Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 34

After arriving at the hotel, I cut the engine before slipping my shoes back on and going upstairs with my family, carrying my youngest sister as she was asleep.

“Here’s us.” My dad said, opening the door.

I smiled, following him inside. Lying Chloe down onto the nearest bed I smiled at my mum.

“Here you go.” She smiled, handing me 3 presents and 3 cards.

“Thank you.” I smiled, hugging her and my dad tightly.

“Open them when you get home Laur, I don’t want you crying on us.” my dad laughed.

“Shut up dad, I don’t cry.” I smiled, knowing I would cry.

“Of course you don’t Laur.” He laughed giving me a hug.

“Happy birthday Lauren.” my mum smiled as she hugged me goodbye.

“Thanks. For the presents too.” I smiled.

“We’ll ring you when we get back in England ok? Miss you.”

“Miss you too. I love you. Bye.” I smiled as I got into the lift opposite their room.

Once I was safely in the car again, I slid off my shoes, locked the doors, turned the radio on and drove back to the apartment as tears formed in my eyes. I blinked them back until I was safely in the refuge of my home, filled with cardboard boxes and an empty feeling.

Going upstairs, I looked into Claire’s room. There was nothing left now, the majority of her things in the cardboard boxes waiting to be collected in the morning and already at the apartment. One single box was on the bed, a small one with a card attached to it.

Sitting on the end of Claire’s old bed, something that would be moved tomorrow as well as Claire's other stuff, I took the box in my hands and read the name on the card’s envelope, Lauren.

I opened the card first to see a picture inside of the card as long as a message on one side. The message read:
‘Lauren, happy birthday. Thank you for being at my wedding today and being ok with me having my wedding day on your birthday. I hope you don’t think ive forgotten today because I never would, even though tonight ill be a little too tipsy to remind you so you’ve probably seen this when you’ve came in to make sure ive shut the windows and everything’s been packed away. anyway, I wanted to thank you for putting up with me living with you and helping me find Joe. You’re one of my best friends. I love you. Claire x’

I smiled before placing the card on the bed and opening the small box to reveal a small photo frame with pictures of Claire, Jordan and me from when we first became friends up until the last day of our tour.

As I sat and looked at the photo frame, remembering all of the times the pictures were taken, the door bell rang. Jumping up, I grabbed the card and photo frame in the box, leaving the rubbish on the bed. I ran down the stairs, placing the things onto the side before opening the door.

Standing a side, I smiled as I let the all too familiar figure into the apartment. His curly hair blowing in the gentle breeze that had picked up during the night. After closing the door, I turned to face him, smiling into his dark green eyes.

“Happy belated birthday.” He grinned, passing me the small box he held in his hands.

“Thank you Kevin.” I smiled, taking the box.

Opening it, I smiled as I took in the beautiful locket with a small emerald stone in it, the colour of my birth stone, and the long silver chain attached to it.