Status: I can't promise you that chapters keep coming here everyday, or every three days. I'll write as much as I can and as fast as I can. So check up daily :)

In the rearview

Carelessly leaving tracks.

It’s been three years since I walked out that door. It’s been three years since I’ve spoken to him. It’s been already three years trying to forget about him.

I held tight on to my phone. My heart raced at the speed of sound. My whole body was eager and shaking with the desire to get to hear his squeaky voice or seeing his tounge tie into knots when the stuttering got the best of him. I’ve missed him so much I couldn’t believe that three years had already passed.

My hands were sweaty and shaking. I couldn’t decide wether I should call or text him. Or whether I should try to get in touch with him at all.

After debating with myself for about an hour I was on the verge of closing my phone when I accidentaly pressed the call button.

My heart suddenly sped up, as if that was even possible and every second that passed by seemed to last hours. I didn’t know what I was so afraid of. The worst that could possibly happen was that he wouldn’t answer his phone. As much as I wanted to hear his voice I was hoping that the call would be transferred to voicemail but it was already too late. He had answered.

“Hello?” His voice sounded confused. As if he had reconized my number but yet he wasn’t sure. It was too late for me to hang up. He would call back. He always had.

“H-H-Hi.” Now I was the one stuttering.

“Ashlyn, is that you?” His voice didn’t sound angry, or sad. In fact I thought I heard a little hint of excitement in it.

“I-I’m sorry William. I-I didn’t mean to disturb you. I just acci-.” I got cut off. But he didn’t hang up on me.

He said: “No, it’s all right. You’re not disturbing me. It’s so good to hear from you. How ar-.” This time he got cut off by me.

“I’m sorry, I just accidentaly pushed the call button. I- I have to go. Bye.” And I hung up.

This conversation only lasted about thirty seconds but my eyes had already managed to produce enough tears for me to be wet down to my neck. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Out of nowhere I suddenly felt exhausted. I didn’t even have enough strength to open my palm and let go of my phone. I didn’t know how long I sat on my bed unable to move just staring out the window.

The weather in Chicago today was wintry, even though we were halfway into May.

“May.” I said to myself and then smiled.

I was happy, he had answered my call. He said that it was good hearing from me. He didn’t hate me. Or atleast not anymore. His voice was just the way I had remembered it. Caring and soft but a little rough at the same time. I swear I heard excitement in it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for taking your time to read. Please don't go easy on me. This is my first story and I'm only learning. Any advice is very welcom and really needed. I don't know when the next chapter will be posted but I have a feeling it's going to be pretty soon. :)