Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 8

Lauren’s POV
Sitting cross-legged on my bed, Claire and Jordan sitting next to me, we watched as Mr Lucas told the world of my plans to become the lead vocals in a new band called Fantasy. After the announcement, I grabbed my laptop which I had turned on just before, and logged onto twitter to tell the world that, in fact, the information they had been given was true.

I typed quickly, going onto the twitter longer page, I wrote this:
”Hi guys, so if you’ve seen E! news this morning you’re probably wondering what the hell is going on. Well, all the information is true. I and my best friends Claire and Jordan are now, well almost, in a band called Fantasy. Jordan chose the name and I think it suits are personalities pretty well. Im sorry if the news has been an unwelcome change but its something I want to do, with my best friends with me all the way. I will be staying as a solo artist for 6 months. During that time ive got my 3 month tour of Europe as well as 2 shows in the US. 1 in LA and 1 in New York. I hope to see you all there. I promise I will clear everything up as soon as I can. Thank you all for your support over the past year, you guys have been great. Much Love, Lauren ox”

once I had posted the message, I waited for the many different messages back. I was of course expecting some bad ones, people telling me they think I was making a huge mistake, but I didn’t receive any. Only messages of encouragement and people sending on the video of myself and the girls singing.

One message read: ”I think you are amazing together and you’re doing the right thing.”

“So, the messages I got back are all good.” I smiled.

“Really?” Claire asked in shock.

“Yup, not one person’s sent something stupid back to me. We’re obviously better together than I am on my own.” I laughed.

After that we turned off our laptops and got ready for the day. We, of course, we’re meeting the Jonas boys to talk to them about maybe dueting with us or going on tour with us once we had become a band properly. Also, Claire and Jordan wanted to see Nick and Joe. They were really close after spending only a few hours together.

After all of us had showered and dressed wearing almost identical clothes, skinny jeans and tank tops, we done our hair and makeup before leaving the hotel and going to meet the Jonas Brothers at the ice cream parlour we had arranged to meet at. The driver dropped us off outside ten minutes after getting into the black car.

Walking into the ice cream parlour, we spotted the boys instantly as they sat huddled around a table with their sunglasses on and old baseball caps.

“Hi.” I smiled as we reached them.

“Hey.” Kevin said as he moved to the opposite side of the table to sit with his brothers, leaving Claire Jordan and I to sit opposite them.

“How are you?” Joe asked Claire as she scooted into the booth opposite him.

instantly, the pair went off into their own little conversation as did Jordan and Nick, leaving Kevin and I to talk.

“We saw the announcement this morning.” Kevin said, starting off the conversation.

“Yeah, people we’re pretty supportive funnily enough.” I said as the waiter came over.

Quickly, we gave our orders before going back off into our own little conversations. The ice cream was brought over 5 minutes later. Thanking the waiter, I took my ice cream and went back into the conversation I was having with Kevin.

“So what sort of songs are you gunna be singing?” Kevin quizzed.

“The same sort of stuff as I do now really. It’s the sort of thing that suits all of our voices when we sing.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Cool, I think we should like, do a song together.” Kevin said as he put his ice cream into his mouth.

“Yeah, that would be cool. Then we could like tour together.” I smiled as I put some ice cream into my mouth.

“That would be really cool. Can you imagine touring together? The love birds over there would be together straight away.” Kevin laughed.

“Yeah. Us touring would be fun. Im surprised their not already together to be honest.” I smiled over at my friends.

“Yeah, they’re pretty close already.” Kevin commented.

“They would make cute couples too.” I said more to myself than to Kevin.

“I guess.” Kevin said around a mouthful of ice cream.

“I hope you don’t eat food like that when you’re on a date.” I laughed as I took a napkin and wiped the ice cream that Kevin had managed to get over his face off.

“Not if it’s a pretty girl.” He smirked.

“You make me laugh Kevin. You’re like the only boys I know that can make me laugh that’s not one of my brothers friends when their being stupid.” I smiled.

“That’s good then. And im not a boy, im a man.” Kevin smiled happily.

“Whatever you say dear.” I smiled as Claire turned to look at me.

“Lauren, guess what?” She smiled.

“What?” I said.

“Joe just asked me out on a date.” She grinned like a maniac.

“Cool, congratulations. And Joe, welcome to my world.” I laughed before going back to my conversation with Kevin.

“And what we’re we saying about them not being together already.” I laughed.

“Just Nick to go now.” Kevin smirked as he shovelled the remainders of his ice cream into his mouth.

Moments later Jordan turned to face me, her face red but the grin on her face gave the reason away instantly.

“Lauren! Nick just asked me out.” She said in excited hushed tones.

After that, we soon left. Kevin had agreed to make sure that we were somehow booked onto their next tour as their support act. Their tour starting just 2 weeks after we would be formally known as a band.

“Lauren! Why aren’t you going out with Kevin?” Claire demanded as she pranced around the hotel room, music blaring from the speakers as herself and Jordan got ready for their dates.

“Because im not.” I said as I typed away.

“Because Lauren doesn’t want to get hurt.” Jordan said as she played with her already done hair.

“No, because Lauren doesn’t want too.” I defended myself.

“Lauren, please go out with Kevin. That would be so cool when we’re on tour together.” Claire said, sitting on the end of my bed.

“Uhm, let me think about it.” I said, tapping my chin.

“Ok cool.” Claire smiled.

“No!” I smirked going back to my work.

“Why?” Jordan and Claire said together in exasperated tones.

“Because some of us have work to do.” I said as I typed furiously.

“What work?” Claire quizzed.

“Music work, college work.” I said simply.

“What music work and what college work? You don’t go to college.” Jordan reminded me.

“Music work, being I have to sort out my Myspace and I have to sort through god knows how many emails I got sent to me and reply to as many as I can. And I may not go to college but I do still have college type work.” I sighed.

“What college type work?” Claire asked.

“My music GCSE thingy.” I replied simply as I finished my essay that Simon had asked me to complete.

“Oh yeah. Simon made you do it.” Claire said, standing up and walking towards the window.

“Yes.” I said as the door was knocked.

I jumped up and answered the door, revealing a very smiley Nick and Joe who had came to collect the girls for their dates, leaving me at the hotel on my own while everyone else went out having a good time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im finding it hard to write this at the moment so bear with me if the updates are rubbish.
What do you think?
Lauren x