Status: active

The Party Scene Got The Best Of Us...And Look Where We Ended Up.


“Honey, do you have any idea as to how this may have happened?” Persephone hurriedly asked her daughter, as they entered their house after dinner.

“Well, mom, as you explained to me all those years ago-“ Soraya started, sarcastically.

“Okay, that’s not what I mean,” her mother cut her off, “Do you have any idea who the father might be?”

As Persephone said this, Alec sprinted out of the kitchen where the other two stood.

“Hmph, he seems to know something.” Soraya retorted.

“He has older friends, maybe one of them has something to do with this?”

“You say that like it’s another one of their pranks or something. One of my friends is pregnant. This isn’t a joke! Her life isn’t ever going to be the same, and you know how unstable her family already is!” Soraya angrily replied.

“We’d love to have her over here so she can talk through the options with us. We can let her know all there is to know about anything regarding the pregnancy, and even have Aunt Ellie over to talk to her.” Persephone said calmly, referring to her sister who was a social worker.

“Yeah, I’m sure she’d like that. I’ll talk to her about it at school tomorrow.”

“Mom, we’re home!” Soraya yelled for her mother.

“Okay, go ahead and sit down at the table, I’m just finishing some laundry and I’ll be down in a minute!” Persephone yelled back.

“Danielle, if you’d like anything to eat go ahead and help yourself. I’m going to run to the bathroom quickly if you don’t mind.” Soraya said.

“Oh, it’s not a problem! I’ll wait for you and your parents, thank you.” Danielle replied.

As Soraya was in the bathroom, Jack and Alec came home from All Time Low’s band practice. Jack and Persephone had let Alec skip half the school day so he could sit in at the band’s practice, as they let him do once a month or so.

“Dad, that new song sounds so cool, I can’t wait to- Oh, hi Danielle.” Alec said, quickly looking away from her.

“Hi Alec, how are you doing?” Danielle replied, eagerly.

“Oh you know, same old. Uh well, I uh, gotta, yeah.” Alec shot as he scurried away.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into that kid lately…Anyways, we’re glad to have you over here, Danielle, as always, and please know that you’re welcome here at any time of day if you need to get away or talk to someone. Someone’s almost always home, and we all care about you very much. If you’d like to, you may think of us as your second family.” Jack said with genuine compassion.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Barakat, I might just have to take you guys up on that offer a few more times.” Danielle jokingly replied.

“Please, Mr. Barakat is my father. Call me Jack. And we certainly do hope you’ll feel welcome here at all times!’

“Hey, Dad. Did Mom come down yet?” Soraya asked, coming back into the room.

“Not yet sweetie, she should be down soon tho-“

“Alright, I’m here! Now we can get this party started!” Persephone exclaimed, entering the kitchen.

“You always have a way of interrupting things.” Jack said, jokingly.

“Yeah, it’s a talent I’ve perfected over the years.” Persephone retorted.

“Okay, can we ‘get this party started’ as you so lovingly put, mother, now?” Soraya interrupted, obviously annoyed by her parent’s behavior.

“Yes, of course Soraya, Danielle, sorry about that…’ Jack blushed, “So, you said you didn’t want to talk to Persephone’s sister, Danielle?”

“No, I don’t. I already know I’m keeping my child. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I put it up for adoption, let alone think about the other thing…” Danielle trailed off.

“Oh, of course! We understand completely, and we, well, I, think you’re making the right decision. It might not be the easiest at first, but you’ll certainly have a huge support system through the whole experience, as well as after the baby is born.” Persephone showed her delight with Danielle’s decision.

“Thank you for your support, Mrs. Barakat, I really appreciate all your family has already done for me, and all you will do for me in the months ahead.” Danielle expressed her gratitude towards her friend’s family.

The family began to discuss with Danielle what would have to happen in the upcoming months, with doctors, other appointments, and of course all the fun symptoms that come with a pregnancy. She also decided, with the family’s help, to finish up Junior year then drop out and get her GED so she could stay full time with her baby. She would work on her GED as soon as she felt able to, then hopefully start college classes right when she was done with that. She could not thank them enough times with all their help, though they kept insisting that they wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Danielle, honey, if you don’t mind my asking, do you know who the father is?” Persephone questioned.

“Oh, I don’t mind you asking at all, but, you see, well…I don’t know.” Danielle stumbled out an answer.

‘Dear, we don’t judge in this house. We don’t think any less of you about whatever the circumstances are that you don’t know who the father is.” Persephone answered.

“Again, I really appreciate that, I figured you guys wouldn’t mind, I just didn’t want to bring it up if I didn’t have to.”

“Of course, we completely understand, dear. And if you ever want to try to find out who the father is, we’re certainly not opposed to helping you there, too.”

“Thank you all, so much for your support. I will certainly be back over soon.”

“Dear, take my cell phone number so you can call me in case you ever have any questions, or if you just want to talk. I’m almost always available.” Persephone said as she handed Danielle a piece of paper with her number scrawled on it.

“I’m gonna take her home now, ma.” Soraya interjected.

“Right, right, it’s a school night, you should get home. Don’t forget, if you ever want to-“

“I think she gets the picture, Mom.” Soraya said flatly.

“Thank you again, I can’t say it enough.” Danielle stated a final time, “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you all very soon!”

As they were getting in the car, Soraya jokingly told Danielle, “Jeez, I never get that much attention at home. Maybe I should do something even crazier than getting pregnant.”

“Oh, I’m sure they’d love that.” Danielle joked.

“Oh, for sure! Now, do you really not know who the father is?” Soraya asked.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading! This really isn't any good, but there ya go!
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