Status: Complete xo

A Dream is a Wish You Can't Make All on Your Own

Chapter 9

“Come in.” I smiled to the boys as I moved out of the way.

“Thanks Lauren.” Joe smiled as he and Nick walked in.

Claire and Jordan were stood by the window, their hands behind their backs. Both girls were wearing dresses, Claire’s being teal while Jordan’s was white, flat white shoes that looked very similar and were both carrying small clutch bags that matched their shoes. Joe and Nick were both in skinny jeans with shirts on, Nick’s shirt showing a white t-shirt underneath while Joe’s showed a black top.

“You two look nice.” I said breaking the uncomfortable silence.

“Uh, thanks.” Joe stuttered, barely tearing his eyes away from Claire.

“That’s ok.” I laughed as I flung myself down onto the bed again.

“You two look nice too.” Nick said, his cheeks tinting red as he spoke.

“Thanks.” Claire and Jordan muttered together.

“That’s ok.” Joe smiled sweetly at Claire.

“Now boys, don’t be having my friends home late. 12 o’clock is their curfew so make sure they’re back by then.” I smirked.

“Oh yeah, uhm we best get going. I have to drop Nick and Jordan off first.” Joe said, walking towards the door.

“Ok.” Claire smiled following him to the door.

“Have a good time kiddies.” I yelled down the hall after them as they got into the lift before closing the door.

After closing the door, I went back to my bed and collapsed onto it. Sitting upright, I grabbed my laptop and carried on working on my Myspace page and letting people know all the information that I had found out that morning about when we begin recording for the band’s album and when my new music videos will be shown.

Sitting cross-legged on my bed, my laptop perched on my lap with the music channel playing through the flat screen TV hung on the wall in the hotel room, I felt lonely. The girls were out, Simon was off somewhere and Tj had been given the night off because I wouldn’t be leaving the room for the majority of the time. Giving up with working on my Myspace and emails, and not even bothering to do the essay that Simon had asked me to do because I was no longer doing the music course, I had just told Claire and Jordan that so that they would go out and enjoy themselves, I crawled under my duvet and watched E! News.

“The news of British singer Lauren joining a band with her friends has been taken surprisingly well seeming as Lauren has been such a hit as a solo artist. The whole idea started when Lauren and her friends, Claire and Jordan, were flying out to LA earlier this week for a meeting with the Jonas Brothers. While the girls were on the plane they made a video and loaded it onto YouTube. The 3 girls were instantly in dated with messages from Lauren’s fans telling her that she should start a band with her friends. Of course, thanks to those fans, Lauren is now ending her solo career to join a band with her best friends. In just 6 short months Lauren will no longer be referred to as Lauren Friend, teen solo artist, but Lauren Friend of girl group Fantasy.” The reporter said.

“Ug, why am I always on the news.” I whined turning to the Disney Channel quickly.

As I sat watching the Suit life of Zack and Cody, old but I didn’t care, my phone started ringing. Sitting up straight, I answered.


“Hi Lauren. I was just thinking, we’re both stuck in on a Friday night, probably watching the same thing on TV. Wait, what are you watching?”

“Disney channel.” I laughed.

“Ha, so we are watching the same thing. Anyway, I was thinking, why don’t we go get some ice cream, because im in the mood for ice cream right now?”

“You child, watching the Disney channel. But uhm, yeah alright then, do you want me to meet you at an ice cream parlour?” I asked.

“No, ill come get you, give me half an hour and ill be there.”

“Alright, ill see you in a bit.” I smiled as I hung up.

Jumping up, I grabbed a hair band and pulled my hair into a ponytail quickly because it was slightly curly. After putting my hair up and clipping back my fringe, I pulled on a pair of fluffy socks and my ugg boots over my jogging bottoms and put on a plain black hoodie. Moments after I finished sorting myself out and making sure everything in the room was locked, there was a knock on the door.

Swinging open the door, I revealed Kevin. I smiled before grabbing the room key and following him out into the hall.

“Where are we going then?” I asked quickly.

“Rita’s ice cream down the road.” Kevin smiled at me.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to say, ignore the clothes. I couldn’t be bothered and didn’t see the point in putting anything else on, I was staying in so ive got my comfy clothes on.” I laughed.

“It’s fine.” Kevin replied, putting on a pair of sunglasses.

I followed his lead and slid on my own large sunglasses before stuffing my hands into the pocket on my hoodie. Kevin led me out to his jeep which was parked just across the road from the hotel. I climbed into the passenger’s seat while the paparazzi took numerous pictures of us. Grumbling, I strapped in as Kevin drove us to the local ice cream parlour.

“Did you know they don’t really do many places like this in England. It sucks.” I said as we walked into Rita’s ice cream parlour.

“That does suck. I wouldn’t be able to live without coming here when im home.” Kevin admitted.

“Fair enough.” I said as we joined the short queue.

Soon enough we were being served. I got my usual plain chocolate ice cream while Kevin got raspberry ripple, an ice cream ive never really liked. As I tried to hand over the money for my ice cream, Kevin batted my hand away and quickly handed over the money before walking away.

“Kevin, why didn’t you let me pay?” I whined as I sat opposite him.

“It’s not the gentlemen thing to do.” Kevin responded before stuffing ice cream into his mouth.

“Don’t be a gentlemen then.” I said, pushing the money for my ice cream across the table.

“I can’t not be a gentlemen, we were brought up to be gentlemen.” Kevin responded, pushing the money back to me.

“And I wasn’t brought up to take things from people or accept it when people offer to buy me things.” I said quickly, once again pushing the money back.

We stayed doing this until we had both finished our ice creams and were on our way back out to Kevin’s car. The paparazzi were still waiting for us when we left.

“Why don’t you just give up and take the money?” I asked as we got into Kevin’s car.

“Why don’t you just give up and stop giving me the money?” Kevin smirked.

“Because im too stubborn. You’re excuse?”

“Ditto.” He laughed before beginning the drive back to my hotel.

Once at the hotel, I undone and turned to face Kevin slightly.

“Thank you for taking me to get ice cream and thank you for buying it for me even though you should have just taken the money. Next time we go out ill treat you to ice cream.” I smiled.

“That’s ok, thanks for letting me take you out. And ok, next time it’ll be your treat.” Kevin smiled back.

“Ill talk to you soon.” I said as I got out of the car.

“Yeah, talk soon.” Kevin said before I closed the door.

As I walked into the hotel and got into the lift I smirked. Kevin hadn’t even realised that I had accidentally left the money on the dash board of his jeep. Never mind, im sure he could use it somehow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im starting to get bored writing this so im making it go faster soon.
Im thinking of ideas for how im going to end it with Claire and Jordan getting their wish LOL.
Anyway, what do you think?
Lauren x