Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 30

After finding out all of the information from Claire, I hung up and tried to remember everything while I wrote it down in my notebook that was on the table.

The official weddings had already been books. Claire’s and Joe's taking place on May 19th, my birthday, the day I became 20 and Jordan and Nicks taking place 3 weeks later, on the 2nd of June, giving Claire and Joe two weeks to honeymoon and then 1 week to settle back into normal day to day life before another wedding. Both weddings would be taking place in a matter of 6 months time.

The married couples would not be living together until after the weddings had taken place but would be spending more nights away from their homes than at their homes while Kevin and I stayed where we were living.

After nearly 2 hours of thinking, I decided that I would put the house I had not long brought up for sale. It would make more sense for me to move into an apartment than to live in a house with 5 rooms on my own, it would feel to empty.

At 3 in the morning, while I sat in the living room on my new laptop, I sent an email to the local estate agents about putting the house up for sale and asking them if they could keep me updated on small apartments that would be going up for sale in the next few months.

Soon enough, I fell to sleep. Not before turning off my laptop off of course.

3rd Persons POV
As Lauren slept, Claire, Joe, Jordan and Nick celebrated their newly found happiness from their marriages while Kevin played his guitar, the same song over and over again. He wanted the same happiness that Joe and Nick had with Claire and Jordan with Lauren but he didn’t think he would ever get it. Especially because of her reaction when she found out her best friends had just got married at such an early age.

Before long, Kevin retreated to his room to fall into a much needed sleep. As he slept, Lauren awoke to wander around an empty house that she felt horrid in. nothing was going to be the same now that Claire and Jordan had married and were moving out. Soon enough, Lauren would be alone at home all of the time, something she had never liked. The bands would obviously be taking breaks now, something Lauren didn’t want to do seeming as Fantasy were just beginning to become famous, their album reaching the top spots in all countries while more tours were being demanded.

It wasn’t the fame that Lauren was worried about or the money either. It was the fact that she may loose her friends, the people who had kept her sane since she had became famous and weren’t just being her friend because they might get something out of it.