Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 6

Lauren’s POV
We left the offices, smiling widely at the thought of becoming a band together. We smiled and waved to the many paparazzi waiting outside, Claire and Jordan suddenly having more confidence. We climbed into the car waiting for us, Tj and Simon getting in after me and the girls.

“What are you girls up to after lunch then?” Simon asked as we were driven to the Village Idiot.

“We’re off to sight see and maybe go and see the Jonas Brothers for a bit.” I said as I checked my phone for messages.

“Ok, how come you are meeting the Jonas boys?” Simon asked.

“Because their nice. We really got on with them yesterday.” I replied, placing my phone back into my bag.

“That’s good then. Maybe once you’re all sorted out you could duet or tour with the boys.” Simon said, now playing with his own blackberry.

“Good idea.” I smiled just as we pulled up outside of the restaurant.

Climbing out, I linked arms with Claire and Jordan as we walked towards the restaurant. Simon and Tj were leaving us at the restaurant but another driver would be coming to pick us up at 1.30pm so that we could go sightseeing.

As we walked into the restaurant, I heard someone say my name but didn’t look as to not embarrass them. Walking over to the podium where a boy about 19 stood, I smiled taking off my sunglasses.

“Hi, im Lauren. Me and my friends have reservations for lunch here under the name Friend.” I said politely.

The boy turned to look at me, his jaw falling open as he looked me and the girls over, obviously realising who I was.

“Oh, uhm, yeah, this way.” He said before grabbing 3 menus and leading us to a small table in the corner of the room.

“Thanks.” I said as I took my menu off of his, sitting down.

“That’s ok. Can I get you girls anything to drink?”

We gave him our orders before he ran off to get us our drinks, leaving us to decide on our food.

“Look who it is Joe.” We heard someone say over the top of the separation wall.

Looking up, I smiled when I saw Nick looking over the top, obviously standing on the chair. Moments later Joe’s head popped over the top.

“Oh, it’s our good friends from yesterday.” Joe smirked before winking at Claire making her blush.

“I don’t know who you mean by that. I only see to very scary looking people staring at me and my friends.” I said, trying my hardest to keep a straight face but laughing at the end of the sentence.

“Lover boy will be here in a minute Lauren, don’t worry. He’s just getting the parents and Frankie.” Joe smirked.

“Oh be quite. Don’t forget I kicked your butt last month and knocked you off the top spot with my single.” I smiled before turning my attention back to the menu.

“Oh, no wonder Kevin likes her.” Nick laughed.

The boy who had brought us to our table and gone to get our drinks returned moments after Nick’s comment.

“Here’s your drinks.” He said, setting them down on the table.

“Thank you.” I smiled politely.

“Would you like to place your orders now or shall I come back in a minute?”

“Im good now if your both ok?” I asked Claire and Jordan.

“Yeah, we’re ok.” Claire said, Jordan nodding in reply.

We placed our orders, the waiter scurrying back off to hand them in, leaving Claire, Jordan and I to talk, the boys having gone back over the top after their parents arrived.

“So, we’re really doing this. When do we have to start recording?” Jordan quizzed.

“All the information’s being sent to me tomorrow.” I smiled.

“Cool, so we need to start working on these songs then.” Claire informed me.

“We do in deed.” I nodded my head.

“Fun.” Jordan replied sarcastically.

“Hey, don’t complain to me. Ive been doing this for a year now and I don’t complain. Ok maybe I do but still. And you both agreed to do this, you both said it’s a good idea.” I reminded them.

“I know.” Jordan laughed.

Not long after our food arrived. We started eating just before 4 heads popped over the top of the portioning wall. Kevin, Joe, Nick and Frankie Jonas’ heads all looked down on us. Laughing, I put down my fork.

“Girls, look, it’s the 3 musketeers and their cute little brother.”

“Thanks. Ha im the cute one.” Kevin smirked.

“You’re not little,” I stated.

“I am.” Nick said, smiling in triumph.

“Nope, still not the one I was talking about.” I laughed.

“Me?” Joe asked, his eye brows raised.

“Nope.” I laughed again.

“Frankie!” Claire and Jordan said together.

“Yup, im sorry guys but you have some competition with Frankie around.” I laughed before putting a piece of chicken in my mouth.

“Ha, im cute.” Frankie smiled in triumph.

“Oh shush Franks.” Nick said, putting his hand across his little brother’s mouth.

“Nicholas Jerry Jonas, leave Franklin alone!” Mrs Jonas yelled causing Claire, Jordan and me to laugh.

All four boys then sat down, only once popping their heads up to find out when we were leaving and if we were still going to the beach with them afterwards.

“Can I have the bill please?” I asked the waiter after we had eaten.

“Sure.” He smiled as he walked away to get it.

A few moments later he came back, placing it on the table on the little black plates they use. I smiled my thanks before picking up the little receipt and grabbing my purse out of my bag.

“Let us pay a 1/3 each too.” Jordan said, grabbing her purse.

“Not a chance.” I said, slapping the required money and a tip for the waiter onto the black dish.

“That’s not fair.” Claire complained.

“Tough, it’s my treat.” I smirked as we stood up to leave.

“Wait, aren’t we going to the beach with the guys?” Jordan asked.

“Yeah, I forgot that. Lets go talk to them a minute.” I said, turning to walk to the table the Jonas family were sat at.

We walked over, smiling as we reached the table. Kevin looked up first.

“Hey.” He smiled.

“Hi.” I smiled back.

“Mom, dad, Frankie, this is Lauren, Jordan and Claire. You know Lauren don’t you?” Kevin said, pointing to us all.

“Hi girls. Yes we know Lauren. You boys got beat off of the top spot by her last month.” Mrs Jonas laughed.

“Yeah that’s me.” I smiled.

“It’s nice to meet you all.” Mr Jonas said, standing and shaking our hands.

“Kevin, are they coming to the beach with us?” Frankie asked.

“If they still want to come.” Kevin replied, looking at me for confirmation.

“Well we were just coming over to ask if you were still going to the beach. We’re gunna go back to our hotel first so we can get rid of the stuff we had to take to the meeting with us this morning and then we’re gunna go to the beach for a bit.”

“Ok, well we’ll see you there then.” Kevin smiled.

“Ok, see you later.” I smiled before waving and leaving, Claire and Jordan hot on my trail.

We got outside just as our car pulled up. We piled into the back seats and were driven to our hotel where we dumped off our things and changed into shorts, tank tops and flip flops. More reasonable clothes for the beach. After putting the bits we would need into beach bags, we grabbed our sunglasses and left the hotel again.

We arrived at the beach, the driver dropping us off at the main entrance where the Jonas boys would most likely not be, confusing the paparazzi. Gradually we made our way up the beach until we saw the 4 Jonas boys in the distance. Claire and Jordan smiled instantly, making me laugh at them. They were falling for these boys and fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
Either this is going to be a short story with a sequal or a longish story.
Im not quite sure yet. I shall let you know as I write more.
What do you think?
Lauren x