Feels Like I'm Falling in Love Alone


Alex Gaskarth stood in the middle of his best friend’s living room. His heart was pounding, and his head was throbbing from the killer hangover he had acquired from the festivities that had occurred the night before. He made his way into the kitchen, and grabbed himself some Advil and a glass of water. He took the pills and got himself a bowl of cereal before sitting at the kitchen table.

Alex sighed and looked at the clock. It was only 9:30, and he couldn’t believe he was awake this early. As much as he wanted to sleep right now, he knew it wouldn’t come to him after the fight he had just gotten into with Addison. He groaned and stood up from the table, suddenly in no mood to eat. He dumped the cereal in the trash and threw the bowl in the sink.

He walked up the long hallway toward the bathroom. Walking in, he shut the door behind him before approaching the mirror. Alex sighed as he looked at his reflection. His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, and the bags under them were prominent in the brightly lit room. He splashed some cold water on his face before leaving the room. When he entered the hall, instead of taking the left that led to the living room, he turned right towards Jack’s bedroom, figuring he would be able to play guitar for a while until the others woke up.

Upon entering the room, he realized it was already occupied. Alex sighed when he saw Addison on Jack’s bed. She was on her back, fast asleep. As he was about to leave the room, he saw Addison flinch, and her arms drop to her stomach. He grimaced when he saw the pain that was on her face, even in her sleep. Alex grabbed Jack’s acoustic guitar and exited the room as quietly as he could.

He headed out to the backyard, to the ladder that was always propped against the back of the house. Carefully, he climbed it to the rooftop, where he sat down after grabbing a guitar pick out of his back pocket.

He thought for a moment, contemplating what to play. Finally, he placed his fingers on the frets, and began to play.

Get me out of this place, before I cause more damage,
A small price to pay for building houses out of matchsticks;
And when things get too hot, you've got me to blame for,
Every fire that breaks out in every lover's name

Don't forget, we've got unfinished business,
Stories yet to unfold,
Tales that must be retold,
And I regret not knowing when to put an end to all this madness,
Keeps me wanting,
Keeps me wanting more

Sell me out I'm yesterday's old news,
Phrases left on paper,
Black ink bleeding through
The pages where we made our history.
Call me foolish,
I feel hopeless...

Running from lions,
Never felt like such a mistake
Running from lions,
Never felt like such a mistake
Running from lions,
Never felt like such a mistake
Running from lions,
Never felt like such a…

Don't forget, we've got unfinished business,
Stories yet to unfold,
Tales that must be retold,
And I regret not knowing when to put an end to all this madness,
Keeps me wanting,
Keeps me wanting,
Keeps me wanting,
Keeps me wanting more

Though he had started the song softly, by the end, he was singing at the top of his lungs. Alex leaned back on the sloped rooftop. He closed his eyes and rested the guitar beside him. Memories flooded his mind as he thought back to the origin of the song.

Jack, Alex, and Addison were standing in the middle Target. Jack’s parents had gone shopping, and the three 15 year olds were left to themselves. Suddenly, Jack got a grin on his face.

“Uh oh,” Alex started, “What are you thinking about, Jack?”

Jack looked around at the store. It was almost empty due to the fact that it was only 30 minutes until closing time.

“Let’s play hide and seek!” Jack shouted.

Addison was hesitant to join in on her cousins antics, until Alex spoke up.

“Aw come on Addy, do it for me?” Alex said, pouting.

“Ugh, fine. But don’t think I’m doing it for you.” Addison said, smiling and sticking out her tongue.

“Fine,” Alex replied, “But I’m not it!”

“Neither am I,” Jack exclaimed. “And for the record, you have to tag the person once you find them Addy.”

Addison shut her eyes and let Jack and Alex have a 20 second head start before she took off after them. She crept through the music section, because she figured Alex would head there first. Suddenly, she got a glimpse of the Blink-182 shirt Alex was wearing before he too saw her and took off running.

Addison sprinted after him, right past Jack, not bothering to tag him on the way by. She chased Alex through the many sections of the store. When they got to the toy aisle, Addison was gaining ground on Alex. Suddenly, he grabbed a stuffed animal off the shelf, and threw it behind him in the general direction of Addison. It hit her right in the face, and they both started laughing, still running through the store.

“Alex, you did NOT just throw a stuffed lion at me!” Addison laughed.

Alex smirked, “So what if I did? What are you going to do about it?”

Addison continued to chase Alex right into the home décor section. Finally, she got within a couple of feet of him, and taking a chance, she dove through the air, hoping she was close enough to hit him. She tackled him onto one of the beds that was on sale in the store.

“Gotcha!” Addison exclaimed.

“I think not!” Alex smiled, as he rolled over and pinned Addison beneath him.

“Let me go!” Addison shouted as Alex began to tickle her.

“Pay the price Addy. Or I won’t let you go,” he smirked.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Addison questioned. Alex pointed to his cheek.

Addison smiled sheepishly, and leaned forward to kiss Alex on the cheek. “There, happy?” she asked.

Alex grinned. “Very,” he replied.
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Not too sure if I liked this one.
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