Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 42

5 months later
3rd Person’s POV
The wedding was here, tomorrow morning Lauren and Kevin would be married in St Edyths Church, the same church that Lauren’s parents were married in over 20 years before. As Lauren slept in her parents home in her old room, Kevin and his family were in the Bristol Marriot Hotel in the centre of Bristol. Many rooms had been booked for Kevin’s family and the pairs friends from America. The church was small so it was good that Lauren and Kevin had only invited family and immediate friends, these being the friends that the pair of grew up with.

The next morning
Lauren woke up to her mum’s gentle shaking. In just 3 and a half hours time she would be walking down the isle to be married to the man she loved, Kevin Jonas. Although Claire and Jordan were being bridesmaids, Lauren’s sister, Dana, was being her maid of honour, even though she wasn't married, as the girls were now both heavily pregnancy, only 2 months to go before they were both at their due dates.

Lauren got up and went down to eat breakfast before Claire and Jordan came round to get ready. After eating, Lauren jumped into the shower. By the time she was done, her hands were shaking but she was ready to get married for definite. Claire and Jordan were already there, as was the hairdressers, an old family friend called Jo. Jo was busy doing Claire’s hair while Jordan sat eating ice cream, one of her cravings.

“Morning girls.” Lauren smiled as she slumped into the chair.

“Morning.” Both girls smiled.

“Ill do your hair in 5 minutes Lauren, Claire’s almost done now.” Jo smiled.

“Thanks Jo.”

“That’s ok.”

Lauren’s sisters came running into the living room then, their hair in delicate buns, simple curls hanging loose from the buns while their fringes were clipped to one side. Lauren smiled before hugging each of her sisters. Before she could do anything else, her brother, Kieran, came in with his girlfriend, Lucy.

“Congrats little sis, today’s your big day.”

“Thank you Kieran.” Lauren smiled, jumping up and hugging her brother.

“I got you something, you have to wear it or I wont be happy.” Kieran said, pulling out a small box from his pocket.

Lauren took the box and opened it to reveal a simple pair of earrings that defiantly went with her dress.

“Thank you.” Lauren said, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

“That’s ok.” Kieran smiled as he hugged his younger sister.

Lauren slipped the earrings in before being told to sit down to have her hair done. It was being done the same way that it was for her prom many years before. the majority straight with a few curls.

After her hair had been done, Lauren was taken up to her room so that her dress could be put on. The dress had been chosen by Lauren and her mum. Lauren had come to England once the invitations had been sent out to choose the dress. She found the dress in an old wedding shop in the middle of the place her mother had grown up. It was simple and elegant, something that Lauren had been looking for in dresses. After that, Lauren had flown out to England once a month to make sure the dress was coming along nicely and that it was fitting still.

The dress was on, the brides' maids were ready, and all Lauren needed to do was make sure she had everything. Something new, the earrings her brother had given her, something borrowed, a hair clip keeping her fringe from her eyes from her youngest sister, something blue, the bracelet Claire and Jordan had brought her for her birthday. She only needed something old. Of course, that’s when the present and card from Kevin arrived. Lauren was glad that she’d sent a card and present to Kevin, a pair of cufflinks.

Opening the card first, she read the small letter Kevin had written. He told her that his granddad had given his gran the object in the box on their wedding day, it had been passed to his father to give to his mother and was now being passed to him to give to Lauren on their wedding day. Lauren opened the small box and gasped when she saw the heart pendant hanging from a silver chain. She had her something old now.

After placing the necklace on, Laurens mum came into the room to make sure she was ready, she was. Placing the veil on properly, mother and daughter went downstairs to talk to some of the people before going out to the cars and to get a few pictures taken.

“Could you just move a bit closer to Lauren please mate?” The photographer asked Lauren’s brother.

“Sure.” Kieran nodded, moving closer to his little sister.

Pictures were taken of the bride with the bridesmaids, the parents of the bride and of course, the bride and her brother and grandparents.

Once the pictures had been taken, everyone got into the respectful cars to be taken to the church. Lauren and her father were last to get into their car. They were arriving in an old Mercedes Benz, in white of course.

“You ready?” Lauren’s dad asked her as she climbed into the awaiting car.

“Yup.” Lauren grinned.

“Good because I am not turning this car around.” Steve, Lauren’s dad, joked.

“Shut up dad.” Lauren laughed as the car sped off in the direction of the church.

Kevin’s POV
I waited nervously outside of the church, pacing back and forth while my family looked on in amusement. I had to be the worst out of all three of us to be married. Both Joe and Nick were only the slightest bit nervous and managed to keep their calm.

“Kev, seriously, you’re going to wear a hole in the pavement in a minute.” Joe snickered.

“Shut up man. What if she doesn’t show?” I asked as Lauren’s brother walked over to us with his girlfriend.

“Lauren’s leaving now.” He smiled.

“See, she’ll be here. just calm down. We’ve gotta get inside now.” Nick smiled as we made our way in.

my family sat on one side while Lauren’s family filled the other. Our friends from LA sitting together on one side because Lauren has a big family so it took the majority of her side up.

I stood at the front of the alter, playing with my cufflinks that Lauren had brought me for today. I smiled as I thought about how she was on her way now, wearing a beautiful dress and probably chatting away to her dad about everything.

Before long, I heard a car pull up outside of the church. I sighed as I heard the doors shut and then Lauren’s sisters all chattering away behind the heavy oak doors blocking my view from my soon to be wife.

The music began to play, Lauren’s chosen song playing through the speakers. She’d chosen Only Hope by Mandy Moore. I smiled as the doors opened and her sisters began walking down the isle. They all wore purple dress with white cardigan to shield them from the cold weather outside. Each girl was holding a small bunch of purple and white flowers matching their dresses. Next came Claire and Jordan. Both wore simple white flowly dresses with purple cardigans. Instead of flowers they were carrying bags.

Finally Lauren came into my view. Her dress was simple, it suited her as well as her personality. She was clutching onto her dads arm for dear life, her smile made my heart skip a beat as I took in my beautiful bride. As she walked down the isle, I caught sight of the necklace around her neck.

When she finally reached me, I smiled at her, taking her hands in mine after she’d kissed her dad’s cheek. He stood back. Once he’d told the vicar that he was the man giving Lauren away, he went and sat with Lauren’s mum and brother.

Lauren’s POV
I felt giddy as I looked at Kevin in the eyes. He was the man I cared about more than anything else in the world. We went through the ceremony quickly, having chose to stick with the traditional vows instead of making up our own.

“You may now kiss the bride.” The Vicar announced.

Kevin took my hands in his before leaning into kiss me for the first time as a married couple. my heart skipped a beat as I realised that now I was no longer Miss Lauren Stephanie Friend, I was Mrs Lauren Stephanie Jonas. Something I thought would never happen when I was 16 years old, dancing around in my bedroom with Claire and Jordan while we sang to the Jonas Brothers at the top of our lungs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update tonight.
For Claire because she might stop hating Joe again. Hopefully?
Laurenn xo