Feels Like I'm Falling in Love Alone

The Unwanted Reunion

The clock on Addison's bedside table read 9:59. Addison was curled up in bed. On a normal saturday, she wouldn't be getting up for hours, but today was different. Today, she was going to her cousin Jack's house for a "family gathering." In just one minutes time, Addison knew her alarm would go off, playing her favorite mix radio station, and she would have to get up to start her day.

The clock struck 10, and the alarm turned on. Unfortunately, her favorite radio station was playing music Addison did not want to hear.

I've never told a lie, and that makes me a liar...

Addison laughed to herself sarcastically, "That's bullshit and you know it."

I've never made a bet, but we gamble with desire...

Addison threw the covers off of herself and got out of bed. She made her way over to her closet and pulled out a pair of faded black stretch flare jeans and her black Glamour Kills shirt. The music was still playing on her radio.

...Forget about me, it's what I deserve...

Addison growled and threw her sneaker at her radio, effectively shutting it off. "Fuck you Gaskarth."

She closed her eyes and wrapped her right arm around her stomach. No one else could know the pain she still felt every time she thought about that brown-eyed singer. Addison shook her head to clear out her painful thoughts. She changed her clothes and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth and put on her makeup.

When she was done with her morning routine, Addison grabbed her keys and headed out to her car. She put in her Blink-182 Greatest Hits CD and set out for her cousins house.

Two hours later after many tracks of singing along to some of her favorite music, Addison pulled up in front of the beautiful burgandy house.

"It hasn't changed one bit," Addison thought as she got out of her car and walked to the front door. She looked around the front yard as she rang the doorbell.

The door opened, and Addison was swept into a bone crushing hug.

"ADDY! You're here!!!" exclaimed an obviously very excited Jack Barakat.

"I won't be for long if you don't loosen the strangle hold you have on me, Jack-Jack," Addison laughed.

"I'm sorry. It's just. GAH! I'm so excited you're here! It seems like I haven't seen you in forever!" Jack explained.

"Oh yes. Because last sunday when we went to the movies didn't really happen." Addison said rolling her eyes. Jack stuck his tongue out at her and dragged her inside by the arm. She barely made it 10 feet into the house before she was tackled from behind into another hug.

"Guess who!" the voice said.

Addison grinned and spun around in the boys arms, "ZACKY- BEAR! I missed you so much!" she shouted.

Zack smiled. "I missed you too Addy! I haven't seen you for the past month. What have you been up to?"

Addison, Jack, and Zack talked until Rian got there and joined the conversation. She was so happy to be with her boys again. They were her best friends.

A few hours later, Addison and the boys were sitting on the couch. She was watching them play Halo 3, and laughing whenever Jack got beaten by Zack. The doorbell rang, and as usual, the boys were too engulfed in the game to go get it.

"Addy," Jack whined, "Can you go get the door?"

"Nope," Addison answered, popping her 'p', "Go get it yourself Jack-o. It's not like you were winning, anyway."

Zack and Rian laughed while Jack stubbornly stood up to get the door. Addison heard the door open, and Jack greet whoever had shown up. She stood up to go get a snack from the kitchen, and heard her cousin and the guest go into the living room.

She walked back to where the boys were, and looked across the room to where she had been sitting. Her seat was now occupied by a boy who Addison was not expecting, a boy who after 3 years ago, she had no intention of seeing again. The boy looked up. His brown eyes met Addison's green, and the smirk he had been wearing disappeared.

Their eyes had barely met when Addison felt bile rising in her throat and her eyes start to water. She choked on air and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She fell over the toilet and emptied everything that had been in her stomach. She started to sob and layed on the bathroom floor, wrapping her arms around her stomach.

Distantly, she heard knocks at the bathroom door. She figured that was probably Jack, but there was only one thing running through Addison's mind at that point in time.

"Fuck you, Gaskarth."
♠ ♠ ♠
To clear up any confusion, this chapter and the rest of the story takes place 3 years after the first chapter.