Green Day Vs Bush

'its one of those 'id tell you but i'd have to kil


Man that concert last night was fantastic. Despite getting back so late, I was up before everyone else. I had to be, unless I wanted them to know about my 'little souvenir'. I went out the shed. No one ever went out there, so it was the perfect place to hide things, and what I was hiding was fairly big.

As I entered there was a muffled yell from behind a wall of boxes. I headed towards it, I knew exactly what it was. As I rounded the corner , I saw my little secret bound and gagged against the wall. "mmphf!" he tried to yell, but it was muffled by the gag. As brave as he was trying to seem, I could see his beautiful sapphire eyes shining with fear. I wouldn't hurt him ever, but he didn't know that. I knelt beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He pulled away. "Its okay, Mike, I'm not going to hurt you." I said softly. "I'm gonna take the gag off, but you've gotta promise that you wont yell, no one will here you anyway."

He nodded and I took it off. He spat on the floor and glared at me. "Why am I here, and what do you want with me?" he snarled. Despite his apparent anger, I could tell he was scared of what the answer would be.

I sighed, I couldn't tell him the whole truth, despite really wanting to. "Its for your own good Mike." I replied.


I headed up into the attic early in the morning. I'd not wanted to do this, to put them all through this, but I was assured that there was no other way. He had woken up by now, the pills we'd slipped in his drink had worn off, and his blazing green eyes were gleaming with terror. I felt really sorry for the poor guy, but better 3 hostages that 3 corpses. I walked towards him, hoping he would understand...

Oh god! OhgodohgodohgodohGOD! What the hell am I doing here? I don't remember anything. One minute I was swigging beers after the concert last night, the next I woke up in total darkness, with only my thoughts for company, and they weren't nice thoughts either. Now, some girl's come up here, turning the light on and nearly blinding me. She was approaching me with one of those looks that said, 'I wish there was another way'. Oh god! She's gonna f***ing kill me! Just then I felt an embarrassing dampness in my pants. Well that's just GREAT! She smiled gently and knelt down beside me. I shifted away from her as much as I could, which wasn't a lot, considering that a) I was tied up, and b) I was in a corner.
"I expect you're wondering why you're here." She said.

"yeah actually." I tried to say, but it came out muffled.

The girl smiled again. "I'll take that as a yes" she said, "okay, firstly, me and my friends belong to a secret organisation called the World Leaders Observational Society. Basically what we do if spy on major world leaders. We have members of every nationality, age and profession. Don't ask how we found this out, its one of those 'I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you' things, but... " she paused, unable to say what she knew she had to. "Oh Billie, George Bush is trying to KILL you!"