Status: Hiatus. Not sure how long, sorry.

What Does L-O-V-E Spell?

Somebody Get Me Through This Nightmare


Try as I may, I could NOT get that image of Kaylie in the matching bra and underwear set out of my head! AND I get a massage from her? Sweet!

Yeah, sweet to have her hands all over your body, caressing and rubbing and-
EW! That's EVANS!
Oh, you know she's hot as hell! You've thought so ever since you noticed her at the Yule Ball in fourth year!
Stop it! I'm not listening! LALALALA!
Ha! You just keep trying to convince yourself that you don't still dream about her her in that strapless green and silver dress
Uh huh.... And that you didn't stare at her in History of Magic last year
I didn't! Shut up! Wait, why am I arguing myself?
Cuz you know I'm right
Shut up!

I rolled onto my back and tried to go to sleep. I turned to look at Kaylie's bed. She was facing me, fast asleep. I couldn't help but stare. She really was pretty. Most girls I go after wear tons of make up and then when they don't, it's like being in a monster movie. But Kaylie looks just as good without make up as she does with it on. As I was looking at her, her face turned from peaceful to terrified as she started to thrash around a little bit. I figured that she must be having a bad dream so I called out her name in an attempt to wake her up. Instead though, she started punching the air and screaming "No! Take me! Not them!" I jumped out of bed and turned her onto her back and sat on her hips, pinning her hands abover her head so she couldn't hurt herself. She started screaming "YOU BASTARD!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!" and thrashing around. I shook her and screamed her name. Finally her eyes snapped open and I saw the pain in her beautiful green eyes, before they overflowed with tears.

"Kaylie, what's wrong? What did you dream about?" I asked, honestly concerned. I had never seen someone react to a dream like that.

"The night the Death Eaters killed my parents." she cried.

"Your parents were killed by Death Eaters?" I asked. She nodded. "How long ago?"

"I was eight. Two Death Eaters came to my house and my parents told me to hide and no matter what happened, stay quiet. I ran into a closet and watched as they totrured my parents for information they didn't even have. The woman kept asking my mom where I was and that Voldemort wanted me and my mom said I was at a friend's house and they tortured her but she didn't want them to have me so she kept being tortured, until they decided they were telling the truth and killed them. I'll never forget that night!" she sobbed.

I didn't know what to do so I let go of her hands, leaned down and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed into my shoulder. I sat there in that awkward position until my back started to hurt. Then I lifted the covers and and laid down next to her. I could tell she was a little surprised but she just laid her head on my chest and cried silently as I rubbed her arm. She finally fell asleep and so did I.

Kaylie's POV

I woke up in the morning laying on something kinda hard, yet very comfortable. I lifted my head and stared into Malfoy's sleeping face.

Oh my god, I didn't do anything stupid did I?
Chill! He just comforted you after you dreamed about your parents again, remember?
Oh yeah, I hate that dream.... I can't believe Malfoy was so nice!
Hm.... he's not as bad as you thought huh?
Ok, I KNOW where you're going with this, but the answer is still no!
Whatever, you'll see it my way sooner or later!

I eased his arm off of me and got up. I took a shower, did my hair and makeup and got dressed. I went back into the room to see Malfoy sprawled out on my bed, still fast asleep. I chuckled and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill and wrote him a note.

Thanks for everything last night, I really do appreciate it. Please, please don't mention anything about my parents. Only my really close friends, and now you, know about it. Thank you again! See ya later!


I went to find Meghan and Mandi. They were sharing a room with Pansy and some girl named Sarah. Sarah was a major slut. Blonde, fake tan, fake teeth, fake boobs, always wore slutty clothes. Pansy was a loser. I would feel bad if she wasn't such a bitch. She is in love with Draco. She hates me because in fourth year, she went to the Yule Ball with Malfoy but he asked me to dance twice.

I reached their room and went in. Luckily, neither Sarah or Pansy were there. I started talking to the girls about random things, but I decided to keep quiet about Malfoy. I knew they would just overreact and make a big deal out of nothing. I remembered that I had to talk to McGonagall so I hugged them and left.

Draco's POV

I woke up about 1pm to find myself alone in Kaylie's bed. I stretched my arms and felt a note on the pillow next to me. I picked it up and saw the girly handwriting. Aw, she thinks I'm gonna blab about her parents.... That sucks. I'd never do that. I put the note in my dresser drawer and took a shower. I couldn't believe I had slept so long! I went down to the common room and sat there staring at the empty fireplace since there was no one else in the room. Then the portal opened and in bounced an incredibly hot blonde. The one and only Sarah Meyers. The girl is dumb as hippogriph dung, but she has a really nice rack!

"Hey Draco!!" she said, bouncing over and sitting on my lap. "I've missed you so much over the summer!" she winked at me.

"Did you now?" I smirked.

"Oh yes! None of the other guys I was with were ANYTHING compared to you!" she said, playing with my hair.

"How many other guys were there?" I asked.

"Oh, only 15 or 16." she shrugged.

Whoa, red light!! "Hm...." I said. "Hey listen, I've gotta go run an errand but I'll catch up with you later ok?"

"Oh, where are you going?" she asked.

"Library." I lied quickly.

"Oh, I have to go there too! I'll come with you!" she said, jumping up.

"Um, ok." I couldn't think of anything so I guess I was stuck with her. We were walking down the corridor, her hanging all over me. We walked in silence until someone opened a door and hit me in the shoulder, knocking me to the ground.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted.

"Oh my god!! I'm SO sorry!! Are you okay?" the voice said. I looked up into the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen.

"You almost killed him, Evans!!" Sarah yelled.

"I'm so sorry Draco! I really didn't mean it!" Kaylie pleaded.

"You know Evans, it's girls like you that give us blondes a bad name!" Sarah yelled at her.

"Shut up Sarah, I'm alright." I told her. Kaylie reached her hand down to help me up. I reached my arm up to take it, but Sarah knocked her out of the way and took my hand.

"I'll help you up sweetie. You don't need to touch her. Who knows what she is infected with? Muggle lover....." Sarah said.

"I'm not the one that's infected, slut!" Kaylie said angrily. "How many STDs have you gotten over the summer? Or can you even count that high?"

"Excuse me bitch?" Sarah said, getting in Kaylie's face.

"You heard me skank. Go suck some random guy in the broom closet, it's what you're good at! Sorry again Malfoy." she said as she turned to walk away.

Sarah whipped out her wand and tried to curse Kaylie's back.

"NO!" I yelled and Kaylie turned around and yelled "EXPELLIARMIS!" right before she could finish the curse.

"Wow, freakin ho, trying to curse my back? REAL classy." she said and walked away again.

I stood there in awe of Kaylie as she walked away. Is it wierd that her being so agressive towards Sarah really turned me on?
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, freakin ho. Can't count to 20 lol I dunno, I'm tired, cut me some slack.

Alright, I'll post more in the morning. Comment and subscribe peeps!

Title Credit: The Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace. Hey, coincidentaly, I have an MShadows story called that, you should check it out ;P