Feels Like I'm Falling in Love Alone


“Thank you Boston! Goodnight!” Alex yelled as All Time Low finished their halfway point concert on their tour. He and his band mates ran offstage and into the wings. Alex looked around for the person he longed most to see.

“Hey Flyzik, have you seen Addison?”

“She left about halfway through the concert. She said something about not feeling well,” Matt replied.

Alex grabbed a water bottle and jogged out to the tour bus in search of Addison. He quickly punched in the bus code and walked up the stairs. There wasn’t any sign of her in the front lounge or the kitchen area. He walked further into the bus and into the bunk area.

“Addy?” he called out, but there was still no sign of her. He walked into the back lounge and didn’t see her. Alex began to get worried.

“Addy? Are you in here?” he called nervously. He heard a moan coming from the bathroom and quickly ran in. He saw Addison sitting next to the toilet (so she was practically in the shower due to the small size of the bathroom). Her skin was pale and there were purple rings around her eyes.

“Addy, are you okay?” Alex asked as he began to panic.

“No,” Addison moaned, “I think I caught a stomach bug. I’ve been puking for hours.”

Alex peered into the toilet. Sure enough, it was filled with vomit. He cringed and flushed out the bowl.

“Come on Addy, let’s get you to bed,” Alex sighed as he lifted Addison into his arms.

He walked over to the bunks and laid Addison down in his bunk.

“I’m gonna sleep in my bunk with you tonight in case you need my help. Is that okay?” he asked.

Addison nodded, as though that’s all she had energy to do.

Alex climbed over her so he was on the inside. He took off his shirt and jeans, which left him in his boxers. He threw his sweaty clothes to the foot of his bunk, deciding to deal with the mess later. He pulled Addison close to himself and kissed her forehead softly.

“Goodnight Addy. Feel better.”

Addison snuggled closer to Alex.

“Goodnight Alex,” she sighed softly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Does anyone still want me to continue this story?
I got the sudden urge to write, so I decided to write this filler.
But yeah. Is anyone still interested in reading this?

Oh. And follow me on twitter. Ok? twitter.com/erinftw