Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 39

I came down stairs wearing a pair of baggy jogging bottoms and a tank top. My feet clad in a pair of stripy socks and my hair pulled into a messy bun at the back of my head. I skipped into the living room where Kevin was sat watching E! News intently.

“Hey.” I said, curling up next to him.

“Hey.” Kevin smiled, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Who’s the latest gossip about?”

“Claire and Joe. Or shall I say, the first, newly wed Jonas couple.”

“Ah.” I nodded in response before going back to watch the TV.

“It is rumoured that Claire Jonas, formally Sparks, of girl band, Fantasy, is expecting the first Jonas baby in a little over 8 months time. Claire and Joe were seen leaving the doctors this morning, holding a small picture in their hands, smiles adorning their faces. Later on, they were seen walking around a children’s boutique store and looking at the babies clothing in particular. What do you think about this rumour? Is it true or are the couple just simply throwing the paps off?” the reporter said, smiling profusely at the camera.

“Ha, I wonder how long it is until the rumours are confirmed true now.”

“Hopefully for a while. They shouldn’t say anything until they’ve got passed the 12 weeks mark. That’s the safest for them.”

“I guess so.”

Before Kevin could say anything else, the door was knocked. He jumped up and answered the door, taking the pizza, he paid the delivery boy and closed the door before coming back to sit next to me again.

He placed the pizza on the table before taking a slice. I followed his lead and then settled back down in the sofa. I didn’t eat anything after that, leaving the rest of the pizza for Kevin to eat. I watched the different news reports flash up on the TV as the presenters of E! News went through everything before finally deciding I needed to get some sleep.

“Im gunna go to bed.”

“Ok, ill come now as well.”

“Its fine if you wanna stay up.”

“No, I won’t get up otherwise.” Kevin laughed, turning off of the TV.

“Ok, im just gunna check everything’s locked.”

“Sure. Do you want me to do the security system?”

“No its fine, you go on up and sort yourself out.”

“Ok, see you in a minute.”

I kissed Kevin’s cheek before running into the kitchen. I went around the apartment, making sure all of the doors and windows were locked before setting the alarm system and going upstairs to bed.

I walked into my room to see Kevin putting his clothes out for the morning. His clothes he had been wearing before on the floor. He had on an old t-shirt and stripy pyjama bottoms. I smiled at him before closing the door and grabbing my clothes for the next morning out of my wardrobe. Putting them onto the chair, I picked up Kevin’s clothes and chucked them into the washing basket.

“Why have you put them in there?” Kevin asked as I slid into the bed.

“Because then they aren’t on the floor and I can get them washed when I get home.”

“Ill takes them back with me when we get home.”

“No, leave them.” I said before lying down and getting comfortable.

Kevin gave up and got into the bed. After getting comfortable, we both fell to sleep.

I woke up in the morning to hear my alarm blaring. Rolling over, I smacked the snooze button before nudging Kevin gently. He moved slightly but didn’t wake up. Grumbling to myself, I nudge him a bit harder, still no response.

After 5 minutes of nudging Kevin, poking and prodding as well as shaking him, I finally gave up and decided to try a nicer approach. I whispered good morning in his ear and when I still didn’t get a response, I kissed his cheek. He finally woke up.

“Morning.” He smiled.

“Morning.” I replied groggily before getting up and grabbing my clothes.

“Do you wanna change in here or the bathroom?” I quizzed.

“I don’t mind.”

“Ok, im taking the bathroom then.” I smiled before leaving the room.

I went over into the bathroom and got ready for the next day quickly. After having a quick shower, I dressed in my “comfy” jeans and a baggy Fantasy tour top. Once I was dressed, I pulled my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my things.

Throwing my clothes into the washing basket in the bathroom, I went over to my room and knocked on the door.


“Are you decent?”

“Yup.” Kevin said as he opened the door smiling.

I walked into the room, I grabbed my things, putting my hairbrush and makeup bag into my handbag, and I smiled over at Kevin.

“Come on then, we don’t have all day.” I giggled.

“Im coming, im coming.” Kevin grinned as he grabbed his things and we lugged them downstairs, leaving them by the door.

We had a car coming to pick us up in half an hour so we had plenty of time to grab some breakfast and then make sure that the apartment was fully locked and secure for while we were in England.

We ate quickly before making sure everything was locked. Just as I finished putting all of the locks on in the kitchen, the door was knocked. Kevin answered and called me out as it was the driver.

“He’s already taken out suitcases.” Kevin smiled as he took my hand.

“Ok, let me put the alarm on a second, can you grab my bag?”

“Sure.” Kevin smiled, picking up my bag as I punched in the number for the alarm system.

“Thanks.” I said, taking my bag from Kevin as we left the apartment and I put the locks on.

“No problem.” Kevin smiled before dragging me down the flight of stairs and out to the awaiting car.

There were paparazzi everywhere outside of the apartment as we got into the car. They snapped numerous pictures as we got into the car and it sped off in the direction of the airport.

“Do they not have lives?” I moaned as I leant my head on Kevin’s shoulder.

“Probably not.” Kevin laughed, wrapping an arm around me.

Before I could reply, Kevin’s phone rang. I sat up straight so he could answer it. I was thankful for the glass separating us from the driver, he wouldn’t be able to hear us on the phone.

“Hey dude.” Kevin said.

“Yeah, she’s here, we’re on our way to the airport now. Let me put you on loud speaker.”

“LAUREN!” Was the next thing I heard, Jordan’s voice ringing through the phone.

“JORDAN!” I mimicked.

“How are you?”

“Im good. You? How’s the honeymoon?”

“Good. I am excellent as is the honeymoon.”


“We’ve got some excellent news.” Nick said.

“Hey Nick.”

“Hey Lauren.”

“What’s your news?”

“Well, we’re having a baby.” Jordan squealed.

“You what? That was quick.” I laughed, Jordan laughing with me.

“I know. But im so happy.” Jordan said after she’d finally finished laughing.

“Oh my god. Congrats. Have you told Claire and Joe yet?”

“Yeah. Joe’s really annoyed now.” Jordan giggled.

“He was so annoying.” Nick added.

“Never mind. Look, congratulations is all I can say really.”

“Thanks. Look we’ve got to go because we haven’t even left the hospital out here yet.”

“Ok, bye.”

“Bye.” They said in unison before Kevin hung up.

“I can’t believe it. That’s both my little brothers, married and expecting children.” Kevin laughed as I settled against his side again.

“I know. Who would have thought that this would happen this time last year?”

“Not me, that’s who.” Kevin laughed.

We sat in silence for the rest of the drive to the airport, thinking about probably different things even though the chance was we were thinking the same thing. We were the last to start a family, even arrange our wedding. I didn’t mind though, I wanted things to stay the same for just a little while longer.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Jordan because she's not very well. Hopefully this will make her feel better :]
Also for Claire because she gives me a reason to write because 1- she'd annoy me if I didnt 2- her comments always make me laugh and 3- she's given me loads of ideas for what I can do for this story. So thank you Claire.
And thank you Jordan for giving me comments that make me giggle.
Now, I think I could get at least 3 comments... well, I hope I can.
If you read this and think its amazing - comment. If you think its crap - comment. And if you think theres loads that needs to be changed - comment. I dont mind.
Anyway, thanks.
Lauren xo