Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 35

“Thank you Kevin, I love it.” I smiled, taking it from the box.

“That’s ok. Im glad you like it.” He smiled as I turned so he could do the latch for me.

“You’ve actually helped make my day today.” I smiled, hugging him tightly.

“Why?” He smiled, kissing my forehead.

“Because today’s been different. I thought everyone had forgotten and then Claire left me her present in her old room and then you brought this round and it just made my day.” I whispered as tears began to form in my eyes.

“Hey, don’t cry.” Kevin comforted.


“Don’t be.”

“Wait here a minute, im just going to change into my pyjamas. This dress is annoying me now.” I said, pulling at the silky material.


“Be right back.” I smiled, kissing his cheek and then running upstairs and into my room.

Pulling off my dress, I hung it up in the wardrobe, making sure to put the cover over it so that it wouldn’t get ruined. I yanked on my pyjama bottoms while slipping on my slippers. Once that was done, I slid on the top and a hoodie before grabbing a hair band and walking down the stairs. Planning on pulling the clips from my hair and putting it into a ponytail once I was downstairs.

“Hey.” I smiled, sitting down on the sofa as I pulled out the first of many hair clips.

“Hi.” Kevin smiled, helping me take some of the clips out.

“Thanks.” I said once all of the clips were gone.

“That’s ok.”

“Im going to hate being here on my own now.”

“You’ll be fine. Ill come over basically everyday.”

“Thanks. At least im only here for 3 days on my own full time after Jordan gets married.”

“Yup. And then you’ll be moving across the street from me.”

“I will.” I yawned.

“You will.” Kevin smiled.

“What do you wanna watch? Anything or nothing? DVD or TV?”

“Let’s watch a DVD.”

“Ok, you can choose.”

“Alright.” Kevin smiled as he got up and put a DVD in the player.

Moving closer to Kevin, I smiled as the opening credits came on. It looked like an old, small budget movie, something that I would probably get bored of soon enough but something I wanted to watch because Kevin had chosen it.

To my surprise, Kevin’s face popped up on the screen, smiling, he held out a small box for the camera to see.

“Hey Lauren. Happy birthday.” Kevin waved.

I looked over at him, a small smile present on his face.

“If you’re watching this it means I got the guts to ask you something pretty important today.”

“Kevin, what is this?” I asked in shock.

“Shh, just watch.” He smiled, kissing my head.

“Well, ill take it you can see the ring so now all I need to do is ask the question. Here goes.” Kevin fumbled with the small ring in his hand and then rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Lauren Stephanie Friend, will you marry me?”

I looked over at Kevin to see him pulling out the exact small ring from his pocket. His hand extended to mine as he held it, smiling at me warmly.

“Well?” He asked, his eyes locked with mine.

I shook my head gently, my eyes beginning to water.

“What?” Kevin looked at me worried.

“Yes.” I whispered as the tears began to flow.

“Thank you.” Kevin said before kissing me.

“I love you Kevin.” I smiled pulling away.

“I love you too Lauren.” Kevin said as he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me in closer to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Claire :]
Almost Jordan's time to shine now :]
Lauren xo