Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 38

Two weeks after Jordan had been married and it was now in the press that Kevin and I were engaged. I was due to fly home the next morning, for a few days before work started up again, taking Kevin with me of course.

As I packed the remainder of my belongings into my suitcase, the rest of my things still in boxes in my new apartment, my phone began to ring. I grabbed it and answered the call.

“Hello?” I said, sitting down on the bed.

“Hey Lauren. I have such amazing news and I needed to tell you and Jordan but I can’t get hold of Jordan at the moment so im just telling you for now.” Claire gushed.

“Shut up. Take a deep breath and then tell me your news.”

“Im pregnant.” Claire squealed.

“You what? How far are you gone?”

“Im 4 weeks gone.”

“So you got pregnant 1 week into your marriage.” I giggled.

“Yeah I guess so.”

“Oh my god. Congrats Claire.”

“Thank you. Now all that needs to happen is Jordan needs to get pregnant and then you and Kevin need to get married and have a baby.”

“That’s ok. Yeah ok then. Look Claire, ive gotta go. Ive got to make sure everything’s packed for my flight tomorrow morning. Ill ring you once im done though ok?”

“Ok sure. Ill talk to you later. Ive still gotta tell my mum.”

“Ok, well if you do that and ill ring you in a couple of hours.”

“Ok bye.”

“Bye.” I smiled before hanging up.

As I placed my phone down, I thought about how much things had changed lately. Claire and Jordan were both married, to the Jonas boys, something we’d never thought would actually happen, we were in a band together, reaching the top stops in the charts and now Claire was pregnant. Not to forget the little detail that I was also engaged.

Before I could do anymore packing, my front door was knocked. I skipped down the stairs and swung the door open to reveal a smiley Kevin.

“Hey babe.” Kevin smiled, wrapping his arms around me the second the door was closed.

“Well hello there.” I giggled, pulling away from him slightly.

“Have you spoken to Claire?” Kevin quizzed.

“Yeah, about 5 minutes ago.”

“So you know the news.”

“Of course I do.” I grinned.

“I can’t believe they’re going to be parents. Im going to be an uncle.”

“I know. Uncle Kevin, it’s got a ring to it.” I smiled, kissing his cheek before walking back upstairs to finish packing.

Kevin followed me up and led down on my bed and I worked around him to make sure everything was packed for the early morning flight.

“Are you staying here tonight so you don’t have to get over here for like, 5 in the morning?”

“I don’t mind, do you want me to stay?”

“No Kevin, I don’t, I was just asking for the fun of it.” I smirked.

“Oh shush.” Kevin said, poking my side gently.

“Be quiet yourself and get your shoes off of my bed.” I laughed, slapping his feet off of the bed slightly.

“Oh well I am ever so sorry.”

“Oh be quite. What’s your answer, yes or no?”

“Yes.” Kevin smiled.

“Ok, if you go back to yours and get your stuff later on then and ill like cook something, or even better, order something, while you’re gone.”

“Sure.” Kevin smiled as I zipped up my suitcase and sat down next to him.

I leant my head against his shoulder and sighed as he played with a strand of my hair. It had been such a long time since id been in England in my old room, in my old bed, without being famous or having people follow you with cameras all of the time. I missed the simple things in one way but then again, I loved my life too.

After a couple of hours of watching boring TV programmes while Kevin practiced plaiting my hair, failing each time, he went home to get his things for tomorrow and tonight while I put a plain cheese and tomato in the oven for our tea.

As I sat on the sofa, flicking mindlessly through the channels, I decided I should really ring Claire now. Grabbing my phone from the table where id left it when we came downstairs, I dialled her number quickly, knowing it off by heart.



“Hey Lauren.”

“How did your mum take the pregnancy thing?”

“She’s ecstatic.” Claire squealed.

“Bless. I might go see your mum when im in England.”

“Ok cool. How long are you out there for again?”

“3 days. I decided not to stay out for the whole week because I need to get back and start sorting a few things out for the band.”

“Cool. Ill come over and help you one day if you like.”

“Ok cool. I will take you up on that offer for definite. Ill ring you once im home and stuff.”


“We should go out when im home too. Not drinking though, you cant now.” I smiled.

“I know. We haven’t done anything in such a long time. Oh I know, how about a movie night.”

“Sounds like a plan. We’ll do it over mine then we don’t have any husbands hanging around.”

“Ok. We’ll sort that when Jordan gets home.”

“Ok, well ill let you go because you sound tired. Ill talk to you soon.”

“Ok, bye Lauren.”

“Bye.” I said before hanging up.

Just as I placed my phone on the coffee table, the door was knocked. I jumped up and answered it, smiling as Kevin, leant down to kiss my forehead before dragging his suitcase in behind him.

“I was thinking, we should really start thinking about letting everyone know about us being engaged and start sorting dates.” Kevin said, sitting next to me on the sofa.

“I guess. So far only a few people know.” I laughed, settling closer to him.

“Yup. How’s the pizza?”

“Crap! I forgot about it.” I screamed, jumping up and running into the now, smoky kitchen.

I ran through, opened the balcony door and windows before pulling the now burnt pizza out of the over. Slamming it down on the side, I turned the cooker off and waved a tea towel around, trying to clear the smoke.

Kevin stood in the doorway, laughing hysterically at my attempts of cooking a pizza.

“Don’t laugh.” I mumbled dryly as I threw the pizza into the bin.

“Im sorry. It’s just so funny that you forgot.”

“It’s not funny. Im constantly doing this. Im actually just going to live on takeaways from now on.”

“You can’t live on takeaways.”

“Cant too.” I said before going into the living room.

“No you can’t. Come on, we’ll ring up and get take out tonight but its fine.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder.

“Ok.” I muttered, turning around and burying my face in his chest.

“You smell like burnt pizza.” Kevin snickered.

“Uncalled for Jonas, uncalled for.”

“I love you.” Kevin said, kissing me quickly before ringing for a pizza while I changed my clothes.