, eager to get back to their crushes. I smiled as I saw them round the corner to our tables after taking deep breaths.

As I rounded the corner I saw claire looking red in the face, Joe holding her phone while he type quickly.

“What are you doing?” Claire asked, trying to sound mad.

“Putting my number in.” Joe smirked before passing Claire’s phone to Nick who quickly put a number into his phone.

“And you?” Jordan quizzed, her hands on her hips.

“Just taking this girls number, she’s cute.” Nick smirked before passing the phone onto Kevin.

“Oh don’t even think about it.” I said, trying to grab the phone off of Kevin.

“Too late.” Kevin smirked before giving Claire’s phone back to Joe.

“Nice picture by the way.” Joe smiled, showing us all Claire’s back ground.

The picture was taken on one of our many movie nights, each of us wearing pyjamas seeming as it was nearly 2 in the morning and we were in a hotel in London after one of my first shows on tour.

“Rude.” Claire said, blushing a deep shade of red that each of us wore on our faces.

“Not rude, just practical.” Joe smirked.

“It was the easiest way to get your numbers.” Nick said, also smirking.

“You could have asked.” I replied sitting down again.

“But that’s no fun.” Kevin grinned across the table at me.

“It would have been less embarrassing for us though. Did you all see the picture?”

“Yup.” Kevin nodded.

“That’s embarrassing.” Jordan said, becoming more red than before.

“No its not.” Nick smiled at Jordan.

After an hour of the boys talking about the picture and claire, Jordan and I defending ourselves, we had to leave. The boys also having to leave for an interview.

“It was nice meeting you 3 today.” Joe smiled, looking at only claire.

“It was nice to meet you guys too.” Claire replied.

“Thanks for coming.” Nick smiled at Jordan making her blush.

“Thanks for inviting Lauren and letting her bring us.” Jordan grinned back.

“Look at the love birds.” I laughed before turning back to Kevin.

“Not quite love birds, ill give it until the end of week.” He smiled.

“Well thanks for arranging this today. It was fun.” I smiled up at him, my fringe falling into my eyes.

“That’s ok.” Kevin smiled, swatting my fringe out of my eyes.

“Boys! Come on, we need to go!” Big Rob yelled across the restaurant.

“Two minutes Rob.” Kevin laughed.

“Impatient person.” Jordan said, giggling.

“Well bye.” Claire, Jordan and I said simultaneously.

“Bye.” Kevin smiled.

“Yeah, laters.” Nick grinned at Jordan.

“Au Reviour.” Joe smiled at claire and then they left.

Not long after the boys left, the bill having already been paid, myself paying for half while the boys took the other half of the bill, we left. Tj met us outside of the restaurant and ushered us over to the black range rover that he had driven to pick us up, a welcome change from the limo.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, ive just finished this chapter and im posting it because Claire asked me too :]
Oh and she helped me with the phone idea, so thank you :]
This is actually getting longer and longer atm, it only started off as a one shot LOL.
What do you think?
Lauren x