Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 45

The honeymoon was spent relaxing and skiing even though I couldn’t. while we were away loads of things happened back home. All of my things were moved into Kevin’s apartment and mine was put up for sale, being sold rather quickly to a wealthy young man who loved the idea of living somewhere that a celebrity had. And my brother, Kieran, has proposed to his girlfriend of 3 years, their wedding being held the day of her grandmother’s birthday, just 6 months after my wedding.

2 months later
I paced back and forth in the hospital waiting room, Claire and Jordan had both been rushed into hospital during the early hours of the morning, Claire being brought in first and then Jordan. Both of my best friends were now in labour. As I walked back and forth, Kevin watched me. Joe and Nick were in the rooms with Claire and Jordan, just passed the double doors that I was not allowed to go through. Denise, Paul and Frankie waited patiently while Claire’s and Jordan’s parents sat fidgeting next to each other.

Both sets of parents had flew out 2 days previously to be here when their daughters gave birth to their grandchildren.

“Lauren, babe, sit down.” Kevin said, taking my hand and pulling me over to him.

“I cant, I don’t like it that I don’t know what’s happening. Are they ok?” I said, sitting down next to Kevin anyway.

“Look, calm down, Joe’s with Claire and Nick’s with Jordan, nothing’s going to happen.” Kevin soothed, wrapping an arm around me.

“I know.” I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Does anybody want a drink?” Denise asked, standing up.

“Get Lauren a red bull, she’s going to fall asleep.” Kevin laughed.

“Im fine, don’t worry about me Denise.”

“No, ill get you one. Anyone else?”

“No thanks.” Everyone replied at once making me laugh slightly.

“You’re strange Lauren.” Kevin smiled down at me.

“That’s why you love me.” I smiled back as I entwined our fingers together.

Denise came back a little while later, she handed me a can of Red Bull, giving the other to Kevin. I smiled my thanks as she sat back down next to Paul. I pulled my hoodie sleeves father up my arms slightly.

“Lauren, I never told you that I love your jacket.” Mandy, Jordan’s mum smiled.

“Thanks.” I said, pulling at the sleeves slightly .

The back of my hoodie quite proudly stated my name and my bands name. it said, Lauren Jonas, Fantasy. I’d gotten it as a present from Claire and Jordan for Christmas just over a month before. Claire and Jordan had both gotten one from me as well.

As everyone sat in silence, watching the clocks’ tick, I counted down how long it had been that Claire and Jordan had been rushed in. so far, Claire had been in labour for 4 and a half hours while Jordan had been 4 hours.

Before anything else could happen, Joe came running out of the double doors, a huge smile on his face.

“Claire had a baby boy,” He said, as tears formed in his eyes, “Im a daddy to a baby boy.” He smiled.

“Congrats dude.” Kevin smiled.

“Thanks Kev. She wants to see you.” Joe smiled.

“Us?” Claire’s dad asked.

“And Lauren.” Joe smiled.

“Come on then.” I laughed, grabbing Joe’s hand and dragging him through the doors.

I walked into the room where Claire was. As I walked in I smiled. She was sat up in the bed, holding a little bundle of blue blankets, inside was her beautiful little boy.

“Congrats Claire.” I smiled.

“Thank you Lauren.” She smiled back as I sat on the end of her bed. We all held the baby then while Claire and Joe discussed names. Before long, I was being ushered into the room next door to see Jordan and her baby.

I held the baby boy close and smiled at Jordan as Nick sat next to her, his arms wrapping around her gently.

“He’s gorgeous.” I smiled.

“Thank you. How’s Claire? Is the baby ok? What did she have? Has she got a name?” Jordan asked, firing questions at me non-stop.

“Claire’s fine, the baby’s fine. She had a little boy, they’re just discussing names now.” I smiled, handing back the baby to Jordan.

“Oh thank god. I cant believe she had a little boy as well.” Jordan grinned.

“I know, talk about coincidence.” I laughed.

“So Jordan, what’s his name?” Mandy asked fondly.

“Joseph Jerry Jonas.” Jordan beamed as Nick said the name.

“Aww.” I cooed.

“I know.” Jordan grinned.

“Im going to find out if they’ve got a name next door. can I tell them?”

“Of course you can.” Nick smiled.

“Thanks.” I said, leaving the room and going into the room next door where Claire was.

I walked in the room to see the baby being held by Claire while her parents watched fondly.

“Claire, Jordan had a little boy. They’ve named him Joseph Jerry Jonas.” I smiled.

“Oh my god.” Claire smiled.

“Wait, they named him after me? Cool.” Joe laughed.

“Yeah Joe. Have you got a name yet?”

“Yup, we’ve decided to call him Nicholas Adam Jonas.” Claire grinned.

“That’s so nice. Do you want me to tell them?”

“Please.” Joe asked.

“Of course.” I smiled, skipping back out of the room and into Jordan’s.

“They’ve got a name. He’s called Nicholas Adam Jonas.”

“Named after me.” Nick smiled proudly.

“Yup.” I grinned back.

The next few hours were spent with Claire and Jordan in the family room. It had been closed off for our use only, people were using the other one on the floor. The whole time I couldn’t get over how much the boys were looking like their parents already and at only a few hours old as well.

“Lauren! You have to have a baby now.” Jordan smiled.

“Do I?” I laughed.

“Yup and then there’s another Jonas baby in the world.”

“Alright, maybe one day.” I smiled.

“No, like now.” Claire smiled.

“Not gunna happen Claire.” I grinned even though I knew that was a lie.

I was currently 6 weeks pregnant. I hadn’t told anyone yet though for the fear of loosing the baby. Kevin was the only person who knew and together, we’d agreed to not tell anyone until I was sure that I was going to be ok and everything was going fine.

“Fine then.” Claire huffed as Joe handed her back Nicholas.

“Right, we’re gunna make a move.” Kevin said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Aw why?” Jordan asked.

“Because ive had about an hours sleep.” I smiled.

“Why only an hour?”

“I knew something was going to happen so I didn’t sleep last night. Just as I fell asleep, we got the call and I was out of the house.” I laughed.

“Ok, go get some sleep and we’ll come and annoy you tomorrow.” Claire grinned.

“Ok, bye.” I smiled as we left the room.

After getting into the car and beginning our drive home, Kevin took my hand and smiled at me quickly.

“We’re going to have to tell them soon.”

“I know, not until I know everything’s going to be ok though.”

“Ok. I love you Lauren.”

“I love you too Kevin.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Just 2 more updates now. Im gunna miss writing for this and posting it but, all things have to come to an end (I changed it because, well, I dont see this as good LOL)
Laurenn xo