Feels Like I'm Falling in Love Alone

Secret's Out

Two weeks had passed since Jack had asked Addison to come on the road with All Time Low, and they were now nine days into their U.S. tour. Upon first stepping onto the bus, Addison was met with several unfortunate realities: one, she would have to sleep in the bunk directly across from Alex; two, she would have to share a small bathroom with four boys for five months; and three, Hot Pockets and Easy Mac would probably be the healthiest foods she would be eating while on tour.

It was 9 PM, and Addison was sitting on the couch in the lounge reading The Host, one of her favorite books. She was enjoying the peace and quiet in the bus, a rare occurrence with the All Time Low boys. Suddenly, Jack came bursting out of the bunk area with Zack right behind him.

I guess I spoke too soon, Addison thought.

“Jack!” Zack exclaimed, “You really need to start sleeping back in your own bunk, man. I’m sure the spider is gone by now.”

“But Zack,” Jack whined, “You know how much I hate spiders. What if it’s still there and waiting until I get back to bite me and turn me into some mutant spider? And then what if you guys don’t realize what happened to me and someone steps on me while I’m chasing the real spider away?”

Zack rolled his eyes. “Fine, Jack,” he sighed, “I’ll go check your bunk out for you and make sure the spider is gone. But seriously, you need to sleep in your own bunk tonight and not in mine. I’m sick of sleeping on the floor while you’re in my bunk.”

Addison laughed at Jack’s irrational story, and at the irritated look on Zack’s face. She stood up and walked to her bunk. She put her book with the rest of her things, and turned to go to the kitchen for a snack. As she turned around, she walked right into the chest of Alex Gaskarth.

“Watch where you’re going,” Alex seethed.

“Why don’t you watch where you’re standing, Gaskarth?” Addison growled in response. She pushed past him and made her way to the kitchen. Unfortunately, things didn’t stop there. Alex followed her out, and began his onslaught once more.

“Wow, someone’s PMS-ing,” he scoffed.

Addison tried her best to ignore him, and placed her hands on her stomach.

“What? Your stomach hurts?” Alex asked, “Maybe you should lay off the cock sucking.”

Addison didn’t respond.

“Oh she’s ignoring me. Ouch. That hurts. Right,” Alex rolled his eyes.

By this time, Jack, Rian, and Zack had all gathered to see what was going on. Addison gritted her teeth while trying to keep calm.

“Shut up, Gaskarth,” Addison said trying to keep her voice level.

“You’re just upset because I don’t want to fuck you.” Alex smirked.

That was the statement that pushed Addison over the edge. She spun around, stomped forward, and allowed her hand to make contact with Alex’s cheek, resulting in a loud slapping noise that shocked all four boys in the room.

“You prick! You stupid inconsiderate asshole! Maybe if you actually paid attention to someone other than yourself, you would actually know why I’m such a bitch to you. And you would know why I put my hands on my stomach when you talk that way to me! You hurt me, Gaskarth. You messed with me and then cut yourself out of my life. And if you weren’t such a dick after that night, you would know exactly why I act the way I do.” Addison screamed.

Despite being yelled at, Alex kept his attitude going.

“What? What could be so bad in your life, Addison? You’re such a drama queen.” Alex sneered.

Addison’s eyes started to water, and she was forcing herself not to cry. She couldn’t cry. She wouldn’t cry. Not yet. Addison looked at Alex, intentionally locking her eyes with his for the first time in years.

“I was fucking pregnant Alex. I was pregnant with our baby. I lost it, and you weren’t fucking there for me. You don’t even know how much it hurt, Alex. You don’t fucking know how much emotional pain I went through. Not that you would have cared, anyway.” Addison screamed. She turned and ran to her bunk without even waiting for a reaction from Alex. She climbed in and shut the curtain behind her.

Finally, in the confinements of her own bunk, Addison let herself cry.
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