Green Day Vs Bush

"Don’t you know dumbass? BUSH IS GONNA GET IT!”

I sat watching Hannie play her drums. She seemed keen to show off to me, to impress one of the best drummers in the world. She was succeeding, if I ever died, I'd haunt the guys and tell them to get her to replace me. Thinking like that brought back bad memories, recent bad memories. That night had sucked, but I hadn't made it worse, despite temptation. Hannie's room had been a bit of a turn-off anyway, I was being stared at the whole time... by myself. Her room was a shrine to ME, scary. I had no idea I had a fan club, but apparently I do. It kinda makes you feel special, but its freaky how devoted some people are to our music. Hannie stopped playing and looked at me expectantly. I smiled. "You're good kid. You'll be the next me." She laughed at that, wow, she had a good sense of humour too. Man, she was so pretty, but I had to control myself. I had a feeling if I endangered her, she was allowed to kill me. Besides, I'd never forgive myself. She was great, and I could tell she liked me, but as a friend. She was too young for me anyway. Obviously, she noticed me thinking. "Tre, I can tell what you're thinking. Don't worry, when you get out of here, I'll get the guys to hire you a hooker." I smiled, then laughed. Damn that kid knew how to hit the spot. She's almost as clever as me.

I was sat in on a crate, lost in thought. Adie noticed my face and turned to me, concerned. "Bil, honey, what's wrong?"
I jumped, taken by surprise. "What, oh nothing. I'm fine."
"No, something's up, tell me," she said. I looked into her deep brown eyes, and melted.
"It's just, how long are we going to be here? And why does he want me dead? It's just so confusing. I want to go home, I want to be able to go outside again. I just want my life back." I sounded like I a little kid, a scared little kid who'd lost his mom at the mall. Adie wrapped her arms around me, and stroked my hair. "It's okay Billie, we all feel the same. But we will get home soon, I hope. Don't worry."

I looked into her face, and she suddenly grabbed mine and pulled me into a passionate kiss. "Eww, guys, keep it PG-13, PLEASE!" Sadie laughed as she came up the ladder. We broke apart, looking embarrassed at being caught. Joey and Jake were sniggering from the other end of the attic. I glared at them, and they gave me that innocent 'what was I doing?' look. I rolled my eyes, oh well, life goes on I guess. "So," I said, changing the subject, "any news Sadie?"
"Yep," she replied.
"And... what's up?"
"Well, My buddy Freddy talked to the WLOS council about a week ago, and today, he found something VERY interesting in his inbox."
"What was it?" I was dying to know, maybe this could end all our problems.
"The assassination order for Bush!"

I was silent as this sunk in. Then, Jake whooped excitedly and leapt on Sadie, hugging her hard. Then we all started yelling excitedly, Adie grabbed me and kissed me again, this time we didn't care who was watching. Sadie's communicator beeped suddenly, she answered, then poked me and handed it over. "What?" There was a confusing noise, possibly singing, on the other end, then Mike shouted something into the phone. It was hard to make out, but he was obviously happy. "Calm down Mike!" I said, laughing.
"Calm down?! CALM DOWN?! Don't you know dumbass? BUSH IS GONNA GET IT!" he laughed.