Feels Like I'm Falling in Love Alone

Valentines Day

If there was one thing Addison hated more than anything in the world, it would have to be Valentines Day. She hated everything about it. The flowers, the love, and especially all of the couples who would flaunt their relationships in the face of everyone. But what she hated most, was the fact that Valentines Day was also her birthday. Causing most of her birthday presents over the past 20 years to involve being tied to Valentines day. So when she woke up that day, naturally, she was in a bad mood to begin with.

She ran her hands through her messy hair as she walked to the front of the bus. All of a sudden, she tripped over something and fell to the ground. Luckily, a pair of arms caught her before she hit the floor. It was then that she realized what, or rather who, she tripped over in the first place.

“Alex, what in the world are you doing on the floor?” she asked, puzzled.

“Well, I wanted to be the first one to see you this morning, so I figured I’d wait out here for you,” Alex said as he leapt up off the floor, pulling Addison up with him in the process.

“And why did you want to be the first one to see me this morning?” she asked.

“So I could be the first one to say happy birthday, of course!” he exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.

Addison couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks Alex.”

Alex was elated that he had gotten her to smile, and quickly grabbed the boxes he had waiting for her off of the couch. “Here, I got you something. A few somethings, actually. Happy birthday,” he grinned.

Addison sighed, “Alex, you really shouldn’t have gotten me all of this.”

She grabbed the first box from him and opened it up. Her mouth went agape when she saw what was inside.

“You got me an iPhone?!” Addison exclaimed, “Thank you so much!”

Alex smiled. “Well your sidekick is practically broken in half. So you really needed a new phone. And actually,” he replied, “The phone is from me and my parents. They miss you a lot, Addy.”

Addison frowned. She really hadn’t talked to Alex’s parents in a while. And they had always been so nice to her. She made a mental note to call them later on.

Alex handed her the second box, which was rather small. Addison ripped the paper off and saw a velvet box. Inside of the box was a silver chain necklace. On it was a silver guitar pick and a silver key.

Alex took the necklace out of the box and put it around Addison’s neck.

“You’re my inspiration, Addison, for all of the music I write. And you’ll always have the key to my heart.”

Addison’s heart fluttered as she hugged Alex and thanked him before turning to go get breakfast.

“Wait,” Alex started, “I’m not done. Close your eyes.”

Addison did as she was told and heard Alex walk into another part of the bus. He came back and placed something down in front of her.

“Okay, you can open them now,” he said.

Addison opened her eyes and saw a black hard-leather guitar case in front of her. She knelt down and flipped open each of the three latches. Her mouth went agape when she opened the case and saw what was inside.

She couldn’t find words to describe her happiness. For inside the case was a Gibson SG: the guitar she had always dreamed of buying. She jumped up and onto Alex, hugging him fiercely.

“Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” She exclaimed over and over.

Alex laughed and hugged her back.

“As soon as I found out that you still hadn’t gotten one of these, I knew I had to.” Alex explained, smiling.

After 5 minutes of constant hugging, Addison let go of Alex.

“Thank you Alex,” she said once more and smiled at him.

“There’s one more thing I have for you,” Alex said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He turned around and grabbed something from inside of a cabinet. “I know you hate it, but it doesn’t always have to be that bad. Happy Valentines Day, Addy,” he said as he handed her a single red rose and a box of chocolates.

Addison’s natural instinct was to get mad, but as she looked up into Alex’s eyes, she knew that she couldn’t be mad at him for this. And the butterflies in her stomach agreed.

Addison bit her lip and smiled, “Well Alex, I guess you’re right. Valentines Day isn’t that bad after all.”
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I'm baaaaaaaaack!
My laptop is fixed! Hooray!
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