Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 31

Laurens POV
May 19th, Claire and Joe’s wedding day
I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at my hair in the mirror on the opposite wall. My hair had been pulled into a bun, small curls falling loose. My make up was done as well, simple and plain, minimal mascara, lip gloss and a tiny bit of eyeliner on making my eyes stand out that little bit more.

Looking over at the strapless teal dress hanging on the wardrobe door, I stood up and walked over to it. Pulling it down, I unhooked it from the hanger and then pulled it on, doing it up quickly and easily.

“Lauren, are you decent?” Jordan called through the door.

“Yeah im decent, come on in.” I said, turning around after picking up the matching teal heels.

“Wow, you look really pretty.” Jordan smiled.

“Thank you Jordan. You look amazing too. How’s Claire coming along?”

“That’s ok. Thank you. Claire’s almost done now. Christine’s just helping her get into her dress.” Jordan smiled.

“Good.” I smiled, sliding my feet into the heels.

Jordan and I wore matching dresses and shoes, our hair almost identical but our make up completely different. Jordan wore only the slightest bit of lip-gloss and mascara.

“We should get downstairs.” Jordan said, leaving the room.

“Ok, ill be down now.” I said.

“Ok.” Jordan called as she walked down the stairs of our apartment.

I sat on the edge of my bed again and picked up my phone, placing it into the small white clutch bag that matched the clips holding my hair into place. Before I could do my bag up, my phone buzzed. Taking it out, I read the text message.

“Happy birthday baby. Ill see you at the church.” Kevin’s simple text made me smile. He seemed to be the first person to actually remember it being my birthday so far. Having not yet seen my family.

“Thank you Kevin. Ill see you soon” I replied before placing my phone back in my bag and going downstairs where everyone else was waiting.

I smiled and spoke to the people waiting in the small area of our apartment living room. Claire’s dad, Nan, and her cousin Jo who was also a bridesmaid were among the people I spoke to.

After a little over 5 minutes, Claire descended the stairs behind her mum. Her hair tied back into a bun with a few curls falling loose like the three bridesmaids. Claire’s white dress was simple and elegant. I smiled before running over and hugging her. After lots of chatter, we were summoned out to the cars, 2 simple white cars from in the 40’s by the looks of things. One car was for the bridesmaids and Claire’s mum and one car was for the bride and her father.

When we arrived at the church, I climbed out first. We stood in age to have our picture taken before being hurried over to the best men to have our picture taken with them. Once all the pictures were taken, the guests were seated and Claire arrived. Standing in the waiting area, we were arranged into our positions to walk down the isle. Jo and Kevin walking down first, Jordan and Nick next while I walked down last with Frankie.

“Lauren dear!” Denise called as she came into the waiting area.

“Hey Denise.” I smiled.

“Don’t you look pretty. You all look fabulous.”

“Thanks Denise.”

“I have a little something for you for your birthday. Do you mind if I give it to you now?”

“Oh you shouldn’t have.” I smiled, taking the small box from her hands.

“I should have. It’s your birthday dear. Go on, open it up.”

“Thanks Denise.” I smiled as I opened the small box to reveal a simple pair of earrings.

Smiling, I put the earrings in, putting the ones that were previously in my ears into the box that Denise had given me and putting the box into my bag.

“Thank you.” I smiled, hugging Denise closely.

“That’s ok dear. It’s just something small from me, Paul and Frankie.” She smiled before hurrying back off.

“Thank you Frankie.” I grinned, hugging him tightly.

“That’s ok Lauren. You have to let me dance with you now though.”

“Alright Franks.” I said as Kevin and Jo walked down the isle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully this will make Claire feel a bit happier now... for Claire :D
What do you think?
Lauren xo