Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 37

3rd Persons POV
As the couples walked down the isle to Ill Be by Edwin McCain, the families smiled and watched on.

The ceremony was similar to Claire’s and Joe’s although different vows were used. Both Jordan and Nick smiled the whole way through the ceremony while I watched on in happiness for them. Claire and Jordan had never in a million years thought that when we came out to LA when I had to meet the Jonas Brothers that we would be going home as a band called Fantasy and they would be married to such amazing boys.

“You may now kiss the bride.” The vicar smiled.

Nick leant forward and moved Jordan’s veil before they kissed for the first time as a married couple.

After that, we were all sent off in different cars. Jordan and Nick getting into the small white Rolls Royce, while the bridesmaids and best men were taken to the venue where the after party was taking place in a long white limo.

After climbing into the limo and taking my seat next to Kevin, I grinned as Frankie climbed over everyone to sit next to me as well.

“Hey little man.” I smiled, ruffling his hair.

“Don’t forget you promised me a dance.”

“I won’t forget. Did I forget last time?”


“Well then.” I laughed as the driver sped off down the road.

The whole ride to the venue, Kevin kept hold of my hand tightly. I smiled over at him every now and then but kept a conversation with Claire going the whole ride. We hadn’t spoken properly for a while now and I missed her way too much to not talk to her like there was no tomorrow.

“So, how was the honeymoon?” I asked as my final question for now.

“It was amazing. We should defiantly go there on holiday one day.” Claire gushed.

“Uhm, you’re a married girl now, I don’t think you’re lovely husband over there will want you jetting off on holiday with me and Jordan. And I know for a fact Nick wont like it. He’s already told me that Jordan is now his.” I giggled.

“Take them with us but then dump them off at a guitar shop. It’ll keep them amused for days.” Claire laughed, getting a look off of Joe that said, you better be joking Mrs.

“You’re right, it would.” I said, smirking at Kevin.

“Don’t look at me like that.” Kevin smiled before kissing my forehead and going back to his conversation with Emily, Jordan’s little sister.

When we arrived, Claire and Joe were first to get out, then Frankie, then I and then Kevin and Emily. I smiled before taking Kevin’s hand and walking into the venue.

I had only told me parents of mine and Kevin’s engagement so far, but of course, they knew of Kevin’s proposal anyway because he’s been brought up as a gentleman and asked my dad for his permission first. Denise and Paul also knew but apart from them, no one knew. I didn’t want to take away from the special moment that was Jordan and Nicks wedding so had kept it quite. As I walked into the venue though, Claire spotted the ring shining in the now setting sun. She ran over, grabbed my hand and lifted it to see the small diamond ring, encircling my finger.

“Since when?” Claire asked, dropping my hand and placing hers on her hip.

“A little while ago.” I said closing my eyes slightly.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” Claire sighed.

“Sorry. We didn’t want to take away from the specialness of Jordan and Nick’s wedding.” I admitted, fiddling with the delicate ring.

“Specialness isn’t a word Lauren. But if it was, im sure Jordan wouldn’t have minded.”

“It is too a word. Its Lauren’s word.” I defended.

“Oh shut up and come on.” Claire laughed, dragging me back over to Kevin.

“I can’t believe you didn’t inform me of this as well. My own brother in law. Im hurt Kevin, im hurt.” Claire giggled before walking back over to Joe.

“What’s Claire ranting on about now?”

“This.” I said, wriggling my fingers at him.

“Oh. She saw it ill take it.”

“She did in deed.” I smiled as we walked into the venue and took our seats.

As we sat down, Joe walked over to me and Kevin and tapped his foot against the floor.

“Im hurt bro. You couldn’t even tell me. I can keep a secret.”

“Yeah, of course you can Danger.” Kevin laughed.

“Of shush Joe, no one was supposed to know at the moment. I made him do it so there.” I said, sticking my tongue out at him before patting his arm.

Joe stuck his tongue out at me before getting a quick look at the ring and then walking away.

“I can’t believe ive managed to keep the whole engaged thing a secret until today. Trust it to be today of all days.” I sighed, resting my head on Kevin’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it. Nick and Jordan won’t mind a bit.” Kevin smiled before kissing my forehead.

“I guess.” I smiled.

The speeches were made then. Claire and I got up together to speak while Kevin and Joe both got up separately and then Frankie and Emily got up to do their own little congratulations for the newly weds.

Once the speeches had been made, Jordan and Nick stood up for their first dance as a married couple. The song began to play, ‘Because You Loved Me’ by Celine Dion blared through the speakers as Jordan and Nick twirled around the floor together.

After the song ended, ‘Cry’ by Mandy Moore was played. I looked up just in time to see Claire smiling as Joe grabbed her hand and twirled her from the DJ’s booth to the dance floor. As the floor began to fill with people, Kevin stood up, grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the floor.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed his nose as we danced together. I could catch glimpses of my ring glistening in the flashing disco lights so I knew before long, someone was bound to realise that I was now engaged to Kevin.

I looked over to the middle of the dance floor as the song was beginning to end and the spotlight shone over Nick and Jordan as the rest of the room went into darkness. Nick carefully slid off his purity ring and slid it onto Jordan’s now crowded ring finger.

“I love you Lauren.” Kevin whispered as the song came to an end.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I changed the chapters so that they would be longer and there would be less chapters to read. Im not sure if its a good idea or not but ive done it. So the updates are longer now.
Theres also less updates so bear with me please?
Ive got 18 subscribers but only 1 person who comments every time.
Think we could get a few more commenters from now on?
No one likes a silent reader.
Lauren xo