Cynical Relations

Chapter Twenty;

Lacie laid in the hospital wing under Madam Pomfrey’s watchful eye. The poison was slowly being counteracted but she was told that it’d take up to two days and though the initial pain had disappeared, she was still aching and often had dizzy spells. If Snape hadn’t arrived when he had, Lacie would’ve ended up paralysed.

Lacie was laid on her side, curled into the covers and away from any of the sunlight that hurt her delicate eyes. Around her she could hear Madam Pomfrey bustling around and looking after the couple of other students in there with her. Ron had visited her after he’d had lunch in the Great Hall with everyone, bringing along Hermione and Harry as well who awkwardly stood near the doorway whilst waiting for Ron.

“How did you find out?” Lacie asked confused.

“Dumbledore told everyone today what had happened. He didn’t go into detail about what happened or who was involved or anything but I heard Draco and realised it must’ve been you. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner, I knew I should’ve walked you to your homeroom or something,” Ron was sat in a chair beside her bed looking at her with cautious eyes.

“You heard Draco?” Lacie couldn’t help but question. She had her eyes closed but listened intently to Ron’s voice.

“Yeah, he snapped at Pansy after Dumbledore’s speech, saying how she’d been the one that had made you leave in the first place or something. That’s why I assumed it must’ve been you,” Ron leant back in the chair, feeling slightly awkward as he carefully chose his words,

“you know, I don’t think Draco meant for any of this to happen.” Lacie opened her eyes slightly and looked at Ron with questioning eyes.

“Why are you sticking up for him? I thought you hated him.”

“I do, I do, don’t get me wrong. It’s just, after hearing the way he reacted earlier to Pansy it just kind of shocked me slightly,” Confusion showed on Lacie’s face as Ron struggled to explain, “Well it’s like the many times Draco has hurt Hermione, I’ve reacted like that - he just, I don’t know, he just seemed to really care about you.”

“Ron I think it’s time you went,” Lacie spoke softly as tears came to her eyes as she closed them again, “it’s Saturday, you should be making the most of it.”

“Okay,” Ron stood and looked down at Lacie’s curled up form, “I’m sorry if I upset you, I didn’t mean to. Get well soon Lacie,” he whispered before placing a hand on her shoulder and then turning to leave.
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Well i've finished writing this now, just a couple more chapters to go :) x