Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 5

Not long after we had got the name for the band Simon came in, behind him the same girl as the morning before, bringing us our breakfast. Once again I thanked her and gave her a tip, much to Simon’s disgust, because after all, ‘it is her job’.

We ate our breakfast while Simon went over everything we had to do during the day; the rota was pretty boring and went as followed:
Leave at 10 am.
Arrive at Hollywood Records at 10.30 am.
Meeting with Mr Lucas at 10.35 am.
Leave meeting at 12 pm.
Go to lunch at the Village Idiot at 12.30 pm.
From 1.30pm until 9 pm, sight seeing.

“Right, we have to leave now.” Simon said, standing up.

“Why?” I asked, confused.

“Because it’s almost 10 o’clock.” He said, walking to the door.

“We’ll meet you down there, we’re just gunna get our things.” I called after Simon who had already walked out of the door.

grabbing our things, we slid on our sunglasses and left the room. As we walked outside, we saw Tj stood outside of the room. I smiled and closed the door behind us before walking to the elevator. Simon was waiting for us, holding the elevator doors open. We got in quickly.

“So, we’re called Fantasy, we’re a girl band of 3, we’ve got the music on my emails on my black berry to show them.” I said, running over everything out loud.

“Yup.” Claire said, nodding her head.

“Ok.” I smiled, knowing everything was ready for the meeting that would change all of our lives for good.

As the lift stopped at the ground floor, we walked out into the crowd of people waiting for be checked into the hotel and coming and going. Outside, paparazzi were waiting for me to leave. Tj stood behind us as we left the hotel, pictures being taken instantly as questions were thrown my way.

Smiling, i answered a few of the questions.

“Where are you going today?” One man shouted at me.

“I have a meeting this morning and then im not sure about this afternoon.” I smiled, knowing full well this afternoon we would be at the beach with the Jonas boys.

“Do you have a meeting about your future career at Hollywood Records?” A small lady called.

“Yes, all the meeting I have are to do with my future career.” I smiled, nodding my head.

We finally reached the car, Claire and Jordan sliding in before me and Tj getting in after me.

“Remember, if we want this to work then we’re going to have to show this is what’s the better option and we’ll be a bigger hit together than I am on my own.” I said.

“We know.” Claire smiled.

“Cool.” I said before looking out of the window and watching the scenery go by.

3rd Peron’s POV
10.30 am, Hollywood Records reception area
Lauren, Claire and Jordan sat in the comfortable black seats in the reception area. While they sat, Tj stood by, waiting by the door and Simon paced back and forth while he talked to the young girl on reception that looked about 3 years older than the three best friends.

Each girl ran over the information that they needed to know and be able to tell the people waiting behind the door for them. In just 15 short minutes the girls would be speaking to the heads of Hollywood Records to put their point across and show them that, together, they could be something more than Lauren could ever be whilst she was a solo artist.

After the 15 minutes passed, a small man with dark hair and a moustache walked out of the large office and summoned the three girls in along with Simon. Sitting in the large plastic chairs, the girls looked at the many men and women waiting to know why Lauren wanted to bring her friends with her and become a band.

“So, why do you think you’ll be better in a band than on your own Lauren?” Mr Lucas quizzed Lauren.

Lauren recognised Mr Lucas from when she was first signed onto the label, he, along with a few others around the table, had been present when Lauren signed the forms.

“Well, we’re just better. I mean, when we sing together its more than one voice to keep you entertained, the different pitches our voices reach together are amazing. I mean, we filmed ourselves singing on the plane out here and it was actually amazing. So many people commented on it, saying how they thought we were great together and how we should become a band.” Lauren said in one breath.

“I understand that. We’ve seen the messages and video and we agree. You do sound good together.” Mr Lucas smiled.

“Thank you.” Lauren smiled back.

“So, tell us your plans. Have you got any music? A name?”

“We’ve got music, we wrote a long time ago, before I even got signed. And we have a name. Fantasy.”

“That’s good then. I like the name Fantasy. It sounds very you Lauren.”

“Thanks. Jordan came up with the name.” Lauren admitted, smiling at one of her best friends.

“Good choice of name Jordan.” Mr Lucas complimented.

“Thanks.” Jordan said.

“Well im ok with that. It sounds like an excellent idea for you to become a band. We’ll release the information to the press tomorrow.” Mr Lucas said, ending the meeting.

“Thank you.” Lauren, Claire and Jordan chorused together before leaving.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, its short but I wanted to get onto the next part of the story.
Oh and I wanted to write down a few ideas for the 7th chapter before I forgot them.
I think Claire's getting her wish of me turning this into a story and not a short story because it gets longer and longer each time.
Anyway, what do you think?
Lauren x