Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 43

We walked out of the church holding hands, smiles on both of our faces. we weren’t bothered throughout the ceremony and beforehand but now, leaving the church, there were paparazzi everywhere. I was thankful for the shields that had been in place to give us privacy while we had a few pictures taken in front of the church.

Once all of the pictures had been taken, we left in the car I had arrived in and were taken to our venue for the evening. The venue being the place that id loved the most, Thornbury Castle Hotel.

After the speeches had been made, the food had been eaten and the embarrassing moments from my parents, Kevin and I had our first dance. As the DJ announced it, Kevin stood up, taking my hand in his as he did so before pulling me out onto the floor.

The opening cords to I Wanna Grow Old With You by Westlife were played as we walked into the middle of the dance floor. Kevin took my hands in his before placing them around his neck. We danced to the song, our foreheads pressed together as he sang the words to me.

As the song ended, Kevin whispered in my ear that he loves me. I smiled over at him before kissing his cheek. People smiled and clapped as the next song started, something more energetic this time, the song being Battle Cry by Shontelle.

Kevin and I made our way around, talking to people and thanking them for coming. I stopped to talk to Claire and Jordan for a long time though. Asking them if they were ok, if they needed anything and thanked them for being my bridesmaids even though they were both heavily pregnant.

“Lauren, don’t worry, we’re fine.” Claire said for the 10th time.


“We’re sure. Look, if we need anything we’ll scream or something.” Jordan laughed.

“Ok. thanks for coming though.” I smiled as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

“Do you lovely ladies mind if I take my beautiful wife away from you?” Kevin asked, his head leant on my shoulder.

“Not at all. She’s only asking if we’re both ok.” Claire laughed.

“Plus, we’re going to annoy Joe and Nick in a minute.” Jordan smiled.

“Ok have fun girls.”

“Bye.” I smiled as Kevin dragged me away.

Claire and Jordan waved at me as Kevin spun me around and pulled me through a set of double doors. I laughed as he closed them behind him and pulled me down onto his lap as he sat down on a small bench.

“What are we doing out here?”


“Can I go back in then? Im freezing. This dress does no favours for the coldness coming through the open door.” I smiled, trying to stand up.

“Just wait a minute.” He said, wrapping his arms around me tighter.

“Ok.” I said, furrowing my eye brows.

The next thing I knew, I saw a person walking down the stairs towards us but because it was dark, I couldn’t tell who the person was. As they got closer and pulled down the hood of the coat they were wearing, I gasped. Emily, one of my friends who I hadn’t seen for about a year now, walked over smiling.

“Emily! I thought you couldn’t come.” I said, jumping up and hugging her.

“Kevin rang me, told me he’d make sure I could come and now im here.” she smiled.

“Oh my god.” I said grinning.

“I know.”

“Did you make it to the ceremony?”

“Yup, I was sat in the back row. My mum’s here as well, she’s already gone inside to talk to your mum and dad.”

“Oh my god.” I said again as Emily slid off her coat.

“Now, lets go inside and have fun.” Emily laughed as she ran inside.

“Coming?” she asked, turning to face me before she pushed the doors open.

“Two minutes.” I smiled.


after she’d walked in, I turned to Kevin and hugged him, trying my best not to cry.

“Thank you.” I whispered.

“That’s ok. Id do anything to make this day your best and that was the only thing I knew you would want the most.” He smiled, kissing my forehead.

We waited outside for a while before going back inside. We walked in hand in hand to see Emily stood with my parents and her mum, Claire, Jordan, Joe and Nick sat around a table near the door smiling and talking, both boys’ hands on their wives stomachs. Frankie and Chloe were talking in the corner of the room while Dana, Leanne and Mickie flirted as much as they could with any boy they would deem as good looking. Claire’s and Jordan’s families were walking around talking with Kevin’s family. Also known as my family now.

I walked over to my parents after they’d waved me over while Kevin walked off to talk to a friend of his from his childhood. Walking over, I smiled as my youngest sister, Chloe, ran over, her curls bouncing slightly as she did so.

“Lauren, never let me go to a wedding again and have my hair like this. Dana got Leanne to sit on me to do this.” She said, tugging at a strand of her hair.

“Ok, as long as you make a deal with me never to let me go to a wedding where I have to talk again.”

“Sure.” She laughed before walking away.

“Lauren, you look amazing.” Emily’s mum, Cathy gushed as she pulled me into a hug.

“Thanks Cathy.” I smiled as I pulled away.

“That’s ok dear. The ceremony was beautiful.” She smiled.

“Thank you.”

She smiled again before walking away to talk to my dad who was stood talking with Paul.

“Mum.” I smiled.

“Lauren. im so happy for you right now. Who would have thought ay, you marrying a famous person while you’re famous yourself, singing on stage and having fun while Claire and Jordan are both pregnant? Oh and don’t forget none of you have had to walk down the isle carrying dolls.” My mum laughed.

“Thanks mum. I know, I never would have thought this, especially seeming as when they put that first video on YouTube I was at college, working hard to get through it.”

“I know.”

Before I could respond, the DJ made an announcement.

“Kevin would like everyone to leave through the back doors a moment for a special surprise for Lauren.”

I looked around to see Kevin stood by the doors waiting for me. people were beginning to walk outside so I followed the crowd, wanting to know more than the others what Kevin had planned without me knowing.

As I walked over to Kevin, he took my hand in his and led me out through the doors and through the crowd of people to the garden area with a small patio. He looked at me before wrapping his arms around me protectively and turning me towards where the others were facing. A small board was set up and a projector was blasted onto the screen. Kevin’s face popped up, just like when he asked me to marry him.

The difference was, this time, instead of Kevin asking me to marry him, he was singing, his guitar strap id given him around his neck. I smiled at him over my shoulder as I heard him singing along to the words he’d also pre recorded. He sang When Im With You by Westlife, a song that I seemed to begin to love after we got together. He’d officially made me the happiest person a live.
♠ ♠ ♠
Getting closer to the end now.
4 more chapters. One a day until Thursday and then its finished.
Claire, you better stop hating Joe by the time this story is finish mind.
Laurenn xo