Feels Like I'm Falling in Love Alone

Frustration Building a Foundation

Alex stood outside the bathroom where he heard Addison singing. He was already feeling totally crappy about the whole thing, and this just made it worse.

She had asked the question of why he had stopped caring, but…he hadn’t.

He leaned against the wall and slid down, hands at the side of his face balled up in his hair. ’Way to go you idiot.’ His inner voice scorned. ’You’ve scarred the only girl who has ever meant this much to you.’

‘You think I don’t know that?’ He retaliated, having a psychotic episode to be sure.

“Alex?” He heard Addison’s voice say his name. Even after he was trying so hard to make it up to her, there was still a hint of loathing in her voice when she talked to him. “What are you doing?” Her heart pumped fast, was he there to hear her song?

“Oh, sorry. I needed to take a shower, so I was just waiting.” He covered. Why hadn’t he heard the shower go off?

“There are chairs, you know…for waiting.” Usually Alex was the one with the quick wit tongue. Now it seemed like he was the one being whipped with wit.

“I’ll have to remember that.” He said. Great, now he had to take another shower.

As he stepped around her to get into the bathroom, her heart stopped. She didn’t want to hate him…but since she had gone so long with the hatred inside her, it was hard to stop it just like that. After all this time, she still loved him.

That didn’t mean that just because he said a few kind words, she was going to forgive him just like that. She wanted him to grovel. She wanted him to squirm. She wanted him to feel like she had when he left her the next morning.

She wasn’t going to stop until he was hurting like she had. If only she didn’t feel like a total witch for wanting to do such a thing. She knew that two wrongs didn’t make a right…but revenge was sometimes sweeter than the honorable thing to do.

She combed out her hair and walked off the bus, searching for Jack so he could help her with all the merch stuff. There was so much crap in there she would have to take close to twenty trips.

To say that Alex was only a little confused would be a lie. One moment she was acting like she had forgiven him. Her statement the night before had proven as much, but now she was acting like she didn’t want to speak with him even again.

Had she changed her mind on something, or did she just have mood swings, like girls were prone to? Alex rubbed his hands over his face to try to ward off his sudden headache.

Addison was exhausting, and that’s one thing that he saw had changed in her. She used to be so easy going and carefree. Now it was like she held the world on her shoulders while on the edge of a fifty foot cliff with sharp rocks at the bottom.

Alex wondered if that was his doing also. He sighed, turning off the water of the shower and stepping out, drying off and getting dressed quickly. When he came out, Addison was gone and he went to look for her.
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Alright, I'm Sara...I'll be working on this story with the lovely Erin?!
And I'm excited for it, okay?
I'm not sure how to introduce myself...so that should be good enough, okay?

Oh, and....I'm watching the Superbowl right now....I'm glad that there wasn't a 'wardrobe malfunction' during the halftime show this year. Old people wardrobes malfunctioning....*shudders* Ugh.