Feels Like I'm Falling in Love Alone

What Are You Getting Yourself Into?

When Addison woke up, she was glad to find that her hangover was gone, and that her head was no longer throbbing. She opened her cell phone to check the time, and saw that it was 11:11. She rolled her eyes at the thought of making a wish.

“Those things never work anyway,” she thought.

Addison got out of bed and walked to the living room. She saw Jack, Zack, and Rian passed out on the floor, but there was no sign of Alex anywhere.

“Maybe he left,” she thought, relieved at the thought of not seeing Alex Gaskarth again, at least not today.

She walked into the backyard, and looked at the ladder propped against Jack’s house. She though of all the good times her and her best friends (she didn’t include Alex in these thoughts) had on the roof. She smiled, and turned her back to the ladder. She walked over to the tree on the edge of Jack’s property. The old oak tree had a rope swing attached to its largest branch that had been put up by Jack’s parents when he turned 5. Of course, as the kids grew older, they had begun to prefer climbing the tree itself than swinging on the rope.

Addison sighed and sat down. She ran her hand over the tree trunk as she looked at the engravings on it. She could distinctly make out each engraving.

Jack is awesome!
Rian was here.
Zack rocks!
Alex is a loser. <3 Addison
Alex is cooler than you. =P

Addison stood up and walked around to the back of the tree, reading the other various engravings written by her friends and herself. She frowned as she saw one almost at the base of the tree, barely an inch off the ground. She knelt down on the grass and leaned forward. This was something she had never seen before, and she could tell it was not as old as the other words on the tree. Her heart sped up and her breathing became shallow when she saw what it read.

Alex loves Addy. Forever and always.

Addison cringed and quickly stood up. She couldn’t bear to look at the tree anymore. She turned to make her way into the house and almost screamed when she saw someone watching her from the roof.

“What are you staring at, Gaskarth?” Addison hissed.

Alex rolled his eyes, “You honestly think I’d waste my time staring at you? Not a chance. I was just seeing who else was out here.”

“Whatever, Gaskarth,” Addison scoffed as she walked inside. This time, all three boys were awake and sitting at the kitchen table.

“Good morning Addy!” Jack exclaimed with a grin.

“Morning, Jack,” Addison replied.

Addison sat down and ate breakfast with them. She even stayed when Alex came back into the house, though she avoided looking at him at all costs. Suddenly, the silence that had settled in the room was broken by Jack, who had a sheepish look on his face.

“Addy,” he began, “You know how much I love you, right?”

Addison became suspicious immediately. “Yeah, Jack,” she said slowly, “do you want something?” she asked.

“Well… you see… uh… Vinny can’t do merch for us this tour, so I was wondering… would you fill in for him?”

Addison did not answer right away. She considered the pros and cons of the situation. Yes, she would have to share a bus with Alex Gaskarth, but on the other hand, she would be traveling the country with her three best friends. In the end, Addison knew there was only one way she could respond.

“I’ll do it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I know it's short.
But at least it's an update, right? =D

Seriously though, I need more readers if I'm going to continue this story.
I feel like only 5 people actually read this, and hardly anyone comments.
So really, if you want me to keep writing this, please please PLEASE comment.

On another note, I wrote a completely amazing chapter for this story that won't come for a while, but I'm so excited for you to read it. If you want to get a sneak peek, just comment me and I'll message you part of it.

So yeah, that's about it.
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