Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 41

3rd Person’s POV
2 months later
The wedding was now almost fully arranged, the church, the one Lauren’s parents were married in, booked, although in England. The wedding dress chosen, the rings decided on, the after party venue, ready. Colour schemes and plans ready. Only a few more things would need to be done before the big day itself would be there.

Instead of having a spring wedding, the couple had chosen a winter wedding. The wedding would take place on the 13th of December.

Today though, it was a celebration for different reasons, Claire and Joe would be announcing that they were expecting a baby, the sex of the baby still unknown to them.

As the couple typed away together at the computer into the home, they smiled. The exact same message was being put on Twitter, MySpace, Facebook and band fan sites. The message of course explaining that Claire was now 16 weeks pregnant.

Once the message had been sent, Claire and Joe went out shopping together for the beginnings of their baby’s clothes. Although they didn’t yet know the sex of the baby, it didn’t stop them buying colours for both boy and girl.

The paparazzi were having a field day, snapping pictures of the couple as they shopped for their child’s clothing. This would be a big story in the papers. Of course, Jordan and Nick were still to give the information of their child to the world, it was bound to cause a stir.

Lauren’s POV
I sat cross-legged on the floor in my apartment. Although Kevin only lived across the road from me, he was over more often that before I moved in to it. I wasn’t complaining though, he kept me company while Jordan and Claire spent time with Joe and Nick and doing the married woman things like food shopping, something we’d always done together and ended up buying more junk food and Red Bull than actual food we could make meals with. That I done on my own now.

“Lets go out.” Kevin said, sitting behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“And where would we go?” I asked smiling at him over my shoulder.

“I don’t know, wedding shopping. Get the invitations sorted I guess.”

“We haven’t even sorted out the guest list yet.” I laughed.

“Does it matter? We’ll choose them and then write the list in the park down the road while we eat ice cream and people stare and ask for our autographs.”

“Ok, let me grabbed a jacket then.”

“Sure.” Kevin smiled as I jumped up and ran up the stairs and into my large bedroom.

I grabbed my favourite hoodie and left my room, skipping down the stairs, I pulled my hoodie on.

Kevin smiled at me as I walked into the living room and grabbed his hand.

“What are you smiling at Jonas?”



“Because I want to. And you look funny.”

“What you chatting about?” I asked, looking down at myself.

I had black skinny jeans on, pink converse and a purple hoodie. I realised that nothing matched in the slightest but I didn’t care, i thought I looked cool.

“Don’t worry.” He smirked before wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Be nice Jonas or I will tell Frankie you were mean and then he will so be on my side and not give you your guitar pick back.” I smirked.

Kevin looked at me, looked to the side, looked back again and then started tickling me. I tried to get away from him, my face beginning to go bright red because I was laughing so much, but of course, Kevin was stronger than me so trying to pull away from him made him tickle me more.

Finally he stopped tickling me. I stopped dead still and turned towards him, resting my head on his chest, I wrapped my arms around his waist.

“I am so not your friend anymore.” I whispered.

The paparazzi had taken loads of pictures while Kevin tickled me seeming as they had followed us out of the street. They were now taking more pictures of us as we stood still, our arms wrapped around the other.
♠ ♠ ♠
In celebration of me writing the 45th chapter and next to last chapter, here's another update today. Keep an eye out for chapter 45 when it comes, it might just make you smile :]
What do you think?
Laurenn xo