Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 4

3rd Person’s POV
as Lauren, Claire and Jordan all sat around in their pyjamas that first night after meeting the Jonas Brothers, their laptops on their laps while music played from Lauren’s ipod and speakers in the background, all three girls got phone calls. Claire’s being the only call that didn’t come up with an unknown number after Joe put his number into Claire’s phone.

As each girl excused to their selves to a different part of the hotel room, Jordan seeking refuge in the bathroom while Lauren sat on the balcony and Claire sat tucked under the duvet in the room, they answered their calls.

Lauren’s POV
sitting down on the cold plastic chair placed on the balcony, my legs brought up to my chest while I kept one arm wrapped around them, I answered my phone.

“Hello?” I asked wearily after having one too many people calling me when I didn’t know them.

“Hey, Lauren, it’s Kevin.” I heard the already familiar voice say.

“Oh hi Kevin.” I said, relieved it wasn’t a stalker or anything.

“Are you ok?” Kevin asked me.

“Yeah im ok thanks. You?”

“Good. Yeah im good thanks.”

“Good.” I smiled.

“What you up too?”

“Sitting on my balcony talking to you. Well it’s not my balcony, it’s the hotels but never mind. What about you?” I laughed.

“You’re mad. Im sitting at my computer in my room talking on the phone to you.”


“What were you doing before?”

“Sitting on one of the beds in the hotel room with Claire and Jordan on our laptops.”

“So I didn’t interrupt anything then.” He laughed.

“No not really.”

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Kevin blurted out suddenly.

“Uhm, I have a meeting at Hollywood Records and then I have the rest of the day to go site seeing with the girls. You?”

“Cool. Having a meeting sucks. Uhm, we’re going to dinner with our parents and Frankie and then we’re gunna take Frankie to the beach for a bit. Do you wanna come?” Kevin asked.

“Cool. Well ill ask the girls if they want to, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t want to come.” I smiled.

“Well you don’t need to, Joe and Nick are already asking them.” Kevin laughed.

“Ok then. If they say yes then we’ll go.”

“Cool, ill get Joe to give Claire the details because he knows more about it than I do. All I know is we’re meeting our parents and Frankie at 12.”

“Ok, thanks. Look im gunna go cos im freezing at the moment. It’s suddenly gone very cold outside. Ill talk to you tomorrow though?”

“You will in deed. Bye Lauren.”

“Bye Kevin.” I said before ending the call and going back inside.

As I sat on the bed, wrapping myself up in the duvet I had left there before, I smiled at Claire who was still chatting away to Joe, a smiled on her face. Jordan emerged from the bathroom moments after I sat down, smiling like a Cheshire cat, a slight redness to her cheeks.

“Nick and Jordan sitting in a tree.” I sang making Jordan blush more.

“Shut up.” She mumbled, trying not to laugh.

“Who’s gotta shut up?” Claire asked after saying her goodbyes to Joe.

“Lauren!” I yelled pointing to myself.

“What’s going on?” Tj demanded running through the doors moments after I had shouted.

“Chill Tj, it was me! We’re just messing around.” I laughed causing Tj to narrow his eyes at me.

“Lauren, don’t do that again.” Tj said.

“Sorry.” I mumbled, causing Claire and Jordan to laugh.

After Tj left, Claire and Jordan burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter, rolling around the bed.

“Seriously, grow up you too.” I smirked.

“We love it when you get told off.” Claire laughed again as she straightened up.

“You two will get told off the same way as I do when we’re in the band.” I reminded them both, making them stop laughing.

3rd Person’s POV
Claire, Lauren and Jordan soon went to bed after this, deciding on it being best so they would be able to get up in the morning for the meeting after having to get up early 2 mornings in a row.

The next morning
as the three best friends slept, Lauren’s, and soon to be Claire’s and Jordan’s too, bodyguard walked into the room. Turning on the light, he woke the girls up, telling them they had 2 hours until breakfast and then when they had, had their breakfast an hour before they left for their meeting at Hollywood Records.

As the girls fought over who would have their shower first, Claire winning because of her excuse of it taking ages to do her hair, Tj made sure that everything was ready for the girls, making sure the car would be outside of the hotel at the correct time and such.

While Claire showered, Jordan and Lauren watched TV, laughing at the stupid morning cartoons that were on the TV. Once Claire was done, Lauren grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom to shower. When she emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her hair, Jordan went in. Lauren sat down, drying her hair with the towel and then her hairdryer which she plugged in next to Claire’s straightners. While Lauren dried her hair, she spoke to Claire over the noise, making sure that everything they had was correct. After realising the songs that they had written together when Lauren first came into the world of music had not been used, they had planned to use those. Once Lauren was done drying her hair, she pulled it up into a ponytail, not being bothered to straighten her hair today.

Jordan emerged from the bathroom just as Lauren began doing her make up and Claire finished straightening her hair. Jordan dried her hair while Claire done her make up. Lauren was the first ready for the day.

Lauren’s POV
“Ive just realised we haven’t decided on a name!” I yelled as I turned off the TV.

“Crap, I forgot about that.” Jordan mumbled.

“What are we gunna do?” Claire asked as she threw her mascara back in its bag.

“Think of a name really quickly.” I said, crossing my legs underneath me.

As we sat there, thinking about names, every now and then shouting one out and receiving head shakes saying no, I playing with my fringe.

“BFF would sound tacky.” I mumbled to myself. Claire and Jordan agreeing.

“Fantasy!” Jordan yelled suddenly.

Claire and I both looked at her, she sat smiling at us, obviously pleased with the name she had come up with.

“I like it.” I said nodding my head.

“It sounds like us.” Claire agreed, also nodding her head.

“Jordan, you’ve just come up with the name of our band.” I grinned.

“Yes!” Jordan yelled punching the air.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im not sure how much more im gunna write of this tbh.
Its hard to write already :(
We'll see how the next few chapters go.
What do you think?
Lauren x