

The name my rich mother and father christened me was Kilala Jane May. I am very fond of it; just like everything else in my life. The name Kilala was the name of the lovely midwife who tended my mother while she was pregnant with me, my mother simply adored her. Jane was the name of my father’s mother. She had died the week before I was born. And May is the name of the family. I live in May House situated in a Hamlet in Somerset, with my family. My brother, Seth, is four years older than me; he is twenty and is in the Royal Air Force. My family have always been very rich so money is no problem.
My friends envy me, I have everything they want; from the latest fashion to concert tickets for huge bands around the world. My boyfriend, Jayce, is perfect. Tall, Muscular and sweet-minded. There really is nothing that I don’t have. But my life isn’t perfect as you would think it is. I wouldn’t want it to be. What a boring life it would be to have nothing worth fighting for. I have to fight for everything. I have to fight for my friends, my boyfriend, my clothes, my concert tickets and everything else in my life. My friends may think I’m perfect but really in my heart I’m just an ugly duckling who hasn’t bloomed yet.

“Kilala! Where are they?! Let me see them now!” My best friend Lizzy screamed at me as I made my way down the path towards her house. Her face was stretched with excitement and happiness, her large smile lighting up her face. I grinned at her and pulled out the envelope.
“EEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!” She screamed. She snatched the envelope out my hands and took a closer look. “Oh... my... goodness... I can’t fucking believe it! Tickets to see My Chemical Romance at Wembley! I love you so much Kilala!” She started to jump and run around in circles.
“I know you do. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.” Lizzy grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled and hugged her back.
“So are you happy? Silly question really... but I worked like hell to get my father to pay for these babies.”
“YES!!! You are so bloody lucky to have such a rich family! You’re perfect!”
“I’m not perfect and you know it.”
“You’re the only one who can’t see it. You’re blind to perfection!”
“No I’m not, because there is no such thing as perfection.”
“Humph.” Lizzy turned around and made her way back indoors, whilst looking at the tickets in her hands. She was shaking with joy.

“Do you want to go get some fish and chips at The Chippy?” I said an hour later. Lizzy had finally calmed down from the hype of holding the concert tickets.
“Yeah, sure! I’ll just get my shoes.”
A few minutes later we made our way down the dark street.
“So, fourth of August! I can’t believe that this time next month, you and I will have seen My Chem!” Lizzy squealed for the third time in five minutes.
“Yes! I know!” I said happily back.
“It’s too good to be true!” We walked out on to the road to cross the street. There was suddenly a screech of brakes and I felt Lizzy crash into me and I fell to the floor my head cracked on the concrete and I blacked out.

“Kilala? Can you hear me?” A white bright light burned my eyes. I groaned. Ouch. A sharp pain stung the side of my head. My eyes started to adjust to the light and there hovering above me was Seth; my brother.
“What happened? Where am I?” I croaked.
“You’re in the hospital. You were hit by a car, you stepped out into the road and the car plunged into you.”
Visions started to fill my hurting head. Bright light, the cracking of my head, Lizzy crashing into...
“Where’s Lizzy?”
Seth hesitated.
“What’s happened to her? She was next to me in the street.”
“I’m sorry Kilala, but, Lizzy was killed by the impact. I’m terribly sorry.”
No... no, no, no, no, no. It can’t be. Why? Please be lying? NO. Lizzy... This is my fault. If I hadn’t...
“No. It’s not true. It can’t be.” A tear rolled down my cheek. Followed by another and another.
“I’m sorry.” Seth kissed my forehead.
I felt numb. My entire body was stinging, burning, screaming. Noooo! Sobs escaped my mouth. My body wasn’t under my control anymore. I was going under never to resurface the same. I always knew there was no such thing as perfection. Lizzy...
♠ ♠ ♠
I think this is rather short for what it is.
But this is my first one-shot.
Comment please! I'd love to hear from you!